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1  General / Where to Ride? / Re: HAS THIS SITE TOTALLY DIED ???? on: April 30, 2011, 12:06:45 PM
I have retired, and there is no one to carry on
2  General / Where to Ride? / Re: Can I ride double with an added seat? on: February 25, 2010, 07:36:50 AM
Florida law says if the unit was designed for one rider, only one rider allowed.
3  General / Open Discussion / Re: ROV and OHV on: February 10, 2010, 06:02:55 PM
if it is a green sticker you can put on your left rear fender, it is the one.
4  General / Where to Ride? / Re: Have they put in a legal trail to the 88 store yet on: February 09, 2010, 04:17:23 PM
You can ride legally to the Pig Pen.  It is a proposed trailhead and is on the map.  What you do going from the Pig Pen to the store is not on Forest land (west side of 160th ave rd)
5  General / Where to Ride? / Re: Have they put in a legal trail to the 88 store yet on: February 09, 2010, 08:54:11 AM
not yet Mark,  but they are working on it., could be soon.
6  General / Where to Ride? / Re: Phase II OF THE ohv Trails on: February 03, 2010, 05:18:02 PM
Phase II of the trails is the Centenial Trail south of Highway 40.  Other then the trailhead, it is complete.  Phase III that is to connect the south to the north is not complete.
7  General / Open Discussion / Re: Collier-Miami Dade riding area. on: January 19, 2010, 05:38:45 PM
Today at the meeting, The Collier County Board of Commissioners approved by a 4-0 vote to send this to the Dept of
Environmental Protection.  One more win for us.
8  General / Open Discussion / Collier-Miami Dade riding area. on: January 14, 2010, 11:15:09 AM
This is an important meeting regarding this project.  Everyone in this area should try to attend.

Thanks for expressing to me the State Off-Highway Vehicle Advisory Committee’s interest in knowing the date, time, and location of the land-use amendment transmittal hearing.
The proposed amendment (CP-2009-01) to allow a 1,600 acre recreation area inclusive of trails for OHV motorized recreation at the Dade-Collier Cypress Recreation Area site will be held next Tuesday, January 19th in the Collier County BCC Chambers (3301 East Tamiami Trail/US 41), beginning at 9 AM.  CP-2009-01 is fifth on the agenda, so an estimated time of the item being presented and voted on is anywhere between 9:30 AM – 3:00 PM.  The four items preceding CP-2009-01 may be fairly short, so it will likely be around 9:30 or 10 AM.  The attached BCC Special Agenda has more detailed information.
Collier County Contacts:
    Mr. Barry Williams, Director, Parks and Recreation Department (239) 252-4035
    Mr. David Weeks, AICP, Growth Management Plan Manager, Comprehensive Planning Department (239) 252-2306
Would you please pass along this information to the State OHVAC?  If anyone needs MapQuest driving directions, I will be glad to provide them.
James A. (Andy) McCall, CMS
Park Planner II
Miami-Dade County Park and Recreation
275 NW 2nd Street, Suite 416
Miami, FL 33128
Phone: 305.755.7993   
"Delivering Excellence Every Day"
9  General / Tech Corner / Another 04 Yamaha Bruin question on: November 04, 2009, 11:10:36 AM
At the Trailfest, my neighbor and riding partner's 04 Bruin would not star.  It was making a static type noise from the starter relay.  We checked ALL fuses and none were bad, so we pulled it home.  We ordered a new starter relay, and after installing it today, we get the same noise.  It is a vibration inside the starter relay.  What am I missing?
10  General / Open Discussion / Re: Oct 14th State OHV Meeting- IMPORTANT that people attend on: October 18, 2009, 12:25:17 PM
Well, no one showed up.  Doesn't anyone care about what happens to there registration money?
11  General / Open Discussion / Trail Jamboree- next Saturday on: October 18, 2009, 11:15:20 AM
Don't forget the trail jamboree at the OHV Center in the Ocala National Forest.  We will be having trail rides starting at 10:00, place opens at 9:00am  There will be rides for sport bikes, dirt bikes, short, medium and long trail rides for the families.  Dealers will have new atv's on display, we will have an obstacle course for kids and a 50/50 poker run (you don;t have to be fast) The person with the best 5 card poker hand when it ends at 2:00pm wins.  It is going to be a good time, riding is free and you can check out the trails.  The Ocala is the best trail riding in Florida  One thing you must remember though is we go by all the state rules.  ATV's must have green sticker, Kids must hace safety certificate and wear helmets and no 2 people on a atv designed for 1 person.
12  General / Open Discussion / Re: Where is the ATV in ATVFlorida? on: October 07, 2009, 04:34:45 PM

The article that you refer to is incorrect.  That article was what the Division of Forestry told us.  They lied.  The legislature DID NOT sweep the funds.  The Division of Forestry has taken the funds for there own use.  Last year $2 million to buy fire suppression equipment and this year the rest of the fund to cover budget shortfalls instead of laying people off.  This is why we need all the help we can get. At our meeting on Oct 14th in Tallahasse Jim Karels, Director of the Division of Forestry is going to tell us why he took the money without legislature approval.
13  General / Open Discussion / Re: Where is the ATV in ATVFlorida? on: October 07, 2009, 12:06:45 PM
Here is a copy of a great letter.

Sirs and Madame:

I am deeply concerned to find information leading me to believe that the OHV Trust Fund has been swept to the bone.

The information tells me that as of the July 29, 2009 meeting of the FL OHV Advisory Committee that an accounting of revenue, expense and withdrawals for the OHV Fund (within the FL Division of Forestry) from inception to the end of fiscal year 2008-09 that the funds were "swept" clean.
We all know that the revenues in the fund are made by fees from titles issued for new and used OHVs. We all know that the Mark T Schmidt Fund is a Trust Fund. It is also stated by law that the funds were to be dispersed via grants. The grants were to be reviewed by the DOF in consultation with the OHV Advisory Committee.  Unfortunately, the State of FL is not up to date at the OHV site and there are only tables available for grants made in the 2007/2008 fiscal year.  Where I am at a loss is at the point where $2,000,000 dollars was swept in the FY 07/08 and the balance of $3,774,148 was swept in the FY 08/09.  What legislation allowed the sweep to occur? From the language of the Schmidt act of 2002 the funds are guaranteed for OHV recreational funding. Where did every last cent of the funds go then?

Please provide for me the Legislative Act that enabled the broom to sweep these funds.  Please advise me of the legislatures who voted to allow this action to occur. I would like to make sure that votes to keep them in office do not happen. If this vote was not actually allowed by the legislature, how did these funds just disappear from the Trust Fund? As a voter in the State of Florida, as owner of several recreational vehicles, as a citizen of this great nation, I strongly demand that the funds be restored
to the proper place and accountablity be made for those who boldly robbed the citizens who paid into the Fund.

Mr. Bronson, this is under your watch.=A0 Please restore my faith in the Florida Department of Agriculture. I worked in Florida agriculture for over 25 years and am proud to say that my food comes from a FL farmer or rancher!

Mr Crist, you are in charge, do not let the issue be swept away just as these funds were. The recreational rider is not just some rednecks tearing up the woods. We are families spending time together. We stop and teach our children about wildlife and the environment. We deserve accountab=
lity for the money we paid into the State with the promise of the funds being used for us.
14  General / Open Discussion / Re: Where is the ATV in ATVFlorida? on: October 07, 2009, 10:03:14 AM
It is the apathy of the ATV community that is amazing.  I asked EVERYONE to write their representatives in Tallahasse to ask them what happened to the T. Mark Schmidt Trust Fund that was setup specificALLY FOR atv'S  The Big meeting is next Wednesday in Tallahassee.  HAS ANYONE WRITTEN THEIR REPRESENTATIVES?  If not, you are a bunch of idiots.
15  General / Where to Ride? / October 2009 Newsletter- Trail Jamboree on: September 22, 2009, 05:28:02 PM
Here is the link to the official Jamboree newsletter. If you are interested in coming please email me or post here

16  General / Open Discussion / Re: Oct 14th State OHV Meeting- IMPORTANT that people attend on: September 21, 2009, 12:15:12 PM
Email your state legislature and ask them why and with whose permission did the Division of forestry raid the T. Mark Schmidt Trust fund when it specifically state Ibo Chapter 261.12 of the state statutes that that should not be done.  DO IT QUICKLY.  We must have everyone asking questions BEFORE the Oct 14th meeting.
17  General / Open Discussion / Oct 14th State OHV Meeting- IMPORTANT that people attend on: September 21, 2009, 10:57:07 AM
At 9;300am on Oct 14th in Tallahassee at the Doyle Conner Building we will be having the quarterly meeting of the State OHV Recreation advisory board.  It is my contention, as it is other enthusiast members the the Division of Forestry has taken over $4.5 million from the T. Mark Schmidt Trust Fund, completely draining this fund, and they have used it for there own uses.  Last year they used $2 million to buy fire suppression equipment and this year to cover shortfalls in salaries.  As there is only one person directly attached to this program, that is excessive. This was not done by a Legislative sweep (we have proof of that), but was done by the Division of Forestry with approval of the Dept of Agriculture.

Jim Karols , Director of Division of Forestry will be speaking to us at 9:30. We need as big a turnout as possible for this.  Many programs that we have been working on have stopped because of this.  The $700,000 in grants we approved in April 2009 were stopped, after the state had signed contracts with the recipients. Some of these grants were to be matching grants for other grants, meaning this money could have created 5 times as much for use in the ATV area.

According to Chapter 261.12, the link below, these funds were for specific purposes and if not used, they were to be carried forward.

This meeting is important to us, please try to attend.
18  General / Open Discussion / Ocala National Forest Trails Jamboree on: September 04, 2009, 10:30:27 AM
Please post in the group ride section how many are coming.


WHAT:  An off-highway vehicle education opportunity for OHV users of the Ocala NF.

WHY:  To promote responsible OHV use of the Ocala NF by motorized recreationists.

WHEN:  October 24, 2009 9 AM – 3 PM

WHERE:  Ocala OHV Operations Center

HOW:   The event will have guided trail rides, exhibits, and local OHV dealers with new models on display.  Jamboree participants should bring their ATV, motorcycle, or 4WD vehicle.  Some of the riding tours will highlight the unique plants and animals that live on the Ocala NF. Trail fees are waived for those that participate in the trail rides.

The FS and ONFA will have exhibits and will invite a number of exhibiters including the FWC, Wildlife and Bear Aware exhibits, Tread Lightly, and FL4WD Assn.   These exhibiters will promote awareness of the Ocala conservation issues.  

Ocala National Forest Association will invite local dealers to display (not sell) new model ATV’s and motorcycles.  ONFA will also have a booth to promote their organization.

WHO:  The Ocala NF, Ocala National Forest Association, and the Florida Four Wheel Drive Assn. are sponsoring the event
19  General / Group Rides & Events / Ocala National Forest Trails Jamboree on: September 04, 2009, 10:29:04 AM
Please use this area to give yus an idea of how many and what type of units you will be bringing.  This will give us a good idea of what we should be planning.


WHAT:  An off-highway vehicle education opportunity for OHV users of the Ocala NF.

WHY:  To promote responsible OHV use of the Ocala NF by motorized recreationists.

WHEN:  October 24, 2009 9 AM – 3 PM

WHERE:  Ocala OHV Operations Center

HOW:   The event will have guided trail rides, exhibits, and local OHV dealers with new models on display.  Jamboree participants should bring their ATV, motorcycle, or 4WD vehicle.  Some of the riding tours will highlight the unique plants and animals that live on the Ocala NF. Trail fees are waived for those that participate in the trail rides.

The FS and ONFA will have exhibits and will invite a number of exhibiters including the FWC, Wildlife and Bear Aware exhibits, Tread Lightly, and FL4WD Assn.   These exhibiters will promote awareness of the Ocala conservation issues. 

Ocala National Forest Association will invite local dealers to display (not sell) new model ATV’s and motorcycles.  ONFA will also have a booth to promote their organization.

WHO:  The Ocala NF, Ocala National Forest Association, and the Florida Four Wheel Drive Assn. are sponsoring the event
20  General / Open Discussion / Progress on Miami-Dade and Collier County atv site on: September 03, 2009, 02:04:43 PM
21  General / Group Rides & Events / Re: Ocala National Forest Group ride on: September 03, 2009, 09:17:50 AM
The date is Saturday , Oct 24th.  details to follow
22  General / Group Rides & Events / Re: Ocala National Forest Group ride on: August 14, 2009, 08:46:02 AM
This will be a family ride.  3 years ago when we opened the trail system we had about 140 sport, utility and side by sides.  We divided them up into 3 groups. 1 mostly sports, one long (30 mile) family and one short (11 mile) family for families that did not want to go on the long ride. People brought there own food and we had hot dogs and soda for sale.
23  General / Group Rides & Events / Re: Ocala National Forest Group ride on: August 13, 2009, 04:19:37 PM
State laws regarding kids and on "two up" if the atv is not designed for it.  Possible I can get the fee waiver, if not $10 per adult, $5 per child, that is for a 3 day pass.
24  General / Group Rides & Events / Ocala National Forest Group ride on: August 13, 2009, 11:06:35 AM
This is a preliminary post just to see how many people would be interested in a group ride out of the OHV Center during Sept or Oct.
25  General / Open Discussion / Baker County project- St Mary's Shoals on: July 31, 2009, 10:07:28 AM
The grant program has funded about $430,000 for this project.  We rode this property on Tuesday and it is coming along nicely.  It is anticipated it will be open by June of next year.
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