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1  General / Tech Corner / Re: Bizarre "hard metal" noise from bike on: February 14, 2006, 04:57:55 PM
I lifted the rear off the ground and checked for axle play.  Yeah, there seems to definatley be axle play. . ......

I take it that there should be virtually zero movement in the axle, except the obvious roll axis.   There should be zero to no free movement in the x and y axis of the axle. 

2  General / Group Rides & Events / Re: the hump? on: February 13, 2006, 05:21:23 PM
I might be able to make it.
New baby is due any week.
3  General / Tech Corner / Bizarre "hard metal" noise from bike on: February 13, 2006, 05:19:57 PM
Heres one for you tech heads.

Got a strange noise coming from my 2001 400ex.  It only happens when I turn left or right at slow or high speed.  I thought it was the bushings but definatley not.
However, I was wondering what do bad rear bearings sound like?  Are they more of a constant grinding niose or can it be intermittent?

4  General / Open Discussion / Re: So this is were all our gas money goes into............ on: February 06, 2006, 10:41:50 AM
Hey guys.

A little bit of interesting info on these pictures..........
The first set of photos of the tall sail shaped building, which is the Burj Al Arab Arabian Towers Hotel in Dubai, UAE (United Arab Emirates).

If you look at the very top of the building you'll see a round disk hanging of the side.  You might think that that is a helocopter pad.  However, it is actually a tennis court! no BS.  It is a tennis court. (though, admittedly is may double as a helo pad. )
5  General / Open Discussion / Re: Pinellas Park - ATV pushes water out of flood on: February 06, 2006, 10:32:36 AM
Put it in an athletes perspective.

 Fans/People dont remember all the GOOD plays a running back did/has done to get them to the super bowl. They only remember him for the ONE BAD time when he fumbled on the one yard line!

What's this got to do with a flood?

Athletes perspective.
6  General / Photo Gallery & Videos / Re: the hump 1-14-06 on: January 23, 2006, 06:51:48 PM
I'm amazed that there still draggin on Friday nights at Columbia International. Man we were doing that 20 years ago on trikes.
good to hear.

And in so far, as quarry riding is concerned.  Companies have never liked anyone riding in the quarries.  They're fun but dangerous.  Imagine running over a blasting cap.  Or losing your bike to the pit.  You won't see that bike again. 
Whats really bad about them is that sticky gooey cr@p clay like mub thats in there.  Stuff is ten times worse that muck.......once you stuck in that stuff  (Hey everyone is that stuff called slag?Huh) you ain't getting out without a winch.
7  General / Open Discussion / Re: How do I say this without being too controversial? on: January 23, 2006, 06:36:45 PM

Pastense you are on the dark side

dark side!
dark side, did you say?
I think not!
The Force is my ally, and a powerful ally it is!
8  General / Open Discussion / Re: Holylands on: January 23, 2006, 06:31:34 PM
I would like to focus some of the positive about this as well.

It should be noted that a ATVFlorida.com member made the call to 911 and assisted the rangers in thier endeavor to rescue the girl. 

Dirtyface's example to step up to the plate is a good one to follow.

Kudos to you sir.  Toast Thumbs Up

Now, to all of the low life inconsiderate sacks of monkysh!t that keep fu<king it up for everyone else...........your day will come.

It may not be today, it may not be tommorrow......but your day will come.
I refuse to go down without a fight..........so if you think that your flagrant acts of wanton abandon are going to close down an area of riding without you being held responsible...........you're wrong. 
9  General / Open Discussion / I ride because I must on: January 23, 2006, 06:07:27 PM
Do you ride for fun? Is it sheer pleasure you seek? Thrills, spills, and adventure?  Not I............not I.

I realize in my age that it is much deeper for me.
As the ocean calls to a surfer so does the earth call to me.

The neet to ride........ the need to feel what every person longs for everyday............... freedom.

Thats what my quad is to me.

I find nothing but sheer ebulance to realize that out there, I have no cell phone, no keys, nor pager, nor palm pilot.  All I have is myself and the open air..........

10  General / Open Discussion / Re: Just bought my first quad on: January 23, 2006, 05:53:00 PM
You really can't go wrong with the tried and true more cooling, more fuel, more exhaust equals more power regarding the internal combustion engine.

The K & N air filter is a given.
Also for certain the pipe.........I have a T-4 but that SOB should be called the "screamin mimi" its so dang loud. 

I'm thinkin about either the White Bros. E2 or the HMF Balance series.
96 db verses 100 db
11  General / Open Discussion / Re: How do I say this without being too controversial? on: January 23, 2006, 05:33:57 PM
It does seem like there are some bitter persons with regards to the government. Please understand that the government is not some mass evil empire bent on world domination so that it may destroy us all in some bleak future where the morlocks have to gobble a few of us up every once in a while.  The real truth is that our government is truly made up of a system of peoples desicions.  The terrible truth is that the great evil in the world is.......apathy.  No one cares.......but everyone complains.... And to what end does this effect anything?  The answer is none. To simply complain of something you show no interest in changing is futile. And every intelligent person that reads this post knows that's true. 
 I would like to thank IDA Mann.   His attendance at the meeting , I believe will hold great wieght, in identifying to different persons of authority exactly whom the average ATV enthusiast is and what he or she is like. 
12  General / Open Discussion / Re: South Florida Riders List : Updated 21 Jan 06 on: January 21, 2006, 05:17:56 PM
13  General / Open Discussion / How do I say this without being too controversial? on: January 21, 2006, 12:18:54 PM
This site is viewed by government officials as an ineffective "b!tch" forum with massive potential that is squandered daily.

Did anyone here know that? 

I got a chance to speak with Jack Terrell (Land Use Chairman: Florida Trail Riders) and had an eye opening conversation.  He confirmed something I believed true but wished were not.  This site is viewed by pertinant personel, both here in the state government and in Washington DC, as a huge waste of potential.  It is agreed by all parties that this is the most comprehesive and heaviliy travled Florida specific ATV site in the world.  However it is also agreed by those same parties that this site is deviod of leadership. 

And thats were the real shame comes into play.  Here you have the single greatest forum for ATV riding in the state of Florida and yet there is no titular head or group that speaks on behalf of it.
Mr. Terrell explained in detail that it would be a great boon, from the enthusiast stand point, if someone from this site would step up. 

I admit, I do read alot of complaining on this site. I myself am certainly not exempt from this. However, I understood fully, when Mr. Terrell explained that local and state leaders have no real concept of who is riding out there.  From their stand point , all our governmat leaders hear about are the ner do wells constantly in  trouble for  illegal riding. They recieve thier information from there own police departments whom attend city council meetings regularly. When was the last time you attended a city council meeting and voiced you concern over losing riding space? Honestly, think, there is no department who function it is to report to city leaders about the benefits of ATV riding on a city by city basis.  Thats our job as citizens and as enthusiasts.
I plan wholly, on attending this conference.  As indianjoe stated in an alternate post this conference has a three progned approach.  In my opinion, the most important of which is to try and change the minds and preconcieved notions about riding and whom is riding, in the minds of the attending politicians and officals.
Though I can not speak on behalf of this site without consent.......If there are no representatives there from this site I will certainly speak of my participation and what an excellent source of information it is.
By the way, this is the first forum of its type being put together.

Florida OHV Recreation Management Workshop
May 1 through 4, 2006
Ocala, Florida 
14  General / Where to Ride? / Re: HUMP RIDERS hit me up on: January 20, 2006, 07:01:58 PM
Be out there Saturday midday.
Maybe tonight

01 400ex red

kind of bike you ride? I figure its a trike.......
15  General / Photo Gallery & Videos / Re: the hump 1-14-06 on: January 20, 2006, 06:59:28 PM
Yes yes we are just goin to sit at home and watch football

on a Friday night?
16  General / Open Discussion / Here's a suggestion for the mods........and Mr. Bones on: January 18, 2006, 10:45:18 PM
Has anyone thought of creating a forum dealing in scams?  Granted the open forum can answer the questions if people have the time.  However, what if you do see something on eBay and it closes in a matter of minutes......what then? You may not be able to recieve an answer in time from the forum. 

It may be a good idea to have a forum like this that people could express scams that they've been at the tail end of before.

At least on a trial basis. What do you guys think?

Superfluous.....or Plausabe?
17  General / Open Discussion / Re: If you could have any 4wheleer what would it be? on: January 18, 2006, 10:34:09 PM
drop the V-6 out of a Ford Taurus and somehow put it into the frame of my 400EX ;-)


Mad man Bonk

400ex (maybe the 450.........maybe)
18  General / Open Discussion / Re: there are still some cool people left in the world on: January 18, 2006, 10:31:17 PM
I must admit.............I am surprised.

In todays world, the media poses people as such deviants and "ner' do wells" that at times it is that very thing that we see everyelse as. It is truly inspirational to see somene like Bruteforce lead the path for others to follow by showing such an example.

Outstanding..........  Thumbs Up First Place
19  General / Open Discussion / Re: ATV Riders, Officers Rescued After Getting Lost In Woods on: January 17, 2006, 03:26:41 AM
Oh....is that what GPS is for?......... right Kurt?
20  General / Open Discussion / Re: Polaris trail boss is JUNK on: January 17, 2006, 03:24:41 AM
Hey Boomer,

I am curiuos as to how the front right tire actually hit the stump. ........you say that it hit "dead on".  If that is so, given the statiscally low probability that the right front tire was hit at precisley the right angle so that the force of the impact traveled throught thea-arms and into the frame.  Then I think that there might be a quality control issue regarding Polaris.  It seems that there are those on this board with no problems and those on this boards with problems regarding Polaris ATV's.  Now..... its no secret that I'm a huge Honda fan, however, that does not preclude the fact that I would try contacting Polaris's Quality Control (QA) department and explain what occured.  Your absolutly right when you believe that the tie-rods should have given in first.....they should have, the're designed for it. 

Hope this post makes some sense it 3:24 in the morning.
Good luck.
21  General / Open Discussion / Re: Its almost time..... on: January 16, 2006, 01:53:06 PM
22  General / Open Discussion / Re: Getting my Private Pilot License!! on: January 15, 2006, 10:58:51 PM
Congrats BIgScrub........you know, they say that once you begin to fly you'll notice that you don't look at the ground that often afterwards. Instead, you'll always be looking up.
23  General / Open Discussion / Re: Getting my Private Pilot License!! on: January 15, 2006, 10:56:51 PM
Contact me if there is anytghing I can help with. I got my private rotorcraft in 03 and finished with my commercial in 05. Good Luck

Hey Green, did you learn on the ubixutous Robinson 22 ?
If so whats that ride like?
24  General / Open Discussion / Re: lesson learned (Hump ride 14 Jan 06) on: January 15, 2006, 10:47:31 PM
Pastense r u going to be abel tor ide next weekend

I rented a back hoe for next weekend, so saturday I'll be busy with that thing. Sunday I should be able to get some ride time though.  I actually went out late today after I had finally got her back tgether. The ride was nice but it was cold out.  Bumped into some kid on a rancher 250 that ran out of gas.  I ran home and got him some.  I'm thnkin about going out tommorrow at around 12 in the afternoon or so.
25  General / Open Discussion / Re: lesson learned (Hump ride 14 Jan 06) on: January 15, 2006, 02:45:25 PM
Is your house a 2 story house on a dirt road if so i thinkawhile ago me and my group rode upon it and immedtiatly turned around.

Na Southern, I live in the Fairways......its a community on the same side of Palm Ave as the Hump is. My back yard runs right up to the FPL easment so its kind of a straight shot with no paved roads. 
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