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1  General / Open Discussion / Cracked my frame :( on: July 27, 2006, 01:07:30 AM
Hit a table top a little wrong and came down hard on the 450R today , split the bottom of the frame somethign nasty ...

Rest of the bike looks to be alright minus I broke the rear subframe  ..

What do you guys suggest and how much do a new frame and and rear sub usually run ..

Any chance of me getting this dealer warrantied lol
2  General / Tech Corner / 400EX smokes what to do on: May 13, 2006, 01:55:42 PM
I'm thinking about pickin up this 400EX that smokes a little bit and just figureed I should clear up a few thigns before and get some input ..

It somes a lil on start-up and has a steady stream once its warmed up and your on it .. Its not to bad but enough to notice it .

I was going to do a .40 over 11:1 Weisco piston , bore and hone it and a new topend gasket set with a cometic HG ...

What about a cam will this be a good time to do it or should I wait it out ?

Quad is only gonna run on 100 Octane Sunoco GT Fuel so I dont think detonation wil be a problem

I figure this will run me around 250 $'s and some downtime on the quad probally a weekend at most .

Do the 416cc quads pull much harder than a regular 400EX . I'm not gonna put no rev box on it and it has a Full HMF Exhuast and Jet Kit already .
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