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General / Where to Ride? / Re: Ocala's north tralis ?
on: October 14, 2013, 03:03:09 PM
I used to love riding the north trails. I haven't been in some years since all the regulation. We used to ride from Rodman to the outskirts of Altoona. Those were fun days and good memories. Got away from it due to work and now in Afghanistan so maybe when I come back I will make it back down.
General / Where to Ride? / Re: Ocala National Forest - A Few Questions
on: June 18, 2009, 12:29:40 PM
I've done 95% of my riding at a park in North Florida on feature weekends with my second family,,,,,,it's crazy, the little group rides that we used to do, we now have with tons more people who all care for each other and ride a much smaller area,,,,but it's great.
You seriously would fit in rather well, and it's just a jog over on I-10 to Madison for you.
Id@ [/quote]
let me know when your going again. are you talking about the place south of Lee?
General / Where to Ride? / Re: Ocala National Forest - A Few Questions
on: June 17, 2009, 08:33:10 PM
you need to talk to the trail police and get those trails south of your cabin legal again. some of the best riding in the forest was in those woods. very few whoops. do you ever sneak out once in a while for a night ride?
General / Where to Ride? / Re: Ocala National Forest - A Few Questions
on: June 11, 2009, 10:27:54 AM
A friend of mine got a ticket for riding on 88 and I think it was $150. But it was okay to follow her on that road for a few miles back to her ranger station to write the ticket so she didn't have to get out in the pouring rain.
i have a slow 4-wheeler but i have never been caught by those geen trucks. not that i would try to run of course. jeff
General / Where to Ride? / Re: Ocala National Forest - A Few Questions
on: June 11, 2009, 10:23:35 AM
I'll be up there for july 4th and a few days before.
matt if you take the boat to the crab shack from palatka you have to go right past our place on the river. if you end up driving stop by anyway, most likely my grand kids will be down. i'll have the jet ski in, we'll pull the kids on the raft. i bet little matt has got big since i last saw him. we'll hook up either at the river or in the forest. jeff
General / Where to Ride? / Re: Ocala National Forest - A Few Questions
on: June 10, 2009, 03:36:43 PM
Jeff, you can park at my place anytime. Probably wont run into any rangers that way. When we went up on spring break a few months ago I took my bike just to go across the street an take a peek. Did about a 20 mile loop and came back and pulled my bike into the trailer and thats the last time I'll ride it there. I was kinda dissapointed with not running into any of the fun prevention task force, wasn't planning on slowing down for a visit . thanks, i just might take you up on that matt. BTW how much are the tickets for riding off the trails anyway? jeff
General / Where to Ride? / Re: Ocala National Forest - A Few Questions
on: June 10, 2009, 05:50:17 AM
the 88 store is on forrest road 88 just south of hwy 316. 316 heads west towards Ft.McCoy from Salt Springs.
if i end up getting treated unfairly or talked down to by the trail police people then i'll be pissed like some of the other people that have posted on this site. more especially if i was riding on an unmarked illegal trail unintentionally. l definitely would complain to somebody whether it did any good or not. until that happens i'll keep an open mind and be respectful to the trail police.
General / Where to Ride? / Re: Ocala National Forest - A Few Questions
on: June 07, 2009, 05:03:11 PM
for the people that have cabins like matt and ida man in the forest i can understand why they are upset with the trail system. they could just ride from their cabins into a nearly 400,000 acre play ground. all you pretty much had to do was to stay off numbered roads and a few restricted areas. for people like me the changes are to get a sticker and stay on the designated trails. it would be nice to have destinations like the 88 store (chill out, eat and refuel) or a sand pit or two. the good thing is that there are still miles of trails to ride with an opportunity to see an occasional deer, bear, coyote and turkey. there were always whoops mostly near the starting points and always two way traffic on the trails. i dont even mind the fee though i believe they should have a family plan or give children a break. i might be wrong but it just seems to me that there are still more positives than negatives. i havent posted much in the last several years im glad they finally got spell check. jeff
General / Where to Ride? / Re: Ocala National Forest - A Few Questions
on: June 06, 2009, 08:10:42 PM
i have logged thousands of miles riding in onf but not on the new trail system. i plan to get all the stickers and whatever else they require and check out the trails. iv drove by several of the starting points lately and was suprised to see very few vehicles at them. not like the old days. there has always been two way traffic there so that does not concern me. ive never felt like i had to carry a gun there and i have been in as remote of areas (by my self and with others) as you could possibly get. do i like the idea of being regulated and restrickted? heck no! but this is a sign of the times so i will approach it with an open mind. my guess is with less people riding the trails they just might be better than they were before. hope im right.
General / Open Discussion / Re: The Dunes by Ft. McCoy
on: May 06, 2009, 05:17:49 AM
its too bad that place is blocked off. we started some good rides from there.
Yes we did. It was a good place to start from or a good destination when starting from somewhere else. Jeff, my favorite ride was when we started at Idas cabin and rode in the rain most of the day. We went to the St. Johns river, by my place, and the Eureka pit. If I remember correctly we did about 75 miles that day. matt jeff matt i loved the stop overs at your cabin. it was so easy to pull into for gas or lunch. that rain ride was fun. i really miss those days. i posted some pics of one of our last rides from there in the photo thread. jeff
General / Open Discussion / buying a rzr
on: February 26, 2009, 03:27:39 PM
im looking at buying a new rzr. talked with two dealers both are in the $8,900 and change price range before taxes. does this seem like a decent deal? also would like input on tires/rims.
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