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1  General / Open Discussion / Re: MYSPACE on: May 04, 2007, 01:10:10 PM
Ya i got 1 but i'm only going to give it to you if your a hot girl

haha that makes u sound shallow lol
2  General / Open Discussion / Re: MYSPACE on: May 02, 2007, 02:20:20 PM
3  General / Open Discussion / Re: 21 y/o killed at underhills on: April 23, 2007, 07:19:42 PM
oh and also, he was wearing sfatey gear, the 16 yr old was wearing a helmet. and he was not crying when we first left the camp, just very very quiet and then when he mentioned it to my mother she immediatly called my father in a diff vehicle and told him and they went staright to the police and then when he found out the kid had died, he started crying. so there ya go.
4  General / Open Discussion / Re: 21 y/o killed at underhills on: April 23, 2007, 07:13:33 PM
excuse me but he did not try to leave. my family did not know my brother was involved in the crash and when they did find out they went staright to the police. he did NOT  have to be found or anything. that some rumor that has been going around and its NOT TRUE. and he was not riding around like a maniac. ppl on 4 wheelers were riding around worse then he was. look im not trying to start problems but if u were in a situation like this boy what would u do?? seriously man? and who says there was a flow of traffic, there r no flaggers and no arrows to be pointing out which way to go, every1 was going in different directions. there was no security or anything, when u enter that place it is pretty much ride at your own risk, y would mr. underhill  have u sign waiver forms and stuff? so i would appreciate ppl to stop staring rumors that r way beyond the truth, its bad enough this boy has to walk around school with ppl looking down on him for somehting that was an accident.
5  General / Open Discussion / Re: 21 y/o killed at underhills on: April 23, 2007, 05:15:44 PM
thats fine if u wanan find out the ''truth'' im not trying to be mean or anything. i was just letting ppl know exactly what happened bcuz i am the sister and i saw and heard evrything.
6  General / Open Discussion / Re: 21 y/o killed at underhills on: April 23, 2007, 05:01:13 PM
ok i know exactly what happened that day. i was there. that hill they both jumped was to high up that neither boy could see each other. and when the 16 yr old was in the air the 21 yr old started up. so by the time the 16yr old saw him there was no way of turning back and the second the 16yr hit the ground after wrecking, he ran to the hurt kid and then ran for help and called 911. then went back to the scene  and the friends of the kid told him to go find more help and thats just what he did. he was extremly scared. i mean what would u do if something that tramatic  happened to u at that age. and the parens didnt know there son was involved until they reached the gate(they were not fleeing, they were leaving cuz that was the day they were going home form the beginning)  then when the 16yr old realized how badly the 21 yr old had been hurt he told his mother and they went directly to the police at the gate. it may have looked bad at first but they had every intention of talking to police bout everything. he even cried when he realized the kid had died. he only thought he was hurt badly. i agree with who ever said the thing bout no1 could be prepared enough for this even though they have ridin for years and years cuz the 16 yr old had been riding since he was around 7 years old so he knows what hes doing. but nothing could have prepared him for somehting as horrible as this. i feel extremly sorry for the family and im sure the 16 yr old does to cuz i know he has a heart and that was the first time ive ever seen him cry like that. but thats the true story of what happened.  Embarrassed

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