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1  General / Open Discussion / Re: If anyone's interested..this is what I've been doing since I stopped riding. on: July 30, 2011, 05:28:24 PM
WOW nice Frank, I don't know if you remember me but I have the KFX450 and use to ride with joe a little bit.  We've ridden at L-cross together a couple years back.  I too have a lighting, you should check out Lightningrodder.com , specifically the FLRC section.  Pretty good site.

2  General / Open Discussion / Re: ATV Riders Shot, boy killed. on: May 13, 2009, 01:09:03 PM
did any one ask u motocross mavric?HuhHuhHuhHuhHuhHuhHuhHuhHuh??  no so you stop posting

No, nobody asked. I chose it upon myself to tell you that you are a complete moron!

+1, I say we all hit the ignore button so that this tool ends up just taking to himself!

3  General / Open Discussion / Re: R.I.P to a fellow Atvfl member. on: May 13, 2009, 12:36:46 PM
So sad to hear this, R.I.P.
4  General / Open Discussion / Re: Website Feedback on: March 13, 2009, 05:53:14 PM
Noiiiice! I always loved your videos of seminole, seems like forever.

Good website and layout, btw where can i find those girls with all the red shirts Tongue
5  General / Open Discussion / Re: 3500 acres of riding in seminole? on: February 27, 2009, 04:08:16 PM
Any Updates On this?!??

Havent visited the site as much lately but was wondering if anyone has any new info on this b/c i was thinking of going out next week (spring break  Yup!)

*Edit* Just got to reading on the STMX forum and heard maybe by MAY Cool, just wanted to keep the ball rolling
6  General / Open Discussion / Re: KFX450R on: February 13, 2009, 10:15:50 PM
Look at what the pros ride. Not one GNCC pro rides one. Some MX pro do. I would say it's not the best XC quad, but more of a MX quad. Like RAD450R said it does have reverse. That is a plus for trail riding. I don't have one or have ever ridden one, so my opinion is bassed off of what I see. I think it would be a great go fast trail machine.

Yes, very true for the GNCC racing side of things but I think Kawi knew that as long as Bill Ballance was racing there was nooo chance of anybody else winning besides him, so why waste the money?  Cheesy LOL jk.  But I would also say that it is not the best XC quad either, nor is the YFZ450, TRX450 or LTR450.  If you can cough up $10,000 + thennnn you might just have the best production XC quad, a KTM450/525XC.

This year I predict some very good results for the MX side of things, with a healthy chad wienen and a good josh creamer, well see some better results.  Anyways, I would say the KFX is very competitive with the other big 3, if not better than some when it came out 2 years ago. Got mine a year and half ago.

Next time we ride Frank, Ill let you ride mine and see what ya think.

They are great as long as you are not someone that likes winning. For someone that likes ridding around in reverse they are the bomb.
If I were buying a new quad the Kawi would rank in about fifth place for me.

OH i love Ridding in reverse! Soooo thats why I dont win!!! Bonk  Huh Bonk Bonk Huh Bonk   I used to race a yamaha but I came in fifth place too many times, didnt understand why though

Thats cute though, have you ever ridddin Huh or raced one?  Thats what I thought the OP was asking

7  General / Open Discussion / Re: KFX450R on: February 13, 2009, 04:32:50 PM
I love mine!  The power is OK but you can really wake it up with some mods, seems the airbox is really restricted.  The handling is great alomost on rails sometimes. 

What type of riding do you usually do?  I love XC but also sport some MX on rare occasions.  It is awesome in the woods in stock trim, suspension, ehh OK, but with reverse and EFI its awesome. 

I know some more might chime in, feel free to ask any more questions.

8  General / Open Discussion / Re: all who knew sean centkowski on: December 18, 2008, 03:10:50 PM
Sorry to hear that, this is sad, seemed like a very nice guy....Stay strong!
9  General / Open Discussion / Re: Stock 52HP ATV!!! on: December 02, 2008, 12:04:50 AM
I caught it from the first post but just waited, was quite surprised how many people didnt catch or just went along with it Wink
10  General / Photo Gallery & Videos / Re: this is a car we just finished at my work. on: November 30, 2008, 12:05:58 PM
Unique for sure....I was looking thru the gallery on the website and you guys sure do enough hummers and range rovers lol Cool  The darth vader lightning caught my eye Nerd
11  General / Open Discussion / Re: Anyone work for a Kawasaki dealer? on: October 31, 2008, 02:09:17 PM
PM sent
12  General / Open Discussion / Re: Ashley Fiolek on: October 09, 2008, 12:24:10 AM
Yeah ive heard of her b4, she says she shifts by feeling the rpm's thorugh vibrations Huh, shell proly kick my a$$ anyday
13  General / Open Discussion / Re: Kawasaki in Pembrooke Pines on: October 03, 2008, 12:04:45 AM
Alright awesome! I only work part time though since i go to college. Im usually there every sunday, monday, wednesday and friday.  Sometimes saturday too.
14  General / Open Discussion / Re: Kawasaki in Pembrooke Pines on: October 02, 2008, 11:42:56 PM
Yes, as a matter of fact I work there! lol....Pines Kawasaki.  We use to be in North Miami Beach but moved about 6 months ago.  Service is good, all of our guys are qualified and went to MMI.  For prices, we'll do our best to get you a good price and try to match anything.  Oh and yeah were cool! lol  No but seriously if your in the area come on by and see us or ask for Ryan.  We got a website too if ya wanna check it out, www.pineskawasaki.com
15  General / Open Discussion / Re: 3500 acres of riding in seminole? on: September 23, 2008, 03:13:33 PM
SWEEEEEETTT!!!!!!!!  Thumbs Up Thumbs Up Afro Yup! Yup! Bow Clapper Laugh nanaparty nanaparty
16  General / Open Discussion / Re: The War Against Terror - The Axis of Evil... on: September 20, 2008, 11:48:59 PM
Wow its just sad to see this site go from people connecting with each other to go ride and race to a daily battle of peoples opinions on political BS and posts of propraganda.  Sad

But I guess thats what keeps this site alive these days since we are running out of places to ride Nerd Evil
17  General / Open Discussion / Re: Sure is quiet... on: September 14, 2008, 10:54:11 PM
I was at L-cross yesterday starting to cut the track for the 2nd SSQSA Hare Scramble. Luckily I didn't hurt myself like I did the 1st day of cutting trail in Myakka. We had fun and boy was it hot. I saw some of the biggest spiders that I've ever seen. Spent all day diong what you just said. Cleaning all the cow poop off my truck, trailer and quad. Then checking in here. Then cutting the grass. Now checking back in as I cook dinner. Boy sometimes I wish my wife could cook.

Same here,that was fun yesterday
18  General / Photo Gallery & Videos / Re: New Dirtbike! [NEW PICS!] on: September 14, 2008, 10:50:26 PM
Told ya you shouldnt have taken the moster graphics off Evil

Where the pic of my truck and quad too?
19  General / Open Discussion / Re: New Florida Motorcycle laws-Effective 01 Oct, 2008 on: September 09, 2008, 12:13:35 AM
There going to have to catch me first! Tongue

In all seriosness i think this is discrimination, qt brings up some good points
20  General / Open Discussion / Re: Call of Duty 4 on: July 12, 2008, 10:06:44 PM
lol . my dad got it and beat it in 2 days. its pretty sweet game. now hes startin to play online. lol

Just got the game on Monday and beat it by thursday, story isnt too hard, i like the way the  health works and how you dont have to start the whole misson over again.  Game is so real its almost scary.  Cant get online ever since i got the ps3 which kinda sucks, internet works but it just cant connect to the network.
21  General / Photo Gallery & Videos / Re: Seminole 7/10 on: July 11, 2008, 12:33:14 AM
Cool pics, its nice to see it didnt take another 6 months to go out there again  Tongue

Im thinking of going out there next thursday, weather permitting.  Was the heat bearable?
22  General / Open Discussion / Re: Starting College tomorrow on: June 24, 2008, 12:40:21 AM
Nice.....where you going?

Im in no rush so im just starting in the fall
23  General / Open Discussion / Re: Anyone watch the Rigged Kimbo fight? on: June 05, 2008, 12:36:16 AM
No doubt Kimbo can be a monster but right now he is just a media star, he's in every magazine. Classic story of Internet star turned tv drama superstar. 

He has alot of training to do and its going to be awhile before he can be considered an MMA star.  He has   none to little ground game but can take a beating.   Saturday's match was the the first mma match he actually was on the ground, he did good for a minute and a little while but then gave up at the end of round 2.......No cardio.   In time he will be decent but never a champion
HAHA....you think?  He didn't have a Randy Couture or Tito Ortiz dropping 'bows on top of him, or he'd been done quickly!

Thompson isn't even a good fighter....fair is pushing it. 

Kimbo has potential in the future....just not right now.  Bas Rutten (very good MMA'er in the past) is training Kimbo, and he just needs fights to gain some experience.

You raise a good point my friend, it is only the Elite XC
24  General / Open Discussion / Re: The Kid Has Graduated! on: June 05, 2008, 12:30:51 AM
I graduated last night myself too.....gratifying and only the begining
25  General / Open Discussion / Re: Anyone watch the Rigged Kimbo fight? on: June 03, 2008, 12:34:28 AM
No doubt Kimbo can be a monster but right now he is just a media star, he's in every  magazine.  Classic story of Internet star turned tv drama superstar. 

He has alot of training to do and its going to be awhile before he can be considered an MMA star.  He has   none to little ground game but can take a beating.  Saturday's match was the the first mma match he actually was on the ground, he did good for a minute and a little while but then gave up at the end of round 2.......No cardio.   In time he will be decent but never a champion
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