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1  General / Open Discussion / Re: what did you get for christmas on: December 30, 2007, 10:26:02 PM
Two tickets to the DAYTONA 500!!!! Git er done!!!!
2  General / Open Discussion / Re: Parkland on: May 16, 2007, 09:52:46 PM
LMAO, that land was never $200 an acre, ever!

No kidding, its called sarcasm and trying to exagerrate(sp?) to make a point. The land was however being sold for 5k an acre back when there was nothing but swampland in the late 70s early 80s. My parents wanted to buy at the time but didnt think anything would ever be built out there. the story of my life Cry
3  General / Open Discussion / Re: Parkland on: May 15, 2007, 04:46:52 PM
It is bordered on the everglades to the west, but they are just taking land that was considered unincorporated. They took land that was $200 an acre and made it $500k an acre by putting a parkland address on it.
4  General / Open Discussion / Re: "Confederate Heritage" license plate? on: February 02, 2007, 10:27:35 PM


here is their press kit that shows the main people behind this. take a look before you say its racist.

I would get that tag and be the first to personlize it and have it say  "RED NEK" Yup!
5  General / Open Discussion / Re: "Confederate Heritage" license plate? on: February 02, 2007, 04:17:55 PM
I dont think one would ever get approved. Too many people have no idea what it stood for and most look at it as a slap in the face.Look at that moronic girl from Hollywood Hills HS who wants to ban shirts hats and any other thing from school because it offends her.  My dad ALWAYS had one on his trucks and a flag in the house, but my dad was also pretty racist too. He wasnt a kkk member or a radical but the n-word was used as much as any other word in his vocabulary. I consider myself a native redneck but all i have left is my dads old flag and the plate he had on his truck when he died.

Would i get one? I dont know, it would all depend on what it looked like really. I have friends of all races and they wouldnt have a problem with me wearing or displaying a confederate flag because they know who i am. But someone else may give you that look or words because you have that.
6  General / Open Discussion / Re: high school on: January 29, 2007, 02:10:53 PM
North miami Senior High c/o 88
7  General / Open Discussion / Re: For the divorced parents out there..... on: January 12, 2007, 09:31:47 PM
non-hypothetical case here.

Pretend you are the non-custodial parent who has not missed any visitation time in the last 6 years since you started visitation.  The custodial parent makes a schedule for the month of January that you agree to all via email(which is about the only way you communicate).  This schedule includes the weekends.

The custodial parents has now decided that she is mad at you and is not allowing you to keep the weekend schedule, and has threatened to take away one of the full weeks you have had scheduled.

What do you do when the Volusia County Sherrif's office sits on their hands in the back of the office when you go there asking for help?

What do you do when the Orange County Courthouse says they will have to schedule a hearing before a judge?

What do you do when you know if you confront her at her house, the only thing she needs to do is call the Volusia County Sherrif and SAY you hit her and you go off to jail?

What do you do?


Have the SO meet you at the house when you pick up the child and confront her there. My friend was not allowed to see his daughter for 376 days in a row due to a total pregnant dog of a wife, and im not just saying that because he is a friend. He is a teacher and absolutely great with kids and always did the right thing. He was patient and it all worked out in the end, so far. Unfortunately its been going on so long, its usually the kids who suffer. I wish you good luck.
8  General / Open Discussion / Re: State Trooper Shot in Lake Placid (prayers needed) on: January 12, 2007, 05:37:22 PM
Hes got my prayers, this thing hits close to my heart.
9  General / Open Discussion / Re: LIBS ACTING AS IF YOU YOU HAVE A CLUE!!!! on: January 12, 2007, 03:59:24 PM
If I ever called you a name, let me go ahead and apologize, because believe it or not, I never meant any harm in any way, thats not the kind of person I am, I just do not like to be missunderstood, I am not a far right rep or for that matter a far left lib, I am however  rep with some lib views, for the record,
I do not by any stretch of the imagination think that GW is a great pres or that his time in office has been even close to perfect, the point I am trying to make is that he is human, and like him or not he is our leader, who as a country we elected, I voted for Pero years ago, and I would vote for him again over anyone, but for me or any american to sit back a constantly bash bush is just unfair.

I gave up on bashing him ALL the time when he got re-elected, but i still give my opinion when provoked. Also i dont think its unfair to do so since he is the leader of the free world. The buck stops with him. So any bad things that happen or good things he either gets praised or lambasted thats what the job entails. Besides its not like he cares what scott in sunrise thinks about him.
10  General / Open Discussion / Re: Terrorist Attack on US Embassy in Greece on: January 12, 2007, 09:37:06 AM
See, its all those damn liberals and clintons fault!!!!!!!!!!!!! If he wouldnt have been gettin bj's we wouldnt be in this damned mess!!!!!! Kiss Wink Grin Smiley
11  General / Open Discussion / Re: LIBS ACTING AS IF YOU YOU HAVE A CLUE!!!! on: January 12, 2007, 08:41:36 AM
We also have the freedom to be able to write or say discriminating things about our government if we dont agree with them. That was given to us a LONG time ago.

Wow and you people say all the dems do is call people names.

Your right though, GW was a pretty good man. He was enlisted in the national gaurd but never showed, partied through college(who doesnt?), was an admitted alcoholic and cocaine abuser(youthful indescretions), had his girlfriend get an abortion(not a big deal in my eyes because im pro choice but he lied about it), but thats just what the liberal media has reported. And he is a great father who leads by example, both daughters have followed his drinking habits(while underage,also youthful indescretions). Wow you guys are right, he is a great man and a great christian. How did i not see through it?

I know will all jump I disagree, but at this point it doesnt matter. Nobody here is going to change anyones mind, their beliefs are their beliefs, and that is what is great about this country. Our ability to be individuals.

One thing that does drive me nuts about you people is that you think just because someone is a dem that they are tree hugging liberals and that is not the truth i registered ad a dem when i was young because of my father who always said the dems are for the working man, the union man and thats what he was. I dont vote party lines even though im a dem, and i dont hate GW because he is a rep. He is an elitest who has never had to account for any of his actions and has skated through life. Had this been Jeb i dont think you would have as much hatred, although he has his faults too. I want my guns, my ability to hunt and fish and most of all my FREEDOM and not have the government in my house telling me what i should be doing.

12  General / Where to Ride? / Re: Holeylands Today on: January 10, 2007, 11:22:45 PM
I was out there sunday in my sons blazer. Wasnt brave enough to take it in the by our selves. We should be going back out soon with some friends and their jeeps. Look for a big blue blazer and come say hi.
13  General / Open Discussion / Re: I AM SO GLAD !................................... on: January 10, 2007, 08:07:28 PM
That George Bush is our President  Grin Thank God for our national leader that is more concerned with stopping terrorists than banging his interns. No mincing of words "that depends on what you definition of "IS" is", no cowardice, no selling out the American people to line his pockets. I'm just glad  Smiley

Where have you been living?  Let me gues in a nut shell!  Dude wake up and realize how much things have gotten screwed up.  1st gas is outragous, Why are their twice as many cops on the road, Why is that when you get pulled over by a cop that not just 1 but 2 or 3 cops come to make sure things are "OK".  Can't you understand that 95% of the world hates George W. Bush and wished that he was hung instead of Saddam.  Dude wake up and smell the coffee cuz you are geting ripped off on taxes and insurance.   But oh I guess you like to get screwed by your own president. And yes im a Democrat...

Please dig out from that Dem bunker you're living in and remove the Bush hating blinders to see the real world.
Gas- crude oil - price is set by OPEC - basically an economic form of terrorism, not our president.
cops on the road ? you're worried about too many cops? you're right lets get rid of them all. that way the Dem ideals will save us all. lets get rid of our guns, stop fighting terrorism, and spend more time banging fat chicks with cigars. Then when the criminals and terrorists take over, we can do the normal Dem thing and just kiss their a$$es as long as the rest of the world thinks it's what we should do.
taxes? Bush is the one pushing for more tax cuts. In fact he's been bashed for that by your very own party! typical Dems - complain no matter what happens yet never offer a solution. Just say it's all the fault of everyone else.

OK you are saying that bush is pushing for MORE tax cuts......I havent seen taxes go down! Lets say Bush says he'll cut $10 Million on taxes that wont even drop YOUR own taxes by $20 taxes......I didn't say cops were bad but they are to manny out their that are wasty tax $$$  and BUsh wants to send more US Troops to The middle east...It's gunna cost $6.5 Billion.  So why not let Bush kill even more Americans by sending them to HELL in Iraq.  Dont you understand that the troops need to come home and end the BS in the middle east.  "If you dont bother people, people wont bother you"  So why dont the troops pack up their bags and come home?  Its not that hard.

You think there are TOO many cops on the road? Maybe where you live but not in south(Dade Broward Palm Beach) florida. There are not enough down here, many are working tons of overtime because there are not enough. Maybe we should pay them less too since all they do is harass people or eat donuts all day. Cursing
14  General / Open Discussion / Re: 20k on: January 10, 2007, 04:54:26 PM
QT, so you don't want to hear any more about Bill Clintons escapades but only want to hear about what he did in office while he was there. Thats all he did while there. If he was trying to protect our country, 911 may not have ever happened. If people remember right. 09/11/2001 is the same year that Bush started his term in office. Within his first year in office he was hit with the biggest terror attack in history. He hardly got moved in and still did a darn good job at protecting americans.

He had nine months to do something and he did nothing. You act like he had nine days. While i commended him for going after the real terrorists in afgahnistan i was severely dissapointed for the war in Iraq. However once again you have your blinders on when it comes to the war in Iraq.

If i remember correctly, and keep in mind i wasnt born in kennedys reign but i did graduate high school, kennedy was banging alot more women than clinton was. He was responsible for the bay of pigs fiasco and almost sent us into WW3 with the ruskies yet was considered one of our greatest presidents. Out of the last 26 years of presidency only 8 were with a democrat. So the democrats are to blame for all this mess?
15  General / Open Discussion / Re: Republican Group Ride on: January 10, 2007, 12:46:32 PM
Its amazing how uneducated you are. Im a democrat and i support all those things except for the president dumbshit part. The problem is with you people and alot of America that have to split people into groups. I supported Bush Sr, even though Reagan nearly put us in another depression, because the person he was running against had no clue(Dukakis).

It seems more people support this dumbass JUST because he is Republican and thats just stupid. This admin will go down in history as the worst ever, because of all the lies and deceit. This war was started to finish off what daddy couldnt do, it was NEVER about 911.

So enjoy your ride boys, you guys are perfect for each other Roll Eyes

Uneducated?  This post (combined with the post regarding WMD's and Korea) demonstrate quite well your lack of enlightenment on these issues. Lets start with your comments on Reagan and a depression.

Reagan's economic policies were solid. His trickle down path led to the boom in the late 80's and into the 90's without a doubt. Money in the hands of people stimulates the economy, whether they are rich or poor. The problem- how to you put money in the hands of the poor? Transfer of more wealth from the rich to the poor each year? This would only create greater dependency on entitlements and give lessen the incentive to achieve. Give the poor greater tax cuts? You can only cut the taxes for the poor by so much, because they don't pay much in taxes. When Tom Daschle said that the result of a proposed Bush tax cut would mean that a rich person would be able to buy a new car, without realizing it, he proved the theory of Trickle Down Economics. The person selling that car would generate income that he would otherwise not have had. Please note that if that person sells enough cars, he will gain wealth. If tax rates in this county were at 75% what would happen to the economy? The answer is that no one would have money to spend on anything except housing and food. The result would be that businesses everywhere would fail, because no one would have money to buy clothes, electronics, entertainment, repairs for their homes or cars, go on vacation..... If they did buy such things, they would have to go in to debt to do so. How would this help the working class or the poor? Please note the average taxpayer, pays roughly 50% of their income in taxes.

After the attack on September 11th, Hillary Clinton said, "come to New York and spend money." She knew if people stopped coming to New York and spending money, businesses would fail and the economy in New York would suffer a great downturn, which would hurt the average working family. This is interesting considering that liberals are for tax hikes and against tax cuts. The only thing that helps the working class is a strong economy. It gives the average worker more freedom and more bargaining power. When the financial sector was booming from 1987 through 1989, workers were getting bonuses, overtime and stock options. When the financial sector suffered a downturn in 1990, it trickled down. There were no more bonuses, overtime, stock options and their were layoffs.

Reagan's trickle down economic's program was designed to cut taxes and, over time, put more money into the hands of the average american consumer. It is based upon an old and very effective school of economic thought known as Simon Kuznets's "Law", which stands for the proven proposition that, any time a country's gross domestic profit is up, economic equality (ie.- more wealth distributed to the lower income sector) moves ahead.  Not a new theory, Adam Smith propounded the same theory in his 1776 book, "The Wealth of Nations". [Great book, you should read it.]

Next, regarding your rants about WMD's and Korea. You act as if it was only Bush and his administration that waved the WMD flag. The Democrats were right there with him and in fact provided the majority of the push to initially go into Iraq. Here's a few excerpts from liberal democrats' speeches and memos to the President prior to entering Iraq:

"There is no doubt that Saddam Hussein's regime is a serious danger, that he is a tyrant, and that his pursuit of lethal weapons of mass destruction cannot be tolerated. He must be disarmed." -- Ted Kennedy, Sept 27, 2002

"I will be voting to give the president of the United States the authority to use force - if necessary - to disarm Saddam Hussein because I believe that a deadly arsenal of weapons of mass destruction in his hands is a real and grave threat to our security." -- John F. Kerry, Oct 2002

"The threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real, but as I said, it is not new. It has been with us since the end of that war, and particularly in the last 4 years we know after Operation Desert Fox failed to force him to reaccept them, that he has continued to build those weapons. He has had a free hand for 4 years to reconstitute these weapons, allowing the world, during the interval, to lose the focus we had on weapons of mass destruction and the issue of proliferation." -- John Kerry, October 9, 2002

"Every day Saddam remains in power with chemical weapons, biological weapons, and the development of nuclear weapons is a day of danger for the United States." -- Joe Lieberman, August, 2002

"As a member of the House Intelligence Committee, I am keenly aware that the proliferation of chemical and biological weapons is an issue of grave importance to all nations. Saddam Hussein has been engaged in the development of weapons of mass destruction technology which is a threat to countries in the region and he has made a mockery of the weapons inspection process." -- Nancy Pelosi, December 16, 1998

"Iraq is not the only nation in the world to possess weapons of mass destruction, but it is the only nation with a leader who has used them against his own people." -- Tom Daschle in 1998

So, before you go whining and bed wetting to the rest of us, get your facts straight or find someone else to debate on your behalf at a level you can't hold. However, if you'd like to enter into a lively debate over supply side economics, Keynesianism, Says Law and the like, I am happy to oblige.

 Bow Bow Thumbs Up Toast Clapper Clapper

I have noticed how no one ever tries to reply to your posts Matt. I think you shut him up.

No, its like beating a dead horse. I just dont care anymore, we can go back and forth with facts all day for and against. Whatever. Bush is great Reps are great, Dems are tree hugging commie pinko fags and we should just bow down to the all knowing and doing Reps. Keep the war going until every last towel head is gone and then we go after them damn chincs.
16  General / Open Discussion / Re: I AM SO GLAD !................................... on: January 10, 2007, 12:33:37 PM
Can anyone answer this question for me. Everyone keeps asking wheres Osama. How do you people know he is still alive? We know his sons were killed but whos to say that he wasn't killed with one of those bombs we planted there also. He definately is not out in the open so he may as well not have a life. And just because you have not found a body does not mean he is still alive. What about the girl who went to Aruba and those two mountain climbers that were never found. I guess they must be still alive also. Someone please answer the question. How do we actually know he is alive?

You have never posted an intelligent response on this crap. Comparing the chick in Aruba to Bin-Laden. Yay for Bush, he is great  YAYYYYYYYYYYYYY, does that make me a good American now? This is just stupid.

So now are you calling me stupid, You just said that the post I make are stupid so I guess so. Maybe you need to relook at things yourself. I just made a point that because you don't find someone doesn't mean he is still alive. You keep saying, how about Bin Laden, thats who we need to get. well here is good information for you. YOU WILL NEVER FIND WHAT IS BLOWN TO SMITHERINGS. Is that clear enough for you. And you still didn't answer the question because YOU CAN'T AND THATS FACT.

I never said YOU were stupid, i was reffering to the whole war discussion. It never gets solved here because people are people we all have our own OPINIONS and are free to express them which is what our fore fathers fought for.

What question would you like me to answer? That we cant find something blown to,in your words, smitherings? Or that we dont know if he is alive? Your right we dont know, b ut we are not sending 20,000 more troops to find out. We are sending more help to free iraqi people, who someone else wrote, HATE US. Get our boys out now and not waste another single soldiers life on a war based on lies
17  General / Open Discussion / Re: Republican Group Ride on: January 10, 2007, 09:51:23 AM
Its amazing how uneducated you are. Im a democrat and i support all those things except for the president dumbshit part. The problem is with you people and alot of America that have to split people into groups. I supported Bush Sr, even though Reagan nearly put us in another depression, because the person he was running against had no clue(Dukakis).

It seems more people support this dumbass JUST because he is Republican and thats just stupid. This admin will go down in history as the worst ever, because of all the lies and deceit. This war was started to finish off what daddy couldnt do, it was NEVER about 911.

So enjoy your ride boys, you guys are perfect for each other Roll Eyes

I think they support the Presidential Institution beyond anything else...Bush has is faults....But to say the present WAR has nothing to do with 9/11 only highlights your  MTV ignorance

MTV yeah thats great. Afghanistan is about 911 not Iraq. If its truly about WMDs how come we havent invaded Korea? Thats right, no oil. It doesnt matter, most of you are so closed minded here you wont look or read anything that will enlighten you to the real story so i wont confuse you with the facts.
18  General / Open Discussion / Re: It's time to bring back the military draft! on: January 10, 2007, 09:46:50 AM
It would be a good idea. Todays youth need to learn some discipline and respect.

Thats the problem, too many people think someone else should teach their kids respect and discipline. We should worry about teaching our own.
No, the problem is NOBODY teaches  kids respect or discipline. There are WAY too many deadbeat sorry ass men out there that breed them and leave them. So there is no man in the kids life to teach them. When I was growing up you still got your ass beat at school so if you didnt learn how to obey the rules at home at least they could discipline kids at school.


By saying NOBODY you include yourself. I have taught my kids much respect and discipline and also was brought up to do the same and when we didnt we got our asses whipped. Again it starts at the home.
19  General / Open Discussion / Re: I AM SO GLAD !................................... on: January 10, 2007, 09:43:05 AM
Can anyone answer this question for me. Everyone keeps asking wheres Osama. How do you people know he is still alive? We know his sons were killed but whos to say that he wasn't killed with one of those bombs we planted there also. He definately is not out in the open so he may as well not have a life. And just because you have not found a body does not mean he is still alive. What about the girl who went to Aruba and those two mountain climbers that were never found. I guess they must be still alive also. Someone please answer the question. How do we actually know he is alive?

You have never posted an intelligent response on this crap. Comparing the chick in Aruba to Bin-Laden. Yay for Bush, he is great  YAYYYYYYYYYYYYY, does that make me a good American now? This is just stupid.
20  General / Open Discussion / Re: Republican Group Ride on: January 10, 2007, 09:38:14 AM
Its amazing how uneducated you are. Im a democrat and i support all those things except for the president dumbshit part. The problem is with you people and alot of America that have to split people into groups. I supported Bush Sr, even though Reagan nearly put us in another depression, because the person he was running against had no clue(Dukakis).

It seems more people support this dumbass JUST because he is Republican and thats just stupid. This admin will go down in history as the worst ever, because of all the lies and deceit. This war was started to finish off what daddy couldnt do, it was NEVER about 911.

So enjoy your ride boys, you guys are perfect for each other Roll Eyes
21  General / Open Discussion / Re: It's time to bring back the military draft! on: January 09, 2007, 06:32:35 PM
I know i shouldnt but........Yeah, lets send more kids to die for an unwinnable(is that a word) war that was started based on lies. The only one who thinks we can win is the delusional G(dumbass)W. We should get out of iraq, and concentrate on finding the real terrorist Bin Laden and conquering Al-queda.

Okay im good for a little while.

When I say bring back the draft it is not necessarily for the war in Iraq but more for the war on terror that will be going on for decades.

All the military in the world is not going to stop terrorism. It didnt stop the unibomber, the Oklahoma bomber(s), and it hasnt stopped Al-Queda. People need to stop listening to the propaganda and scare tactics of the Bush admin and wake up to reality.

22  General / Open Discussion / Re: It's time to bring back the military draft! on: January 09, 2007, 06:15:38 PM
It would be a good idea. Todays youth need to learn some discipline and respect.

Thats the problem, too many people think someone else should teach their kids respect and discipline. We should worry about teaching our own.
23  General / Open Discussion / Re: It's time to bring back the military draft! on: January 09, 2007, 06:13:54 PM
I know i shouldnt but........Yeah, lets send more kids to die for an unwinnable(is that a word) war that was started based on lies. The only one who thinks we can win is the delusional G(dumbass)W. We should get out of iraq, and concentrate on finding the real terrorist Bin Laden and conquering Al-queda.

Okay im good for a little while.
24  General / Open Discussion / Re: Another Republican Governer! No!! on: November 10, 2006, 10:55:33 AM
I think its important for us all to rememeber that unless we are talking about locally elected officials , for the most part they are faithful to one thing ....there PARTY! Not you OR your particular ideals or goals, but to the goals of there  Party!!! I for one dont live with my head in the sand , blindely following like a lemming. Both parties are crooks and liars, if you dont think they are answer me this? When there is a scandal or impropriaties of any nature and one side accuses the other side of outrageous behavior , the opposite side denies it but doesnt threaten legal action for making false claims.......do they? What you should take from that is there is a bit of truth to everything thats brought to light or it wouldnt have surfaced in the first place. Ask yourself this ? Why arent there any state or U.S Senators or Reps. that arent well to do or children of priviledge? Why does it cost so much just to enter a race for a seat? The answer is quite simple........ they dont want the little mans input, they dont want to hear the plite of the worker, they would rather tell you they understand you hurt and that they hurt too. Yeah right ......tell me another one.

Quoted for truth!!
25  General / Open Discussion / Re: Another Republican Governer! No!! on: November 10, 2006, 09:12:59 AM
Some of you people are amazingly uninformed. Schools teaching your kids to be gay? Thats moronic, because we are all different.
Gay marriage? Who cares, they are together anyways and they are entitled to medical insurance benefits. Dont bring up the bible either, thats why we have a seperation of church and state. Religion is based on belief/faith nothing else.
Clinton did try to do something about Bin Laden, congress wouldnt let him kill him, they were too focused on him getting BJs. Bush had the same info that Clinton did and he didnt do anything either. Bin Laden is still out there and we are in just as much danger now than ever before.
I will give Crist a chance to do something, at least he is not the bible thumping Jebster who was trying to force the bible into every policy from Terry Schiavo to Gambling. But if you think that forcing Insurance companies to insure everything is going to work ithink you are in for a surprise. More will pull out than stay.
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