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1  General / Tech Corner / Re: 2005 Preditor on: January 10, 2010, 08:23:21 PM
Also check your ETC. You can pop off the throttle housing cover and look at the contacts in the throttle housing they shouldn't touch. The free-play at the end of your thumb throttle should be 1/16-1/8 of an inch. You can adjust this on the cable approx six to eight inches from the throttle housing. They come out of adjustment on occasion.
2  General / Open Discussion / Re: Anyone ever jump a Quad with IRS? on: July 24, 2009, 06:26:41 PM
Landing an irs quad is actually easier than a solid axle. If you come off a jump crooked on an sa quad, the landing is harsh, and you could have the handle bars ripped from your hands. However, landing crooked on irs is not an issue. The reason irs isn't popular for mx is they tend to roll (body roll) in turns, and they are heavier and more complicated. IRS on sport quads is best suited for cross country. Good or bad is simply a matter of personal preference.

p.s. Honda's 700x "sport" quad weighs 65 lbs more than Polaris's. Roll Eyes
3  General / Racing Scene / Re: Thundercross directions on: February 09, 2009, 03:08:07 PM
North on the Turn pike to SR 70( Okeechobee Rd ). East on SR 70 a few miles and you'll see the sign on your left. There is a small diner on the right. Enjoy.
4  General / Open Discussion / Re: Thundercross 1/1/09 on: January 01, 2009, 06:19:24 AM

Me. Smiley
5  General / Open Discussion / Re: thundercross on: December 31, 2008, 05:52:10 AM
Yes, 450r, in that respect I guess it is a rip-off.
6  General / Open Discussion / Re: thundercross on: December 29, 2008, 03:52:51 PM
Riding for free would be best, but, for 5 bucks more to ride the trail , I'll go ahead and pay.
7  General / Open Discussion / Re: thundercross on: December 28, 2008, 04:59:41 AM
$ 20.00 for a yearly membership fee + $ 20.00 to ride the track + $ 5.00 for the off road loop.
8  General / Open Discussion / Re: thundercross on: December 25, 2008, 08:22:56 AM
The off-road loop is a good time, not too muddy as of last week. Thundercross is a top-notch facility. Its def worth the trip.
9  General / Open Discussion / Re: Polaris Outlaw questions/help? on: December 18, 2008, 10:15:14 AM
The Fuji motor in the Outlaw 500 is manufactured in Japan. It is a very reliable motor. It responds well to simple mods, but has a poorly designed air intake. Go to www.predatorowners.com to find out everything you would ever want to know about it. Sounds like a good price to me.
10  General / Open Discussion / Re: Good Lord say it ain't so! on: October 11, 2008, 09:26:42 PM
11  General / Tech Corner / Re: predator help? it wont start on: August 05, 2008, 07:00:36 PM
Go to www.predatorowners.com. They will have you going in no time. Enjoy your pred, they are great quads. Ignore all lame remarks from those who are afraid to buy made in the U.S.A. Grin
12  General / Open Discussion / Re: 2009 KTM 450sx and 505sx on: July 10, 2008, 04:02:07 PM
I owned an 04' KTM 125 sx and rode at Bithlo also. That bike rocked. The linkageless suspension is very sensitive to static and rider sag. If not setup properly, the bike will act like any other poorly setup bike. Wink
13  General / Tech Corner / Re: 06 Arctic Cat 400 on: March 21, 2008, 05:54:26 AM
Sometimes when you go into deep water, water and dirt will enter your carbs vent lines. You will probably need to drain and clean your carb.
14  General / Tech Corner / Re: Sportsman 700 EFI Clutch Question on: March 21, 2008, 05:50:13 AM
Go to www.hpd-inc.com or Hot seat performance online. I've used HPD before with good results. Wink
15  General / Open Discussion / Re: What's the deal? on: March 12, 2008, 11:53:43 AM
16  General / Where to Ride? / Re: Legal Track or Trail to ride in Orlando Florida? on: March 02, 2008, 08:49:35 AM
Orlando mx park/Speed World. Its on Rt 50 just west of SR 520.
17  General / Open Discussion / Re: Do I need a sport quad? on: January 07, 2008, 04:40:37 PM
" Hey guys, watch this !" Grin
18  General / Tech Corner / Re: please help, my pred has a wierd clutch/tranny problem, please help!!!!!!!!!!!!! on: January 03, 2008, 05:55:30 AM
Go to www.predatorowners.com. Those guys know how to fix it. I had an 05' Pred, it was a great machine. Good luck.
19  General / Tech Corner / Re: polaris tranny problems!! on: December 13, 2007, 06:04:44 AM
The transmission has to be removed from the chassis to be split open. The chain allows the tranny to go into reverse. Don't attempt unless you are mechanically inclined and have a shop manual. If you are mechanically inclined its fairly simple, just a pain in the Polaris  Wink. I did it on one of my Trailblazers. Be sure your transmission is aligned correctly when you put it back in the chassis. Good Luck.
20  General / Open Discussion / Re: Cool Optical Illusion! on: November 16, 2007, 07:20:13 PM
 Grin You got me!!!
21  General / Open Discussion / Re: Anybody use one of these? on: October 24, 2007, 08:20:19 AM
Cool, a Uni-Filter for your face! Do you have to oil it? jk Wink
22  General / Photo Gallery & Videos / Re: Royal Blue WMA Tennessee on: September 17, 2007, 06:45:28 PM
I took the family there in June 06' , and loved it. It is a very beautiful place. The fishing was pretty good in that little creek in front of the property also.
23  General / Tech Corner / Re: over heat on: June 06, 2007, 01:51:48 PM
What brand and model ? If it is the sportsman that you had mentioned in the other post, spray the radiator with degreaser and gently rinse a few times on both sides. Also, check the heat sensor connection on the left hand side of the cylinder.
24  General / Tech Corner / Re: Polaris Sportsman on: June 06, 2007, 01:47:51 PM
Also try www.hpd-inc.com. Check into clutch kits, pipe, K + N filter, carb jetting. With this combo, you should see a major difference.
25  General / Tech Corner / Re: '03 predator starting problems on: April 05, 2007, 06:04:32 AM
The oil in the air box probably came from the crankcase breather tube, this is common if the crank case has been over filled. The flywheel has a small metal piece called a key way. It holds the flywheel in place (for timing) these things are cheap and easy to replace. they are often damaged by cheap aftermarket ignitions (rev limiters). Also, check your fuses, I think they are in a black blister pack, can't recall the exact location. If you need more info, go to www.predatorowners.com they will solve your problem for sure. Don't give up on it yet, they are good machines.
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