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General / Open Discussion / Re: Generator Question
on: April 17, 2007, 08:57:53 PM
Those little hondas are great. They are so quiet you barely here them running and they are easy to transport. I got two out of the Norther tool and equipment catalog.
How much did you pay. At the time they were on sale for 799 each.
General / Open Discussion / Re: I'm in need of extra money...
on: April 17, 2007, 11:20:49 AM
I have a yacht detailing business in clearwater that I might need help with in the upcoming weeks. It is really hard work and you really need to be in good shape and good around boats.
General / Open Discussion / Re: Generator Question
on: April 17, 2007, 11:16:36 AM
If you want to get your monies worth I sell Welder Generator combo machines.....Most times for what you pay for just the generator....Plus when you decide to get rid of it it has more sell points then just an old wore out generator...PM me for details or come see me at the Rally...... www.airgas.com <<<<<<<<<<< Go w/ Miller How much for a 4KW gen/welder with 30A output? Will it run all day on 3 gallons of gas? Can you sleep in a tent right next to it? I agree on usefulness of a welder, but most people dont know how to weld. Hondas dont lose there resale value. Also what about weight. Can you carry one under each arm? For camping you cant beat these units anywhere. For home power & jobsite, the welder/generator would be nice though. yeah you can carry those little hondas easily, I can carry one under each arm easily.
General / Where to Ride? / Re: New trail system disapointment
on: April 17, 2007, 10:03:15 AM
where is the new trail system? I keep riding big scrub but it is really starting to get old. it is so wooped out that you really cant get anywhere. More and more trails and areas are getting blocked off and sometimes youl'll turn onto a dirt road and findout that it is a numbered road and have to quick get off of it before a ranger finds you.. I need anew place to ride in ocala.
General / Open Discussion / Re: Generator Question
on: April 17, 2007, 09:42:34 AM
Those little hondas are great. They are so quiet you barely here them running and they are easy to transport. I got two out of the Norther tool and equipment catalog.
General / Open Discussion / Re: any one been to croom this week?
on: March 31, 2007, 04:28:34 PM
thanks guys, I got up there friday morning around 8 and found a site to throw my tent on till I could get up there with my winnebago. The campsites were packed but the park was empty, strange. We had a great time, the trails were pretty dusty but we rode all day and maybe saw three other groups on the trails. very nice. Croom has an awesome campground for people with RV's. It is nice having power all night. Wish we had more nice places like croom.
General / Open Discussion / any one been to croom this week?
on: March 29, 2007, 10:39:29 AM
Has anyone been to croom this week? Is it packed? I plan on trying to get a camp site Friday and wanted to know if it was feasible. If it has been packed all week then I will probably just head up to ocala. Let me know if anyone has been there to take a look in the past couple days.
General / Open Discussion / Re: Croom?
on: March 27, 2007, 01:42:21 PM
do they have power or water at delancy,, if not do they allow you to run your generator all night?
General / Open Discussion / Re: Croom?
on: March 27, 2007, 10:28:57 AM
I just hung up with croom, they said that they filled all of their spots yesterday due to spring break. How true that is I am do not know. I probably will just go up to Delancy.
Can you reserve sites at Delancy? I have never been there but would like to take my RV up there.
General / Where to Ride? / Re: Campsites with RV Hookups in Ocala
on: March 24, 2007, 09:50:58 PM
I just got an RV and am looking for a camp that I can plug in and also ride right to the trails. I usually go to big scrub but they make you shut down your generator at 10. summertime its too hot to not have the AC kicking all night. Is there anywhere besides croom that you can ride in and out that also has RV hookups?
General / Tech Corner / Re: Winch Help
on: March 09, 2007, 03:23:37 PM
synthetic does last a long time. I loved using synthetic it is easier and safer to handle. if you pull your wire out and respool it every couple of months it should last a long time too.
General / Open Discussion / Re: Has anyone had there wheeler seized by the police?
on: March 06, 2007, 05:02:46 PM
I heard MOTOCROSS MAVERICK was riding at a cemetry at 2:oo am. Wearing a Dress with high heels with a male blow up doll on back while getting pulled over by the police. The police only seized his doll, otherwise know as the ICE MAN (doll). It cost him over 600 dollars to get him back. Rumor has it he was on his way back from the Fussy Pickle. nice
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