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1  General / Photo Gallery & Videos / Re: Whats your hauler? on: May 28, 2012, 04:28:33 PM
Rhino 700, DRX300, DRX70, Yamaha 250(old school), and of course the Harley

2  General / Tech Corner / DRX70 not firing.....followup on: May 28, 2012, 04:03:20 PM
BigWorm......made it to Arizona and havin a blast..lil man aint little no more so he's upgraded to my DRX300....still running strong..even on the original battery...lol......anyhow, now the grandkids are 4 and 6 and wanna ride so i dragged the 70 out to give a go to see WTF.....It still has the original problem, it was running just fine, then started to hestitate, drag, then died.....wouldnt re-fire after that and hasnt since......since I just went through a stator and regulator on the Harley I'm wondering if they may be the culprit as well on the 70.......I'm thinkin just to go ahead and replace the CDI and Ignition coil to start and see what happens.......some of the resistance readings I'm gettin on the coil arent making sense....like 14ohm......should be around 0.1 if I'm not mistaken.....not sure where to turn, I did manage to get a complete maintenence printout off the web to repairs and whatnot....just started to dive into this since Glamis is callin my name in 3 weeks..........hope everyone in FLA is still havin a blast, I miss it, but out here its awesome.......freakin riding everywhere.....you can even legally tag your quad for the road.........nuthin like ridin to work on your machine..........
3  General / Tech Corner / Re: DRX issues......70 & 300...HELP on: July 05, 2010, 07:08:34 PM
Got the 300 took care of......wire jiggled loose......the 70 is still stumpin me........Either of you ECP guys wanna fix it? If you can, buzz me at 718-1528.......Im 2 miles from Chad on 218...Im on a time crunch and gotta get er fixed before the 17th......loadin everything headin to AZ.......GLAMIS BOUND!!!
4  General / Tech Corner / Re: DRX issues......70 & 300...HELP on: July 05, 2010, 06:07:12 PM
BigWorm....is you Chad?
5  General / Tech Corner / DRX issues......70 & 300...HELP on: July 05, 2010, 07:44:32 AM
Im havin the exact same problem with both quads...............both went from running fine to now NO SPARK.............the 70 has been down now for bout a year and the 300 just did it...................It acts almost as if the kill switch is yanked but aint.....the 300 dont got one so I'm stumped......any ideas?....Im movin to Arizona and wanna take them, but if i cant get them runnin here within 2 weeks I'm sellin them.......any ideas?
6  General / Tech Corner / Bent tie rod DRX 300 on: January 02, 2008, 09:10:30 AM
Well.......let the daughter run my baby on christmas day and lo and behold she found a fence post.............bent the right side tie rod at about a 20-30 degree angle....A-Arms are ok, just the tie rod........bein the 300 is a new pup on the market, should I just remove and try to straighten woth heat or try and get a new one...havent had to do this before
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