so I guess since my grandfather back in the 70's hated it when they came to town that this is a "new" thing? The only nice people I have met near them have been the people looking for them to see what they are about(if anything).
And, if the Ocala "gathering" is not even sanctioned by the "rainbow council", why is it that they actually filled out a permit with the ranger station for ONF?
something about your "knowledge" of the rainbows is flawed from my point of view.
where's Eric Cartman when you need him?
i never said this was new they have been around since the early 60's. the fact that they signed the permit should tell you it was not real rainbows.they dont sign permits they never will.the guy that went ahead and signed the permit in the name of from the christian jesus rainbows or whatever they are called. this guy has been running it for years he is no i said all of the problems you guys are havin in ocala are from drifters,gutter punks, that slowly took over the ocala gathering over the years.