Big-Daddy Do you a a cost sheet for all the Nextel phones. My company is talking about up dating all of our Nextel phones. It would be nice to be able to have the cost of each model. Thanks for your help. [smiley=ThumbsUp.gif]
Having been the victim of a stolen quad I feel youre pain. I hope you are luckier than I was,never heard or saw the quad again.36 payment later it was over.I hope these guys get caught and have to meet the toss the salad man.If there is one thing I hate in this world is a f#%in thief.
Same here, Had it 4 days. Picked it up from the 10 hour brake in service, that night it was gone. I hope that you have better luck and find it.
Just got a new digital camera this weekend, It is a Sony cybershot 5 megapixel and it is alot nicer than the kodak one I had, Plus it shoots video also. I think that the sonys are a good reliable choice
I got my mother one last year ,it is very cool. The 512 card helps out alot.
Do any of you know about the old Suzuki RM250. I have never had a dirt bike before. I was given a 1983 RM250. Just would like some advice on the bike.I know that this is a quad site [smiley=ThumbsUp.gif]