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1  General / Open Discussion / Re: Fueling Tips found on the Internet on: March 28, 2008, 08:25:00 AM
Looks like I haven't supported the Arabs for awhile now I always buy my diesel from BP or HESS, the price for diesel is still way to !@$$@^&%  High though Bang Head
2  General / Open Discussion / Re: Fighting a ticket on: March 26, 2008, 12:32:26 PM
All the trails in that area currently have a least 1 to 2ft of water on them did you explain that to them, I went there about the same time and took some pictures if you need any proof for court. Maybe I shouldn't give them to you I may also get a ticket. Good Luck
3  General / Open Discussion / Re: soldiers deaths almost 4,000 in Iraq. on: March 25, 2008, 07:23:34 PM
Anoriginal, yes your right about both parties voting for the war. I think most that voted thought that we were going to get the weapons and Hussein and then get out. Let the Iraqi's establish there own government and do there own rebuilding. Trust me they would of probably do better than were doing right now anyways. There going to be a civil war regardless.
So since then Bush and his administration has been lying to us, dragging there feet, driving up oil prices, pissing of everbody in that region, and so on. The Iraqi people were recently asked is it better now or then, and guess what they picked. They don't want us there so lets get out now. I truly think this administration or whats left of it since almost everyone has resigned in shame, is over there to keep the economy going because we all know the war stimulates the economy. Plus all the crooked contract deals that have been going on.
So basically thank Israel too, there lobbyist are the one that have been greasing our politicians for years for protection, weapons and the military might. And now there pushing for us to attack Iran. like Iran is a threat come on give me a break. Even if they did get a nuke they don't have the ability do deliver it any farther than 1000 miles. Oh wait that can hit Israel. I guess Israel will get it's war machine fired up AKA-(american military slaves) to defend them.
America need to wake up and realise every thing our government does is because of lobbyist. Sad but true! I like when you military guy's say fighting for freedom and the american way your wrong your fighting for the lobbyist.

4  General / Open Discussion / Re: soldiers deaths almost 4,000 in Iraq. on: March 25, 2008, 02:11:00 PM
Never said anyone was un-patriotic, Just tired of hearing the same things over and over again. My prayers go out to all of the families who have lost a loved one over there, but remember everyone them volunteered to go, to support freedom. I always told my wife (if I ever crashed and died please don't disrespect me by trying to sue the goverment it was my choice to fly). Instead of yelling about Iraq and what george bush should have done, turn your neg energy into something positive and make a difference in the world. 
5  General / Open Discussion / Re: soldiers deaths almost 4,000 in Iraq. on: March 25, 2008, 01:31:09 PM
What a waste!

 the Iraq war cost is well over $1 trillion.

That is enough to provide health care for all 47 million uninsured Americans and quality pre-kindergarten for every American child, solve the housing crisis once and for all, make college affordable for every American student and provide tax relief to tens of millions of middle-class families.

Thanks God Sadam Hussein is out of there. I was actually worried some of his pitifull arsed soldiers or weapons of mass distruction would strike Florida. Thanks Mr. Bush. Your the man! Job well done!

oh man, phew i gota try and contan myself wilburz, what you just said is the most ignorant and stupid thing i ever heard

first off president bush wasnt planning on 9/11 happening, which got us into war

another thing is that there is more than just us, we cant just be self contained and help ourselves, if we dont get involved with foreign affairs we will be left behind and crumble ourelves

i think you have more to worry about then one of Husseins weapons, i hope you run into one of those marines that are out there fighting for your freedom to say stupid stuff like that

ok. thanks for the compliments water boy.  you are the most pitiful human piece of waste on the earth! I am sorry your daddy don't talk to you know more or that you were ignored as a child. Your a friggin dumb arse!

as for your comments, 9/11 was not caused by Iraq or any Iraqies! So why invade Iraq? That is one of the stupidest things i have ever read. How old are you boy? 

And we are involved in too many world affairs. Iraq is one cluster-f I think we could avoid. The remark about Iraq weapons was a joke you dork. We never found any WMD's. Remember? I hope I do run into a marine one day. I would have not problem stating my opposition to the Iraq war.

Your dumb!

WMD were found just not in the quanties to make the media happy even though a little bit of that stuff can kill lots and lots of people
as for some of your other comments:

As for health care / get a Job or join the military
Pre kindergarden / Spend quality time after work with your children teaching them yourself
Housing crisis  / well people did that to themselves I have a house with a 30 year fixed rate and have no problems
College /  join the military , college is almost free while on active duty and when you get out use your GI BILL
Tax relief / support the fair tax so everyone contributes to the tax system

Today I retired from 20 years of service, sometimes I wonder why I stayed in so long protecting people which all they can do is complain about life around them or its me me me . Sit down and enjoy life, and live it to its fullest, when you can thank a Service member esp those guys from Vietnam there thanks is long over due.  That's my .02

John R Boucher AKA (Bobby Boucher "The WaterBoy") USN RET

6  General / Where to Ride? / Re: Need Osceola Maps on: March 23, 2008, 09:52:07 PM
I rode there last sunday didn't see any other ATV's but I did see lots of water  Grin
7  General / Open Discussion / Re: soldiers deaths almost 4,000 in Iraq. on: March 23, 2008, 09:09:46 PM
The U.S. avg's 15,000 murders a year Angry
The U.S. avg's 14,000 drunk driving deaths a year   Angry
That's 145,000 lives since the War started..................
Korean war.........54,000 lives lost
Vietnam.............58,000 lives lost
While every life (4000) we have lost over in the middle east is tragic it compares nothing to what we experiences here between our own borders on a yearly basis!!! Hell we have some cities here that have more deaths (murders) per month than the whole damn war per month!! I won't say the war is worth it but at least they aren't dying in vain and there is a cause!  "What a Waste"!! I don't think so Wilburz  Sad lets sit back and see how history plays out on this whole matter (wether we should have gone there or not)! until then all conjecture anyway...

Great post .....  Hey Wiburz what have you ever served, it takes a certain type of person who wants to protect thier country, not from the view point of tommorrow or a month from now but for generations to come. I heard the other day that the first above the knee amputee has returned to active duty serving in Iraq on behalf of his own request.  BTW I have served and I retire in 3 days. I hope my children follow in my footsteps proudly serving thier country as well.
8  General / Open Discussion / Re: Went to Key West NAS today. on: March 23, 2008, 07:39:44 PM
I See you found out what I do for a living up here in jacksonville
9  General / Open Discussion / Re: I herd theres is a new trail system that just opened up in ocala forest on: December 19, 2007, 09:07:37 PM
 The new trail system ......Rolling on the Floor Laughing Rolling on the Floor Laughing Rolling on the Floor Laughing Rolling on the Floor Laughing Rolling on the Floor Laughing
10  General / Group Rides & Events / New Years eve on: December 01, 2007, 06:23:19 PM
Is there going to be a party at the motoplex new years eve?
11  General / Open Discussion / Re: What I don't like about our current president on: November 29, 2007, 09:12:23 AM

 Rolling on the Floor Laughing Rolling on the Floor Laughing Rolling on the Floor Laughing Rolling on the Floor Laughing

I see all your news must come from the new york post or the bankrupt air america.

12  General / Open Discussion / Re: What size quad is your kid on??? on: October 21, 2007, 01:31:31 PM
8 year old daughter predator 50
14 year old daughter ozark 250
13  General / Open Discussion / Re: 1st deer!! on: October 21, 2007, 01:15:26 PM
Congrats  Cool
14  General / Open Discussion / Re: no sleep tonight. on: October 20, 2007, 02:58:51 AM
Sorry to hear about your house, No sleep for me tonight down in Central America, busting bad guys.
15  General / Where to Ride? / Re: double ridng on: October 19, 2007, 10:02:00 PM
Prarie Master,  don't blame this one on the USFS.  This is a state law that goes in effect on July 1, 2008.  It has nothing to do with the USFS, it covers all public land in Florida

Another one of those laws that the USFS decides to use when it benefits them / Also I'm sure the USFS had nothing to do with  lobby pass this law. This state has gone nuts 
16  General / Where to Ride? / Re: Went To The Kids ATV Training Course on 10/6 on: October 18, 2007, 06:36:10 PM
The ATV Safety Institute Requires The Instructors to follow their guidelines,Under 12 less than 70cc Mine took the course on my 8 year old Sons 50,The !0 year old will be riding a 80 but had to take the course on a 50, The course lasted 2 to 2 1/2 hours, You may want to sign your kid up soon as I think once pepole find out that it will be mandatory for kids in July there is going to be a mad rush to get the kids training/certificates

as I've said before and many others thats freaking ridiculous   Angry 12 yr old on a small machine like that Roll Eyes

My 12 yr. old son on a 350  Dunno

Way to stick to the man Can-AmGator   Grin
17  General / Where to Ride? / Re: double ridng on: October 18, 2007, 06:33:24 PM
I know what the fenders says on my 4 wheeler about riding double / Maybe the one making the laws should look at their cars owners manual I'm sure it says not to exceed 55 mph but I'm sure they do. My point, warnings are results of the company being sued they're covering there A@#. It shouldn't be forced down our throat in a law.  Angry Just another way the man doesn't want us in ocala
18  General / Open Discussion / Re: Following due process.--not so victorious after all on: October 17, 2007, 06:28:18 PM
I know a guy looking for a bike how much?

19  General / Open Discussion / Re: Anybody know where this is?????? :-) on: October 17, 2007, 06:26:27 PM
Was that from our trip last March ? We need to get back up there  Grin
20  General / Where to Ride? / Re: WHERE ARE ALL THE GROOMED TRAILS on: October 17, 2007, 06:19:22 PM
how right you are -- one step closer, can't the ONFA do something about this, partnering with the forest

Rolling on the Floor Laughing
21  General / Open Discussion / Re: So how was your day? on: October 13, 2007, 01:31:17 AM
You guys could have it worst...

I work 8-12hrs a day seven days a week down here in EL salvador  but.... 4 more weeks and I'm home  Grin

22  General / Where to Ride? / Re: Looking for a place to ride and campout!! on: October 11, 2007, 08:58:35 PM
Yeah Paul_8 I looked at that website, looks interesting. Looks like not too far north of me, Im in central Fla, Deland area.The hours of operation was like 10 till dark, so do you all have camp areas on site or people camp close by or how does that work for overnights.

TRX450R_Racer so at Croom it's the pit that draws a crowd, which I'm asuming is for the sport crowd doing doughnuts and such. We would be looking to trail ride mainly as we have two 4 wheel drives utes and one sport quad. Is there any problem finding a camping spot if you get there fri evenings ?

UncleRico my sons friend Lenny said he has been to Ocala and that they are real strick about no riding in wet lands and if they even see any mud on your quad they want to fine you??? So he doesnt want to go there again, I'm wondering if he just had a bad experience or are they really that bad???

We have one camping weekend per month.

This month we are having our camping/feature weekend between the 26th and 28th of October.  Admission is only $20 for the whole weekend, camping is free. We have a ton of events going on. Night rides are allowed (all night). We have an escorted one on saturday night, they are a lot of fun.

Hopefully I'll make the NOV one if you have one / Can't wait to get back out there
23  General / Group Rides & Events / Re: gotta question! on: October 06, 2007, 12:16:18 AM
Im not like a squid.
I can ride and i can out ride alot of these ol folk.

LOL,  You may think you can out ride us OL Folk the fact is we just ride more sensible now, After years of experience and knowing we are not invincible.  Wink
24  General / Open Discussion / Re: Homeowners insurance on: October 01, 2007, 08:40:41 PM
My old insurance went from 500.00 a year for 1900 SQ home back in 02 to this years whoping 2200. I called Statefarm and got a quote of 1000.00.
25  General / Where to Ride? / Re: SAND PADDLE TIRES?? on: September 24, 2007, 11:51:39 PM
if you really want to go old school get you some Spider Traks.

Wow way to bring out some memories of tearing the through the fields near my house in Maine. I had a set of those on my 200X as a kid

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