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1  General / Racing Scene / Re: $100,000 Quad-sa-tion on: August 23, 2008, 11:02:56 AM
********** MEDIA ADVISORY **********

Due to a very low level of rider pre-registrations, The 2008 $100,000 Quad-sa-tion Event scheduled for September 13, 2008 at Route 66 Raceway in Joliet, IL has been cancelled.
Due to the lack of rider entries for the 2008 $100,000 Quad-sa-tion event, Route 66 Raceway and the NQRA feel they did not have the level of commitment from the racers that was needed to fully commit to sponsor and television obligations. 

A rescheduled date is being looked at for September of 2009 so it will not interfere with the AMA/ATVA’s schedules. This is being done in hopes of not giving up on the idea of the greatest event in ATV Racing history.

With all the negative attention surrounding the collapse of the WPSA, the national economy, and ridicules fuel prices, the staff at Route 66 Raceway has decided to focus on a positive outlook for 2009 and push to give the entire industry plenty of time to make plans and preparations for next year’s event.

We appreciate the racers who signed up for the 2008 Quad-sa-tion event and as a special “thank you” they will receive a discount for the 2009 event. 
2  General / Racing Scene / Re: $100,000 Quad-sa-tion on: July 22, 2008, 10:30:35 AM
I appologize for the confusion RTR_380/450R, I thought the race format was explained on the webiste. The race course will be a Mickey Thompson style course with a hard packed surface with table top jumps, berm turns, and option lane sections. So to make a decision on TT or MX, I would say some of each. I think TT tires would be a hot setup and so would a long travel fornt end. It's really up to the rider to pick what's best for him.

As for the race format, did you look at the website? Go to www.quad-sa-tion.com. It'll explain in detail the race format and how we plan to get to the fastest 20 riders. Each rider would have as many as 6 opportunities to get into the "A" main.

I hope this answered your questions.

3  General / Racing Scene / $100,000 Quad-sa-tion on: July 19, 2008, 09:52:18 PM
July 31st will be the last day to sign up for the 2008 $100,000 Quad-sa-tion, at $1,000. After August 1st sign up will be $1,500. This is being done to encourage riders to sign up early so that Route 66 knows there will be a show.

The staff has secured SPEED TV to televise the event and has corporate sponsors online to advertise. But they are not willing to get themselves into the same situation that WPSA did by promising numbers without riders committing to supporting the event.

The results are quiet simple, NOT ENOUGH RIDERS = NO RACE!!! Route 66 has informed me that if we don't have riders pre register then the event will be cancelled due to lack of interest. Presently we have had a few riders to pre-enter but we are in need of a lot more. I've had riders from all over the country email me and call me asking questions and say they were coming, but until you get the completed registration form it doesn't mean much.

Some have questioned if this was a scam, said they weren't going to sign up early for fear it would be cancelled and they wouldn't get there money back. Trust me guys, this facility is owned by International Speedway Corporation, the same family and company that owns NASCAR, the last thing they need is your $1,000. If the event were to be cancelled then your money would be sent back immediately, and if you put your credit card info on there they would simply not bother to charge it, if you card gets charged then the event will happen. What they do need however, is your commitment to being there. They are not wiling to risk the relationships with their closely guarded friendships with their sponsors and TV contacts for a very risky venture into ATV racing. They said they would help us if we would pre-register, they have done their part and they are asking for us to do ours.

Almost everything is lined up for the event to take place, Track design is completed and construction is scheduled, insurance forms are filled out and waiting to be mailed, trophies have been designed, staff has been lined up, race format is laided out, industry media coverage is lined up, amateur flyer's are designed and waiting to be mailed, etc. Everything except the riders for the main event. So it is up to you, as a rider and supporter of this sport the question is simple. DO YOU WANT THIS EVENT TO TAKE PLACE?

Email or call me and let me know if you plan to attend and request a registration form for the WORLD'S RICHEST QUAD RACE! Do it today, time is running out!!!

4  General / Racing Scene / Re: richest race in ATV history - "Quad-sa-tion" on: May 19, 2008, 10:45:12 AM
Hey Guys,

Just got back from Chicago where I have been for the last 10 days working on the race coming up in September. I went to the GNC race in Walnut, IL last weekend and talked to about 90% of the pros there. I spoke with the Factory teams from Kawasaki, Suzuki, Polaris, Yamaha, and CanAm along with alot of the independents. And everyone of them were excited about the event we are planning. The meetings did seem to have one common theme however, seems they all wanting to see the payout structure changed to payback the purse more evenly, rather than the $50,000 to win with such a drastic drop to second, and they even suggested that if we wanted to see more entries we should pay back more spots. So we went to work on it and came up with a new payout, paying all the way back to 52nd spot. Basically, if you make it into the night's show, you'll get paid. Check out the new payback structure on the website www.quad-sa-tion.com and see what you think.

Probably the most exciting thing that happened was Wednesday morning I met with NuWave Productions, a production company for SPEED TV. We discussed the event, what Route 66 Raceway and myself were looking for and after about an hour of discussions we had a deal. The Inaugural $100,000 Quad-sa-tion is going to be on national TV.

Also, many seem to be confused about the entry fee for amateurs. The $1,000 entry fee is not for the amateurs. It's for the "$100,000 Quad-sa-tion" event and it's open to all Pro, Expert, Pro-Am, and "A" class riders from all forms of ATV racing including, but not limited to, MX, EDT (formerly TT), Cross Country, Dessert, and Gran Prix racing. Sunday's amatuer day will have 27 classes that will match the classes from the ATVAs GNCs and the entry fee will only be $25.

I got a ton of things accomplished this past week and the excitement and support at Route 66 are at a fever pitch! Guys, I hope you all can understand what's happening here. This is the greatest opportunity ever presented to the sport of ATV racing. Their commitment has been made to me and to our sport for 3 years, with the only stipulation being that the industry participates in the event. Both from a rider entry and sponsorship standpoint. So I'm asking you all to do your part, make your plans now for September 12-14, 2008 to be at Route 66 Raceway in Joliet, IL. It promises to be one of the grandest spectacles in ATV racing history. And believe me, they are currently looking, asking, and thinking of new and exciting ways to cater to the riders and their families.

I have provided Quad-sa-tion event flyers/entry forms to the following companies so they can put them into every package they send out for the next 3 months or so. The companies are: Rath Racing, Hetrick Racing, Janssen Motorsports, Pro Sports Yamaha, Xplicit Motorsports, and Quinn Motorsports. I'll also be contacting more in the coming weeks to do the same as I attempt to make this the most widely talked about race of the year. With the deadline for entries being July 31st, every attempt is being made to make sure that all eligible riders are aware of the event and given the opportunity to enter, so please pass the word on to everyone you know.

Lastly, many have asked things like;

Q- What rules are you using?
A- We are using the ATVAs 450cc Pro-Am Production rules.

Q- What tires are you going to require?
A- Flattrack tires will be required on the rear, riders choice on front. (Currently working on a deal with a National tire company to provide a free set to be included with sign up)

Q- What type of track is it going to be?
A- Smooth surface, table tops, berm turns, TT style sections, multiple option lane sections.

Q- Will there be fuel checks?
A- Yes, samples will be taken as rider goes to line for mains.

Q- When will we get paid, and will the checks be good?
A- Riders will be paid at the payout window Saturday night, Yes! Your entry fees are paid to Route 66 Raceway and checks will be made payable by Route 66. Route 66 Raceway is owned by ISC (International Speedway Corporation), they own 14 nascar tracks around the country. Checks are guaranteed good.

I hope you will make your plans on taking part of this special event with us all.

Thank you for your time, check in often to www.quad-sa-tion.com for updates and feel free to contact me with any questions.

Randy Dinkins
5  General / Racing Scene / richest race in ATV history - "Quad-sa-tion" on: May 19, 2008, 10:11:47 AM

check it out!!!
6  General / Racing Scene / Re: quad only mx series we need more support on: October 10, 2006, 12:17:06 AM
Hello Guys, my name is Randy Dinkins and while several of you know me, I'm fully aware of the fact that some of you don't. I am the founder and president of NQRA (National Quad Racing Association) and I have been reading your comments regarding this series and the politics of what has been happening.

For those of you who are trying to do the math on what happened at PAX track I tip my hat to you. It seems that for the longest time I honestly thought many of you guys didn't understand how this all works. And while you do leave a few holes in your theories, I see that you are least starting to think about it and some of you aren't that far off.

Seems that PAX has left us in a delima. Just remember, whenever you start something new your always going to have growing pains, and this new series is no different. In 1997 I started the Mid Atlantic ATV Association, our first race in January 1998 drew 36 riders. By the end of the season we were averaging 70 riders per race and we had 112 members. And while many were excited, I was disappointed, because all I thought about was seeing 200 members my first year. But I stayed the course and by end of year 2 we had 456 members, and by the end of year 4 we had 1291 members and was the 2nd largest ATV racing series in the country, 2nd only to the GNC's. Why is this relivant you may ask? Because the first year I had to call all over the state of NC and beg promoters to give me an ATV only event, and most of them said NO, they thought I was crazy for even attempting it. And while cost of insurance has increased since then, (it's only went up about $350), its not really that substancial. By the end of year 2 many of the same promoters that turned me down were now calling me back and asking for races. Take 3 guesses as to what I told them. And representaties from the AMA were calling me 2 and 3 times a week begging me to join the AMA as a club. This was the same AMA that had dissolved the AATVA and left our sport to die, ONLY, WE NEVER DID!!! The same AMA that, for years, just kept taking our money and promoting motorcycle racing with it and giving us nothing in return for our dollars that were just as green as the bike guys. No, we just kept plugging along and rufusing to go away. The manufactures had stopped making any type of sport quad by then, the AMA didn't want anything to do with us and neither did the promoters unless they could have a national. By the end of year 4 we controlled our own destiny, right? WRONG! Thank you 911 and the fall of the stock market. See we were buying insurance from the same company the AMA used, George Knight Insurance Company. But with the decline of their stock, so went their underwriting, and George Knight closed it's doors leaving everyone scrambling to find something else.
With this I listened to the wrong people as they convinced me to finally team up with ATVA and thus we could operate under their umbrella, as no one else had insurance. Boy, what a mistake that year was. So in 2003 I created the NQRA and began sanctioning races on my own again, only now it was on a much bigger stage. 2004 was a banner year in so many ways I can't even count. We set the stage for the new WPSA series, hosted the first ever ATV MX race and ATV TT race to be held during Daytona's Bike Week, got tons of national media coverage and knocked the ATVA on it's heels. But with almost all things worth doing, we had our troubles, ATVA fighting us tooth and nail at every turn with threats to top ranked riders, promoters, and even sponsors. Sound familure? Then we had two of our most trusted staff members embezzle some money, and our major sponsor refuse to pay up. So we took a break and let things chill for a little while and regrouped.

Said all that to say this, I think it's time I let you guys in on some of the future plans for the NQRA and the SSQSA. Because I want to encourage you guys to stay the course that we have set out for you. SSQSA is but one piece of a puzzle that will continue to grow over the course of the next few years and I really want you guys to be a part of this and share in all the fun and excitement that is to come. Starting in 2007 you will have a new and unchartered reason for running a points series. The NQRA is planning a new format to national championship ATV racing. While there have been other similar series in the past for the bikes, nothing like this has ever been attempted for quads. NQRA will be sanctioning several regional series around the country and each series will run under the same rules and classes. The top 5 points earning riders from each class at the end of the series will then recieve an invitation to the NQRA US National Championships which will be a 3 moto format to be held at a predisclosed location centrally located for all the series that are paticipating, this means you do your racing around home and only travel to 1 national championship weekend instead of 12 rounds all over the country. Thus saving you several thousands of dollars and making it far more affordable for us all. And at this championship event not only will you get to run for a national championship individually against the best riders in the country, but you will also be running for a team championship for your series as well, similar to the MX des Nations for bikes. There will be more than $100,000 in prizes to be given away and the best part is, part of your entry fee money from your series races and part of your NQRA membership money will go toward helping the qualified riders get to this event. THAT'S RIGHT, READ AGAIN IF YOU NEED TO!!!

Guys remember this, Brett truly has a passion to see this series get off the ground and grow, and has done a tremendous amount of work to see it get this far. I like to see the support that he has already gotten and hope that it will only grow from here. But I think it's time I let you guys in on some ofthe future plans for the NQRA and the SSQSA.

God Speed and Good Racing!!!

Randy Dinkins
NQRA President

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