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General / Racing Scene / Re: ATVS AT HARDROCK
on: November 16, 2004, 07:39:42 PM
Heck if I could get that many quads I could almost have a quads and pee wee only.(I have alot of pw's that want to race)
General / Racing Scene / Re: ATVS AT HARDROCK
on: November 16, 2004, 07:34:27 PM
Sorry I didn,t see your comment. Right now we are not having our Sat.nite races. But when we do ,we try to offer a class for who ever shows up ,hopfully more than one. Unfortunately we don't get any where near the turnout dade gets.We are lucky to get 50 riders total.Thats why we have put our sat. nite series on hold.
General / Racing Scene / Re: ATVS AT HARDROCK
on: November 16, 2004, 07:21:20 PM
I think I know where you are talking about,Is it by the road ? If so there is a few differant lines down ,I had it caution taped off but someone might of ran threw it.I'll check,If thats not the spot, you are more than welcome to tape it off ,or show me where it is,but I certainly won't turn down help.
Thanks, Glenn
General / Racing Scene / Re: ATVS AT HARDROCK
on: November 15, 2004, 09:22:43 PM
If the riders come up the right hill to get on the track they shouldn't be any where near the cliff.There are arrows on the tree at the top of the hill, for track direction.I did have that hill(my driveway where I'm putting my house)bannered off but everyone that can't do the hill to get on the track, go around to the smaller hill and go right through it.But to be safe and not sorry,I'll try somthing at the top of the hill.Yes your right,I have been told quads can do the black trail. I havn't Opened the rest of the red trail yet,its still under water.I'm not sure quads can do that trail,but would be interested to find out.thanks for the imput I'll tryto fix it.
Glenn hardrock
General / Racing Scene / Re: ATVS AT HARDROCK
on: August 29, 2004, 10:04:33 PM
I've never seen this forum ,but im glad Ifound it .Now i'll try to make some explanations about some of the this I've read.I hope spelling and punctuation don't count.My decision to stop quads at hardrock was because of an incident with a handful quad riders that camped the nite before a race. what they did I don't think I'll share, but at the time they ruined it for everyone. I should have give out there names it would have been easier for me and the quad riders.Then after that my insurance became a very big issue,and still is.my first year owning the track my insurance was 8k a year by the third year it jump to 50k.We were almost to the point of no 2 wheelers either.It is still the biggest cost(next to mortgage)and the biggest pain in the backend in having a track.Also I didn' t end it when I bought the track but a year and a half after,I even tryed to have a seperate quad series on the sand track but the biggest turnout was 16 and yes the track was groomed every time. To groom the main track is qiute a trick I have to pull dirt from no where to cover a rock base track ,I had spent a lot of time getting ready for the ftr,I didnt even want bikes on it the day before.I elected not to have quads on sat. to try to keep some dirt for sun. But I would never expect anyone ever to race blind on the track.Quads did get practice on the day of the race.All the races in the north no one ever pratices the day before and the tracks all perfect for race day.But it is different here and thats fine buy me,jI was just trying to keep conditions better for race day.It's also tuff to change the track on a reg. basis because of its base I have added 4 four lanes to the back off the main track next to the rythem section,any more than that I would have to blast. Thats why I added two new tracks.It is why when the man called about grooming the Quad track I told him no because it's brand new.the top has a rock base and the bottom has dirt and sand ,which I do groom when needed.It's not an old wornout track. The person who bought a membership should have told me I certainly would have returned your money.Also on my sat.nite series I don't get much of a turn out,but I also don't neighbor a big city ,but we do fun any way.Also I won't play the political games with Dias and Kern to get the big races.Well I hope this cleared up a few things.Enough about the past now about the present. Yes quads are invited to Hardrock and can ride any of the tracks the wish.I'm guessing if you ride the GP track you will care less about the main track.I have also added the quad and mini quad classes to the sat.nite series.But quads are welcome to ride any track they wish any time we are open.You won't be able to ride the HS trail, most are too tight. Hope to see you there . thank you Glenn Knox Hardrock Cycle Park
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