JohnF you believe what you will, the out come is still the same. Most of that property belongs to EEL anyways. You will see the next sanctuary. Hunters don't blow off 2 or 3 boxes of ammo. I am a hunter with a lease in middle GA. I shot 3 deer last year. I fired my rifle 3 times in 3 months. As I said, the people around this land don't like to hear random gun fire nor loud bikes. When at Grant you are NOT "way out in the woods". You are however surrounded by houses with money! It doesn't matter, it is closed and we all know why! Not worth going to jail over, losing your bike and tow vehicle. Atleast not to me it isn't. Outside of Dublin GA, we ride our bikes down the side of the highway to get to the store with no problems from the law!!
It's not ATV riding thats causing the problems. Thats no differant than blaming guns for shootings. It's the thoughtless people using them. You have to respect the land and land owners! Here are the problems I saw; hauling ass, loud bikes, fires left unattended, random gun fire, trash, late night rides, under age drinking, disrespect for land owners, stolen cars, heavy equipment, and trucks dumped out there, and reckless driving. Not all atv'ers did this but it only takes a few, plus the other off roaders. Do you really think you could do all this at the ATV parks? They would toss you in a second! It does suck the a few assholes have to ruin it for all but that is how it works. Last year there were two fires set. I spoke with the forestry agent that was on scene. He told me how they were going to shut the place down with in a year. So it goes beyond city and state when the feds are involved. Look for a new mall or walmart...
I hear someone is putting cattle out there. If that is true, now it's a felony trespass. All I can say is I knew it was coming. I think people starting fires was the last straw.
This property has been posted, No Tresspassing. It is being closely monitored by the Sheriff's dept and all the residents surrounding the land. 4 arrested so far. People raising hell caused this. Guess I'm back to Hollow Paw.