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1  General / Open Discussion / Re: THIEFS IN MIAMI AREA SPOTTED on: June 04, 2005, 01:02:50 AM
the cops dont have time for this because they are only atvs......this guy is young cant be more than like 25, he drives around and steals at random.  the banshee was only at the place it was at for that day, it usually stays somewhere else.  unless it is on camera or  witnesed by the cop it is he said she said type crap..............
2  General / Open Discussion / Re: Does any body know where to get the best E4OD rebu on: June 03, 2005, 11:13:49 AM
believe it or not, the one thing that keeps them going is not changing the fluid, when the fluid get  broken down and thinned out it get through the allreadyt to small hole easier, putting newer thicker fluid restricts it from getting to the rear of the tranny. i have friends that have alot of miles on theres and they have no problems, and i have had friends that have had  fluid flushes and within days of that problems show up all over
3  General / Product and Services Reviews / THIEFS IN MIAMI AREA SPOTTED on: June 03, 2005, 10:06:34 AM
in the cutlerridge area there was a RED & WHITE 04 Banshee stolen not to long ago, nieghbors saw a two tone F-250 that was a dark red top and bottom with  gray in the middle, they key features to this truck are a white hood on it,   a bullet hole in the passenger side of the bed, and it is lifted on 35 inch tires.    Recently this truck was spotted again trying to sell a stolen 200x  that it had in the back of it. Alot of people with bikes in the cutlerridge area have spotted this truck driving around there nieghbor hoods.  keep and eye out for it and be weary of it or the people in it.
4  General / Open Discussion / THIEFS IN MIAMI AREA SPOTTED on: June 03, 2005, 10:05:49 AM
in the cutlerridge area there was a RED & WHITE 04 Banshee stolen not to long ago, nieghbors saw a two tone F-250 that was a dark red top and bottom with  gray in the middle, they key features to this truck are a white hood on it,   a bullet hole in the passenger side of the bed, and it is lifted on 35 inch tires.    Recently this truck was spotted again trying to sell a stolen 200x  that it had in the back of it. Alot of people with bikes in the cutlerridge area have spotted this truck driving around there nieghbor hoods.  keep and eye out for it and be weary of it or the people in it.
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