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1  General / Racing Scene / Re: Sad News. on: November 09, 2008, 09:46:39 PM
Hey Brady , So So Sorry To Hear The Sad News . Angela And I Send Our Heartfelt Prayers To You And Your Entire Family.
2  General / Racing Scene / Re: TT Track Design- New Design or Old Design??? on: July 09, 2008, 04:41:47 PM
Hey Sandbagger LOCKHART Not Lochart , Who's Teaching Who !  Shocked But Wese Are A Little Crazy Ya Her Meh !
3  General / Racing Scene / Re: TT Track Design- New Design or Old Design??? on: July 02, 2008, 09:57:14 PM
LOL! Hell I don't care what I gotta Do As Long As I Can Ride ! You Can Only Ride Around The Damn Neighborhood So Many Times HAHA ! Wink
4  General / Racing Scene / Re: TT Track Design- New Design or Old Design??? on: July 02, 2008, 08:08:19 PM
Well Well Well ! After All That , Brady I'm Sure We All Agree When I Say Take Care Of Mama First And When The Track Get's Done We Will Def. Be There For Ya ! I'm Ready To Ride As Bad As Anyone , See Ya Soon !
5  General / Racing Scene / Re: INJURED RIDER BENEFIT on: June 03, 2008, 10:09:01 PM
I will find and let ya know jayman ,  Thank you
6  General / Racing Scene / Re: Thunderbowl Speedway Re-opening Soon. on: June 03, 2008, 08:48:58 PM
It's about time you blow the dust off that HONDER and ride agian.
7  General / Racing Scene / INJURED RIDER BENEFIT on: June 03, 2008, 08:40:53 PM
Kyle Thrush
Basketball Benefit
On Friday, April 4, 2008, Kyle suffered serious head injuries in a devastating
dirtbike accident. He was given a 4% chance to live. With many prayers and
God’s healing touch, Kyle has beaten the odds.
Kyle left Arnold Palmer Hospital on Friday, May 2, for a rehab center in
Jacksonville. The healing road ahead will be a long journey for both Kyle and his
All contributions are appreciated and will be directed to the Thrush family to help
with the financial burden. Direct donations may be made payable to Robert & Jodi
Thrush, at any of the five branches of The First National Bank of Mount Dora or
mailed to: FNB, P O Box 995, Sorrento, FL 32776. Please note “Kyle Fund” on
the check’s memo line.
Faith Lutheran School and Wesh-TV 2 have teamed up
for a Basketball Game to Benefit Kyle Thrush.
Coached by:
Greg Fox
Coached by:
Michael Repass
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Faith Lutheran Christian Life Center
2727 South Grove Street, Eustis, FL
Silent Auction
5:30 p.m. until 3rd Quarter
Many items available, including memorabilia
Bake Sale
5:30 p.m.
Basketball Game
Warm-up: 6:30 p.m.
Game Time: 7:00 p.m.
Donation: $5 per person
Tickets Available At The Door
Seating Limited
Checks payable to:
Robert & Jodi Thrush
“Kyle Fund” noted on the memo line
Sponsored by:
8  General / Racing Scene / Re: Thunderbowl Speedway Re-opening Soon. on: May 29, 2008, 03:45:34 PM
Hell Yeah  Evil Evil Evil. Way to go Mr. Brady see  ya soon !
9  General / Racing Scene / Re: Prayers for Bradys wife on: May 18, 2008, 12:23:49 AM
Hey Brady ! So So sorry to hear that man , Our Prayers are with you and your family !
10  General / Open Discussion / Re: 400ex or Z400? on: April 30, 2008, 06:39:49 PM
By Far The Z 400 . Great Bike , Don't get me wrong the Honda is very reliable but the Suzuki is a better Quad.
11  General / Racing Scene / Re: Motocross Rider Hurt - Need Your Prayers on: April 21, 2008, 03:05:49 PM
Hey guy's , To let yall know he is doing a little better and responding more and more , just doing it in Baby steps. So looks like it will be a while before he's out.
12  General / Racing Scene / Re: Motocross Rider Hurt - Need Your Prayers on: April 18, 2008, 05:00:28 PM
I'm calling his Dad tonight to get an update , As soon as I do I'll give yall the latest.
13  General / Racing Scene / Re: April 19th Event Auburndale Speedway is On!!!! 12pm!! on: April 15, 2008, 10:18:20 PM
AWWWWW I was even going to see if I could get Snicker's to dust off that Honda he can't sell .. LOL
14  General / Racing Scene / Re: April 19th Event Auburndale Speedway is On!!!! 12pm!! on: April 15, 2008, 10:05:33 PM
I'm startin to feel that itch again ! Maybe we will come watch this one , Hey Brady Ya got that Kawasnotski running yet ? Johnny need's some competition ! Cool
15  General / Racing Scene / Re: Motocross Rider Hurt - Need Your Prayers on: April 14, 2008, 09:02:00 PM
Just got an update ! He has now started twitching his eyes and stretching his arm's and leg's and reacting to their test's very well. Still hasn't opened his eyes , but he is still pretty sedated @ this time . Hopefully he will be asking for his helmet to go riding soon .
16  General / Racing Scene / Re: Motocross Rider Hurt - Need Your Prayers on: April 14, 2008, 06:50:22 PM
I knew We could count on you guy's and gal's . He Is making a little progress everyday , His brain pressure is staying stable and they are starting to slowly take him off the seditive , But it just takes time and I will let ya know if they need anything .          Thank You
17  General / Racing Scene / Motocross Rider Hurt - Need Your Prayers on: April 13, 2008, 03:21:08 PM

13 yr old Kyle Thrush was seriously injured @ Bithlo on the 4th of April while practicing with his Dad. He was jumping the 50ft. double when his bike nose dived on him and he hit head first and then the bike landed on him. He is doing a little better but still hasn't woke up yet. So please say a prayer for him and the whole Thrush family , they are great people and great friend's of mine . The great thing about this sport is we all stick together and help each other however we can when we need help.

                                                                                                   Thank You ,
                                                                                                     J Kent
18  General / Racing Scene / Re: 2 honda 450's for sale, one national tt ready on: February 19, 2008, 07:36:12 PM
 Shocked Shocked Shocked  OOOOHHHH please don't scare us !!!! LOL
I can only ride this Ltr around the neighborhood so long
Can't wait till the track is done .
19  General / Racing Scene / Re: 2 honda 450's for sale, one national tt ready on: February 18, 2008, 03:06:43 PM
NAH ! He Aint Done !  He's a Bought him one a those high class Kawasaki's !  Cool
20  General / Racing Scene / Re: 2 honda 450's for sale, one national tt ready on: February 13, 2008, 03:15:21 PM
LOL ! There He Is !
21  General / Racing Scene / Re: 2 honda 450's for sale, one national tt ready on: February 10, 2008, 07:59:29 PM
Yea ya know he could get a Kawi 450 and wait and wait and wait on It to actually run . LOL HAHAHA  Is that thing ready yet ? Wink

How's the new track comin along.
22  General / Racing Scene / Re: 2 honda 450's for sale, one national tt ready on: February 09, 2008, 07:43:09 PM
LOL ! I'm wondering if he is selling his quad's to invest in Snicker Stock ! He Needs to buy an LTR !   Grin
23  General / Racing Scene / Re: 2 honda 450's for sale, one national tt ready on: February 06, 2008, 01:47:12 PM
He left out a letter It's Southernways    LOL !
24  General / Racing Scene / Re: Updates. on: February 04, 2008, 03:39:23 PM
 Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin

That's what I'm Talkin about !!!!  Thank's Brady , We really appreciate the time effort you put into this sport. Like I said before man if ya need help call us ! 
25  General / Racing Scene / Re: THUNDERBOWL SPEEDWAY CLOSED - ALL RACES CANCELLED. on: January 29, 2008, 06:19:21 PM
 Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry

I'm so pissed that someone would even sell to someone who condones drug's , ho's and undermining someone who has turned this place into a wonderful facility. Brady we all thank you for your hard work and admiration to develop and maintain such a great track and make It what you rarely see anymore KID and Family friendly.Everybody is really bummed out But we stand behind whatever you decide to do and If you need any kind of help at any time call me 407 467 1515 (Jimmie Kent ) maybe we could all get together and buy land and do It better than ever.   See ya Soon  JK
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