I would like to give a big thanks to matt. he showed some great sportsmanship coming to my aid. I dont know who told u that it was him that did it on purpose but they are crazy. my header shattered on the face of the jump causing we too lose power i landed had no were to go and matt went right into the back of me. i dont blame him one bit. things happen and most of the time the person wouldnt stop. but not in this case. luckly we didnt break anything on us just the bikes. i will se everyone at lakeland. once again thank you.
I didn't get to talk to Matt B. but I have this to say. Matt you ran some good races but what impressed Brandon and I was how you reacted when you collided with Jake. You jumped off the track to let Chris W. go by then ran as fast as you could to help Jake. Great sportsmanship and a class act. Sometimes the other things that happen at a track are remembered much longer than who wins or loses.
Brett, we cannot thank you enough for going through all the headaches, complaints, and different opinions to get this series started.
We will see everyone at Lakeland next weekend.
No I want to thank you guys for sticking up for me when people have negative things to say about me at some of the tracks, simply because they dont know me. I try my best to talk with everyone and be as nice as I could possibly be and sometimes someones opinion about you is stronger then what you do to prove it wrong. Jake and his dad are awesome people, and Jake is an extraordinary rider and I'm lucky to be on the same race track with him and all the guys I race with every other weekend. Its nice to have good friends who know how someone really is and does not listen to all th BS that gets said. So once again thanks to all my friends!!!!