If you enjoy the outdoors and enjoy sharing it with others check out my site www.thefloridahunter.com. Please sign up for the "Hunters Hide" forum and start posting. Help me get this off it's feet.
I bought a Kawasaki Prarie 360 4x4 and went for my first real ride today. The bike seems kind of sluggish to me. The motor runs perfect but it doesn't go but about 35 mph top speed. Is this the norm or could there be something going on like a stretched belt or something of the sort. It is a 2005 model with very few hours on it. Are these bikes just this slow or is there a governor on them.
Yes it is a buzz and 3 or 4 clicks. I bought the bike from a girl that rode it 2 or 3 times. The bike is practically new. Will this noise go away after it's good and broke in?
Any River Ranch members do any hunting this year? I am thinking about joinning and buying a lot. Just curious to know if the hunting is any good out there?
I added a little to the site. See what you think. I am looking to take this site to the next level but need some help on my search engine submission and other ways to generate traffic. If there are any computer nuts that know a lot about websites and would like to take on this project with me let me know. This site could be huge. The domain name alone will be a hit soon and could be worth something. Send me a pm and we'll talk.