Here are the email addresses and phone numbers for our Senators:
Mel Martinez:
(202) 224-3041
Bill Nelson:
(202) 224-5274
You can also look up your Congressman at this link: them know how you feel about closing our riding areas. You vote, and your vote keeps them in office.
Here is a sample letter that a fellow rider had posted:
Dear Sir,
We would like to say how disappointed our family and friends are that more riding areas are being closed. We have lost more and more trails every year and see no reason why these areas are being closed. Florida is all sand and that sand washes back into place when it rains. Forest fires do more damage from lightning each year. Then heavy equipment clearing trees and making fire roads cause more damage than that. We wonder what the real reason behind the closures are. Are the complaints even from Florida residents? The state implemented a registration for off-road vehicles and those funds were to be spent on developing riding areas, not closing them. This is the end of a 2nd year of collecting fees from that registration and again all we have seen are more areas being closed. We camp, hike, canoe, hunt, ride, horse back ride in the ONF and this is the only public place in Florida available to do all of those things in one area.
If you really want to do some good, spend some of the money checking noise levels and handing out tickets for everything over 92db and you will eliminate most of the complaints around private property and others using the forest. We all need to get along and noise is the #1 reason people complain. For the most part those complaints are after dark and the offenders are locals.
Everyone we ride with stops when we see horses or other people while riding trails. We are sure that is not the case with everyone, but don't let a few ignorant people spoil it for all of us. Disrespectful, ignorant people will continue to ride anywhere they want including the numbered roads etc. The only thing you will accomplish is preventing honest people from riding closed areas.
Off-road vehicle enthusiasts are FAMILY people. Florida Families, remember us? We are the ones who use the grounds all year long, we build our state infrastructures; we live and work and raise our families here. These are our forests and these are family sports. Most of us grew up knowing the joys of riding and camping. We are now teaching our children to love and respect our forests - and when we are all gone if you have alienated them from the forest - told them they don't belong - WHO WILL BE THERE TO LOVE IT AND FIGHT FOR IT WHEN WE ARE ALL GONE?
Please do not forget, we bring revenue to the forests and surrounding towns. Think of the impact to the economy. The State of Florida is going to lose an estimated 2 billion dollars in tourist revenue next year - you cannot afford to loose us.
We have been involved with dirt bike and ATV riding for many years. For the most part the people we have met have been family oriented folks who dearly love the woods and act respectful. The biggest problem we see is that residential properties are encroaching on the forests. Also, when people are 4-wheeling at night the sheriffs or rangers need to respond and make it clear these activities are illegal and will not be tolerated.
We have been promised more riding areas and we are the people bringing money to the campgrounds and surrounding towns. If you close us out you will lose more than you will gain. We urge you not to shut us out, let's find a solution we can all live with.
With Respect,