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1  General / Open Discussion / Recreational Trails Program Receives $370 Million on: August 02, 2005, 12:55:44 PM
ARRA is pleased to report to you that the Congress has finally passed the highway authorization bill. This means the Recreational Trails Program has been reauthorized for five more years with a 64% increase in funding, total authorized funding of $370,000,000.
This is a major accomplishment!  Many recreation groups have worked very hard to shepherd this program through a very lengthy reauthorization process.  The fact that RTP was not only reauthorized but also received a significant increase in authorized funding is very good news.  To learn more about the program, go to http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/environment/rectrails/.
ARRA also wants to be sure you know that the Forest Service has just released a major study on Off Highway Vehicle recreation.  OHV enthusiasts will find this to be a very good resource for OHV data.  The report can be found at: http://www.arra-access.com/arra/washingtonnewsletter_august05.html.
2  General / Open Discussion / $503 Million in Trail Funding at Stake on: April 12, 2005, 07:42:05 PM
Your Senators need to hear from you!!

The House has already passed its version of the transportation bill, which includes funding for the Recreational Trails Program (RTP); now it’s the Senate’s turn.

But the Senate has provided less funding ($325 million for six years) for RTP than the House ($503 million for six years).  So ARRA encourages you to write to your Senators and let them know they need to match the funding level in the House bill--$503 million.  

Your voice can make a difference, so write NOW!!

3  General / Open Discussion / Help Create a Stronger Voice for Open Access on: November 22, 2004, 09:19:45 AM
Americans for Responsible Recreational Access (ARRA) has been keeping outdoor recreationalists informed of federal legislation and regulations that will impact their access to lands and waterways.   But this grassroots movement needs more voices!

ARRA needs your help to build a base of support to make sure our message is heard.  If you would like to help and be part of this grassroots movement, just go to ARRA's web site and sign up to be a member at http://www.arra-access.com/arra/join.html.  Membership is free, and ARRA does not share names or information about supporters.

After you sign up, click on the link to return to the home page and go to their Tell-A-Friend feature to ask as many people as possible to register on the ARRA site.  It is vital that you sign up as a member first because that is the only way that ARRA can determine who you have signed up.

You will be given credit for new supporters who register on the ARRA site by responding to your Tell-A-Friend email message.  You can only get credit if they respond to your Tell-A-Friend email message and register as a new member.

To thank you for your efforts at spreading the word about ARRA and responsible recreation, we want to give you a t-shirt or a cap! Just use the Tell-A-Friend feature; when five friends sign up, we’ll keep track and send you either the t-shirt or cap while supplies last.

The offer is limited, while t-shirt and cap supplies last, so don’t delay.

If you have questions please contact webmaster@mail.arra-access.com. To read a copy of the contest rules click this link http://www.arra-access.com/arra/Registrationrulesnov.html. ARRA does not sell or trade any names or other database information. To review ARRA's privacy policy,http://www.arra-access.com/arra/privacy.html.

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