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General / Open Discussion / Re: ATV"s will now officially be "off-limits" on any SFWMD Levees.
on: August 02, 2007, 03:52:40 AM
thats the best news i herd all day. now some stupied people cant make post that make no seance bout people breaking rules out there b/c we all will be breaking rules when we ride out there sweet i am so happy
Dude in very kind words You are a complete idiot, unless you are 7 years old,and have no recolection of what you are saying , you should be banned from this site to avoid you being an idiot in every thread.
General / Where to Ride? / Re: Anything new on 5A?
on: August 02, 2007, 03:40:54 AM
where is 5a ?
I hate to say this but I'm going to anyway.......5A is a place where the locals used to have fun. Those of you from out of town have ruined the place leaving your trash through out the place. Stay away, find some other place to ride. During hunting season it might get very dangerous out there. Dude i was just asking where that was because there is an exit 5a minutes from my house that has always been a good riding spot, but besides your pretty quick to judge someone you dont know. i dont need to go to yor little secret riding spot, i have plenty of places to ride, so with that said shove your 5a up your A$$, you moron
General / Open Discussion / Re: thinking of getting rid of sport bike...
on: July 17, 2007, 11:07:39 PM
If your getting tired of 2wd, just go to holeylands, go all the way out past 1st pumphouse and ride those trails and relax. You'll get lost out there, theres a lot of trails that are on high land.
are you saying that there are trails at Holey lands for the 2wd. i was out there when it opened up a few weeks ago but i never saw any trails for the sport bikes, how can i get there ? as far as the 4x4's , im still thinking about my options. i defitnately dont plan on getting raped buying a new bike. you can always pick up a used bike and not get hit with all the fees
General / Open Discussion / Re: thinking of getting rid of sport bike...
on: July 16, 2007, 11:01:14 AM
wow, 10 k i also think thats alot of money for a quad. im gonna look at the renegade and every other model out there. Ive always had either Yamaha or Honda Ive never been a big fan of Kawasaki. But I know that they have stepped it up the last few years with all their powersports quipment.
General / Open Discussion / thinking of getting rid of sport bike...
on: July 16, 2007, 12:20:23 AM
I currently ride an 03 Raptor 660. I really love everything about this bike. BUT ... I have come to the conclusion that there are not many places to ride the sport bikes anymore in S. Fl. It almost seems like all the riding areas are for the 4x4's. Ive always been into the sport bikes but this reality is making look into the UTE's. What do you guys think about this ? I dont know much about the 4x4's except for that a buddy of mine has a Kawi Brute Force and that thing is the fastest 4x4 ive ever seen. (stock) If I was to change over, i would have to have something that moves good. Any other recommendations ?
General / Where to Ride? / Re: holyland for sport quads
on: June 28, 2007, 11:35:00 PM
its very limited for the sport bikes, there is only so much you can do, Its a great place for the 4X4's. And just riding the levee gets boring after you ride up and down it twice.
General / Photo Gallery & Videos / Re: wow i'de love to do this!!!!
on: June 18, 2007, 12:10:41 AM
yeah in the beginin with no helmet on i figured his first time learnin to shift he'd be stallen the rail fooled me dam kids a pro or got no fear
its not that he doesnt have fear, the kid just simply doesnt know any better 
General / Where to Ride? / Re: Someone broke into my truck
on: June 16, 2007, 11:42:51 PM
thats sucks dude. That happened to some friends of mine a few years ago when we used to park and ride near Miramar and I75. Several cars got broken into there. I dont think it would be anyone who is out there riding and enjoying the same things we do. its probably some local punk kids that live in the area. I would beat there ass with a stick if I catch them messing with anyones stuff  . it wouldnt be a bad idea to set them up, and catch them in the act.
General / Where to Ride? / Re: Holeylands - Bring your 29.5's!!!!
on: June 16, 2007, 11:34:43 PM
I just got back from there. I didnt see any gators at all, but I did see a huge buck (deer) in the first trail I went into. it freaked me out, I went into a trail and I made a left turn round a blind corner and it jump right across the trail into the bushes and in a split second it was gone and out of sight. I was riding behind the pump station through some nice sport bike trails until we started getting a little brave and ended up in some real deep sh!t.  Dude we started getting attacked by these killer bugs. The thought of running out of the trail and leaving the bikes stranded crossed my mind several times while getting them out of the mud. The weather was great all day but 5 minutes after we left a nasty storm was on its way there. I was pretty wet today, I could only imagine its gonna get worst. oh yeah I got some pics throughout the day.
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