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1  General / Open Discussion / Re: FREE HUNTING DOG on: November 21, 2005, 01:57:58 PM
It may not be that the owner intentionally left the dog. We have lost dogs and only recovered them because of ID tags on the collar. Even then it could have been hours or days before we got a call. Your a good person for taking it in and I hope you find it a good home.
2  General / Where to Ride? / Re: West Lake city FL area on: November 04, 2005, 12:09:47 PM
The place in Lake City some is talking about is located in the woods along the railroad track. Park your vehicle next to the railroad track and follow the track west. You will find some trails on the south side of the track about 1/4 to 1/2 mile. I can't remember exactly how far it is. It's something different but nothing to write home about.
3  General / Open Discussion / Christmas Parade Ride on: December 07, 2004, 06:30:26 AM
I went to our annual Christmas Parade last night and saw a group called the joyriders in the parade. They were riding street bikes and quads. I was wondering if atvflorida has ever thought about getting a parade ride together. We should have enough members around florida to make it happen in different cities. It would be great publicity and the kids love seeing the quads in action. I know mine did. I would let mine ride with me he would have a blast!! I think it may be to late for this year but next year I think we should make it happen.
4  General / Open Discussion / Re: Skunk Ape on: December 03, 2004, 07:43:02 AM
I dated a girl once who's father was an officer with the WFC. He told me that he was sitting in the forest one night watching for poachers and around 2 am he heard something moving through the trees. He said a two legged "thing" ran across the tram road in front of his truck and into a swamp on the other side. The moon was right and he could see it well enough to know it was hairy and not human. He said he tracked it as far as he could but lost it in the swamp. He said he remembers the smell it gave off was very strong and musky.
5  General / Open Discussion / Re: noise complaints on: December 02, 2004, 05:04:23 AM
say go to the post office and fill out a change of address form for your neighbor. If nothing else, he will be more miserable when his bills are late because of no mail.

Man that's dirty pool.. I LIKE IT [smiley=EvilSmile.gif]
6  General / Open Discussion / Re: Wheelies on: July 26, 2004, 08:06:41 AM
Hey Josh, just wanted to let you know those 6 vids that were posted of you guys has done a number on my son (3 yrs). He has watched those vids a thousand times. He calls them the 4 wheeler games. My favorite is vid 2 when he does a endo and then puts his hand up all sync with the music. By the way does anyone know who is singing that song?? cool vids!! They have inspired a soon to be little quader Grin
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