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General / Where to Ride? / Re: new to collier county where to go?
on: May 14, 2006, 10:54:51 PM
damit!!! and i thought that was so original my bronco has a tire cover over the rear spare and it has a bronco logo on it u know the horse? so my friend was like "whats that a donkey?" and the very first trail i took it on was up north by the swanee river it was nothing but swamp land so i was like ya thats a swamp donkey.....oh well i will just have to think of something eles
General / Where to Ride? / Re: new to collier county where to go?
on: May 14, 2006, 10:18:19 PM
im in town but hell ya let me know where some spots are at i kinda live by best buy i also work there but n e ways ya hit me up my wheeler (bruteforce 750) isn't here yet my cousins bringing it down from colorado for me but i really wanna bring my bronco on some trails let me know thanx
General / Where to Ride? / new to collier county where to go?
on: May 14, 2006, 08:58:50 PM
hello all im new to collier county i moved out here from a small town in colorado so it was never a problem to find some where to ride out there so what im geting at is are there any trails around here im in Naples but would travel for a good ride i also just bought a 94 bronco xlt its bad ass i dubed it the Swamp Donkey so i'd like to try out the 4x4 on that to if any one knows of any local places get back to me thanx alot
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