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General / Open Discussion / Re: HATFIELD AND McCOY
on: November 08, 2006, 02:51:06 PM
yea been there done that, glad you liked it up here, it is cold in the winter but anymore that don't really last that long,, great deer hunting if you like that ,and you just touched on the riding we have here....i guess you really like the trail system??
General / Open Discussion / Re: HATFIELD AND McCoy
on: October 13, 2006, 04:19:14 PM
Hey green Griz..... listen up, you better bring your southorn butt some warm cloths with you ..i ain't kiddun, don't know if you have ever seen this country ,but cum november you might see some snow in them there mountains.... CARHARTT rings a bell...LOL
General / Open Discussion / Re: HATFIELD AND McCOY
on: October 13, 2006, 04:14:38 PM
we are ,superstar is buying all the beer and we are deep frying 100 turkeys, hows that sound ,,,and then we are watching superstars favorite movie...LMAO
General / Open Discussion / Re: HATFIELD AND McCOY
on: October 06, 2006, 08:32:38 AM
Dont ask the sheep they tend to lie.!!!...........Superstar said he was just helping that sheep over the fence, who am i to judge him... what he does with his ummmmmm sheep is his own business...ask him about that fat chick at the camp in pocahontas county during buck season a few years back...LMAO Just kiddun, Superstar is a fine fellow when he's asleep..superstars favorite movie is Deliverance, he always wants to play Ned Beatty's part,,,ROFLMAO...When ever he hears a Banjo playing he gets all gitty llike a liitle school girl.
General / Open Discussion / HATFIELD AND McCOY
on: October 05, 2006, 03:21:26 PM
hows everyone doing , i am new to this site so let me start by saying,You have a cool site , my bro-out-law is superstar from kissemme and got me started on here. i live in West by god Virginia and have noticed how many of you drive up here for the hatfield and mccoy trail system, never ridin on it myself because i can ride trails like that out my back door for free and drink all the cold bud light i want while doing it..LOL superstar was born and reared up here ,he knows most of the same country i do,, anywho, keep on comming up and let me know if you need any info on where to ride .....
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