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1  General / Open Discussion / Re: chevy or ford on: April 09, 2005, 09:19:54 PM
1999 F-250 4x4 deisel on 38's  gettin ready to replace hubs cuz you cant repack the barrings and something got in between my pad n roder so both them r ruined and my 4x4 dont work (eletrical) but hey it keeps the truck clean when u cant play in the mud!! alot of stuff wrong but its because of muddin it. other than that the ladies love a guy who drives a ford  Smiley
2  General / Open Discussion / Re: mudfest on: March 20, 2005, 04:24:57 PM
i just got back today (sunday) i only went for the day and yeah i herd there was 20,000 people last night they shut the gate and wouldnt let anyone else in till bout midnight!! there wernt to many people mudding today i think everyone was a lil tipsy and worn out from all the partying!! so that was kinda gay. saw a f-250 about a 1999 snatched someone with a chain and it broke and came back and shatterd his front windshield and broke his grill really bad Embarrassed so tht sucks!! and i also saw a new chevy do it and it also got his hood on tht one.
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