Hey Josh, just wanted to let you know those 6 vids that were posted of you guys has done a number on my son (3 yrs). He has watched those vids a thousand times. He calls them the 4 wheeler games. My favorite is vid 2 when he does a endo and then puts his hand up all sync with the music. By the way does anyone know who is singing that song?? cool vids!! They have inspired a soon to be little quader
Man that is great! I love hearing stories like that...really means a lot. If you want to shoot me an email or IM I will hook you up with some more up to date footage for him to watch since the videos on our site are like 3 years old and the tricks have evolved like crazy...hehehe. My normal email account is acting funny lately and I'm not getting all of my messages, so if you want to send me one use this.... jlanphear@globalnetisp.net.
PS...I haven't watched those vids in forever, but If my memory serves me correctly, I believe that Video #2 would be Linkin Park - Points of Authority. It's one of the remixed versions of that song.
Take care man, and thanks for the story!!!