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1  General / Where to Ride? / Re: Out of state visitor question on: January 11, 2007, 01:56:48 PM
Thanks all. 

I'll have to double check my paperwork.  Since no off highway vehicles are allowed to be titled in Alabama, I believe I have little more than a basic sales receipt.  It's been more than two weeks, so memory is nonexistent.

By the way Odie - thanks - I think Cheesy    We've never ridden our in sand, mostly mud and rocks, so looking forward to a little change.  I'm thinking the kids will enjoy.
2  General / Where to Ride? / Out of state visitor question on: January 10, 2007, 10:05:33 AM
Hello all - appreciate the forums!

After reading about the trail systems in ONF, I'm looking into changing our group's traditional coal creek/windrock spring ride to an ONF trip.  I'm trying to get to the bottom of the rules, regulations, fees, etc.,  but I have one question to which I can't seem to find the correct answer  - Would a Florida title be required for out of state quads,  or would it be simply proof of ownership? I've read through the laws on the dmv pages,  but it seems to apply to state residents only.  Other posts within the forums and some of what I've inferred from the forest service regulations indicate that the registration apply to any who ride within the forest.

Any clarification or a point in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.

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