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1  General / Where to Ride? / Re: croom /OCALA BIG SCRUBB questions on: December 31, 2008, 01:18:22 PM
As far as the Croom goes one has to purchase a sticker. Bring along your title and registration. Cost is $50 per year per vehicle. Two up riding is allowed as long as the ATV is made for two riders. No two up riding on motorcycles. Helmets are required for everyone.
 I havn't been to Big Scrub in awhile. The campgroud there was nice enuff. No running generators after ten pm or before six seemed logical, but then there's always someone who just has to work on thier machine and start it up in the middle of the night. Same at the Croom. Always someone that has to ride to the bathrooms at two am!!! I read here now one has to purchase forest use sticker. Makes sence to support those who are there to protect us, right? I'm all for enforcing the noise level on machines! Both in the OCF and the Croom. Machines that are too loud should be confined to one area and not allowed to terrorize other users or wildlife.
2  General / Where to Ride? / Re: questions about camping croom on: December 31, 2008, 01:02:19 PM
The campgrounds are very nice. I don't care for the way one can reserve a site though. The rule is the site must be occupied. But I see tiny little tents set up and I suppose the site is being paid for until the occupant shows up. Now if one has a hard side trailer set up, ok, but just a tent. Seems like this is an opening for someone to come in and remove the tent and then say the site was open. Overall it should be first come first served.
  Find an open site and set up. Then go and pay for it.
3  General / Where to Ride? / Re: Croom-bound.........FINALLY on: October 31, 2007, 07:45:04 PM
Wife n I will be there Saturday. Temps in the mid 60's to start. Goina be nice! We ride a two up red Outlander.
Happy Trails
loren n Sheri
4  General / Where to Ride? / Re: CAN ANYONE GIVE ME NAMES OF PLACES TO DO TRAIL RIDING on: October 30, 2007, 04:48:30 AM
   I would also suggest the "Croom". Take your titles for your machines. Cost is pro-rated. We just did our Outlander for $45. until July. Do a search for the Croom and you'll find all the info. There's campgrounds and bathrooms. We were there last weekend and I see the old bathrooms in the campgrounds are being refurbished. For a day trip after you get your sticker, go to the Sand Pit day use area, just inside the gate. Find a place in the shade and park it. It's a good starting point. Print yourself out a map of the trails or bring a GPS. The area is fenced in, 3500 acres, but one can get turned around. We ride a red Outlander Max made for two, tow it with a green Cherokee. Ya see us stop by and say Hi.
Good luck and Happy Trails,
5  General / Where to Ride? / Re: New Park opened @ Hell's Tate on: July 11, 2005, 07:06:16 PM
Tate's Hell State Park, sorry 'bout that.  Cool
6  General / Where to Ride? / Re: New Park opened @ Hell's Tate on: July 10, 2005, 02:25:13 PM
Here's a url that show's where in Florida Hell's Tate State Part is.
Happy trails, Loren
7  General / Where to Ride? / New Park opened @ Hell's Tate on: July 10, 2005, 09:01:17 AM
I posted this url July 1st in open discussion. I'll post it here because it's getting lost in OD Lucky for the folks close to the panhandle. We hope to get up there this fall and check it out. Anyway here's the url. Enjoy and happy trails!

8  General / Open Discussion / New ATV Park ! on: July 01, 2005, 07:17:00 PM
A new atv park has opened today at Hell's Gate. Check out url.
A step in the right direction !
Happy Trails
9  General / Open Discussion / Big Scrub weekend 4-29/5-1 on: April 27, 2005, 06:51:57 PM

    We thought that big Scrub was the only riding area. Tell us more about the Salt springs Rodman dam. Is there camping there, etc?  Also is there a closeby campground with full hookups to either area?
    Better half and I will be camping at Big Scrub campground this weekend (4-29/5-1).  Hope to meet ya there. Look for the white f250 with California plate on front.
Thanks, Loren  Cool
10  General / Open Discussion / Re: Anyone going to Big Scrub this weekend? on: April 23, 2005, 07:28:26 PM
We thought that big Scrub was the only riding area. Tell us more about the Salt springs Rodman dam. Is there camping there, etc?
Thanks, Loren
11  General / Open Discussion / Need info on Big Scrub please on: April 22, 2005, 04:20:26 PM
  Planning a weekend of camping at Big Scrub campground. Visited there last year and was told by the ranger that generators are not allowed at night. Does this still hold true? Has anyone ever gone there and found the place full up?
Thanks, Loren Cool
12  General / Open Discussion / Who's kids are they anyway? on: April 17, 2005, 07:21:00 PM
Greeting all,
   We just returned from a nice wekend at the Croom. Weather was great and so were most of the people. I say most, as it seems some think that it's ok to turn ones children lose upon the campground. First off the roads are very dry and dusty. About every two minutes a group of kids would pass by our campsite, totally dusting us. Wouldn't be so bad if they followed the rules and drove at a walking speed or just used the campground roads of get to the novice area. Seems that the parents of these kids are more comfortable having them pass by every few minutes so they can see that they are alive. Anyway I feel that if I should have to babysit someones elses kids they could at least donate some gas money our way.
   I won't even get into what some socalled adults did to the toilets, totally sick. All I can say is clean up your messes.
   lastly if this is the mentallity of a few ATVers and two uppers, our sport is not going to look good to those who we are trying to convice to allocate us more riding terrian. Like every thing else a few bad apples ruin it for everyone else. Our thoughts a prayers go out to whoever got hurt this am near the pits at the Hammock day area.

Loren   Angry
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