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1  General / Open Discussion / Re: Uuumm.... New! (--Me--) on: July 25, 2005, 09:53:50 PM
Well, The responsibility thing would work if my cousin Felicia had never crashed so many times, then told her how hurt she could / did get.  My mom also hates anything like ATV's because she thinks anything 'Illegal' (on the street) should not hold any of my interests.  And with the cops getting called numerous times on my cousins down the street, she hates them more.

My cousins' friend/neighbor  technically like made a dirk bike today.
 its tiny, and it hauls ass. It looks like it could be a mini bike, but they put a Kawasaki fender on it, Looks so out of place.

Annnnyaaaws, Thanks for the welcome
2  General / Open Discussion / Uuumm.... New! (--Me--) on: July 18, 2005, 11:35:49 PM
Um... well alo all of you atvflorida-ers!  As my name and siggy stated.. I want to be a rider.. but sadly have no way to.  Darn the world of over protective parents. I do get to go for short... and I mean short rides up this dusty alley thing behind me and my couin's (and our neighbor's) houses.  But living in the suburbs/city is not that fun when you want to ride. long story short.. cops get involved.  My couin himself is the one who got me into this site..and well um.. now... Uh... Hi!
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