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1  General / Where to Ride? / Re: River Ranch (again) on: January 20, 2005, 05:52:11 PM
there spots that are not we will be there on feb 12 if you would like to join us.

Where is this place located?
2  General / Where to Ride? / Re: River Ranch (again) on: January 20, 2005, 10:32:36 AM
I agree with you in some areas, and others I do not. The only reason I replied in the sense of negativity is that it seemed that you were putting the blame from the trash floating around River Ranch on the ATV riders. Yes, I do agree that no matter who dumped it, it was wrong, and WE, not only put the blame on whoever dumped it, but show responsibility and commitment and clean it up. And  Gator, yes, although the hurricane was three months ago, maybe you should take a look at Punta Gorda, and see how destroyed it still looks, You cannot clean up a large area in three months, especially considering the amount of damage done and how large the area damaged was. To me, you have a piss poor excuse, especially to just sit down and complain about the issues. Maybe your home was lucky, and had a few shingles ripped off, while others are still dealing with cleanup and money issues. Not meaning to rant, but things are awfully negative around here lately, It seems that this is becoming a news broadcast, feeding off the negative. Maybe, instead of complaining how dirty these areas are, you should start a cleanup topic in open discussion, ask your Fellow atvers for a favor, and help save our riding areas. It has been done once before in North Port, it canbe done again and again in other areas as well.
3  General / Where to Ride? / Re: River Ranch (again) on: January 19, 2005, 07:01:02 AM
Super Dave:

Fortunate for me, I spend more time in "the woods" that just about anyone I know. As far as RR goes, I'm not calling BS on anything, I'm just stating facts.

The State has yet to make a run at taking RR. So your comment that the state has been trying to take RR for years is false. As far as going to RR board meetings and getting involved, I've tried.

As far as RR being managed better than a FWMA, you're kidding right? Can't remember the last time I saw burned out, crushed and flipped cars sitting next to piles of old roofing materials and refrigerators along an environmentally sensitive wetland that had been permanently destroyed by idiots mud bogging in a FWMA.


I have been riding at two FMWA (Florida management Wildlife Area) in South Florida to find the same, burnt up stolen cars, trash of all sorts, etc etc. One, Superdave prolly knows about, as its in his area. And for thinking that its the people who ride in the area that are dumping the trash is completly ridiculous. 90% of the trash found is from people that dont ride, looking for a secluded are that no one will see them dumping their trash at. As far as I know, no one I ride with would want to block trails that they ride with trash and stolen cars.It seems you are against anyone riding in Florida, with the exception of yourself.
4  General / Where to Ride? / Re: The Yucapan on: December 23, 2004, 07:12:31 AM
I am definatley not parking out by the roads anymore. This past Tuesday I went there for a short ride, a lot of people said everything has been alright. So I took the chance and came back to a nice sheriff who gave me a nice christmas gift of a trespassing ticket. He said activity has been too much for zemel, they want it strictly patrolled. But if you can park in the woods go for it.
5  General / Where to Ride? / Re: Badluck/Squares Update: The Fat Lady has Sung on: October 18, 2004, 07:00:21 PM
If they didnt want anyone out there, they would be enforcing like theres no tomorrow, especially since it is a state wildlife project. But until they post something in the paper saying that no atvs are allowed in that area, I will continue to go and argue with any misconception of the actual laws. If they dont want anyone riding out there, they should have a FWC offcer sitting in a truck right over the bridge at the entrance into the squares. But the fact that they dont indicates that they are not fully enforcing "their own" rules yet. I think they should atleast let us ride the squares and part of the prarie.
6  General / Where to Ride? / Re: Yucapen ????? on: October 04, 2004, 06:59:17 PM
i couldnt believe last weekend, people were parking out by burnt store across from the fire station again. no signs of sheriffs or trouble, although the placelooks like aswamp again.
7  General / Open Discussion / Re: more bad publicity 5 minutes ago on: August 01, 2004, 07:13:33 PM
Hey RappyCop03, do you happen to work for LeeSheriffs? Cause last november, I was riding and looked up to see a chopper following me and then I pull out of atrail to see like 5 Sheriffs cars pulling up to us and someothers and more sheriffs driving in the area. Oh thiswas in lehighacres. If you knew about this, could you explain what was going on, cus the sheriff that gave me a written warning just said  the you are never allowed to ride here again. Just interested in cause that place was awsome and the first time i was ever told to leave by any authorities, mostly they would talk to me and once they even asked if they could ride my friends honda rincon. Im not bashin you guys, but just interested in what exactly was going on. Also, if you know anything about the tresspassing signs over at yucapen. Thanx a lot.
8  General / Open Discussion / Re: PoSt Your Airs on: July 30, 2004, 08:44:33 PM
the top pic is definatley ocala. the other 2 look like a track somewhere north florida
9  General / Open Discussion / Re: FUNNY JOKES !!!! on: June 12, 2004, 09:35:45 PM

Three men stand before St. Peter awaiting admission into Heaven.
However, St. Peter has been informed that Heaven will only admit
33% of applicants today. The admissions standard: Who died the
worst death? So, St. Peter takes each of the three men aside in
turn and asks them about how they died.

First man: "I'd been suspecting for a long time that my wife was
cheating on me. I decided to come home early from work one
afternoon and check to see if I could catch her in the act. When
I got back to my apartment, I heard the water running. My wife
was in the shower. I looked everywhere for the guy, but couldn't
find anyone or any trace that he had been there. The last place
I looked was out on the balcony.

I found the bastard hanging from the edge, trying to get back
in! So I started jumping up and down on his hands, and he
yelled, but he didn't fall. So I ran inside and got a hammer,
and crushed his fingers with it until he fell twenty-five floors
screaming in agony. But the fall didn't kill the not a very nice person. He
landed in some bushes! So I dragged the refirgerator from the
kitchen (it weighed about a ton), pulled it to the balcony, and
hurled it over the edge. It landed right on the guy and killed
him. But then I felt so horrible about what I had done, I went
back into the bedroom and shot myself."

St. Peter nodded slowly as the man recounted the story. Then,
telling the first man to wait, he took the second aside.

Second man: "I lived on the twenty-seventh floor of this
apartment building. I had just purchased this book on morning
exercises and was practicing them on my balcony, enjoying the
sunshine, when I lost my balance and fell off the edge. Luckily,
I only fell about two floors before grabbing another balcony and
holding on for dear life. I was trying to pull myself up when
this guy came running onto what must have been his balcony and
started jumping up and down on my hands. I screamed in pain, but
he seemed really irate. When he finally stopped, I tried to pull
myself up again, but he came out with a hammer and smashed my
fingers to a pulp! I fell, and I thought I was dead, but I
landed in some bushes. I couldn't believe my second stroke of
luck, but it didn't last. The last thing I saw was this enormous
refrigerator falling from the building down on top of me and
crushing me."

St. Peter comforted the man, who seemed to have several broken
bones. Then he told him to wait, and turned to the third man.

Third man: "Picture this. You're hiding, naked, in a
10  General / Open Discussion / Re: FUNNY JOKES !!!! on: June 12, 2004, 09:32:00 PM
Two young guys were picked up by the cops for smoking dope and
appeared in court before the judge. The judge said, "You seem
like nice young men, and I'd like to give you a second chance
rather than jail time. I want you to go out this weekend and try
to show others the evils of drug use and get them to give up
drugs forever. I'll see you back in court Monday."

Monday, the two guys were in court, and the judge said to the
first one, "How did you do over the weekend?" "Well, your honor,
I persuaded 17 people to give up drugs forever." "Seventeen
people? That's wonderful. What did you tell them?" "I used a
diagram, your honor. I drew two circles like this and told them
this big circle is your brain before drugs and this small circle
is your brain after drugs". "That's admirable," said the judge.

"And you, how did you do?" The judge asked the second boy.
"Well, your honor, I persuaded 150 people to give up drugs
forever." "One-hundred-fifty people! That's amazing! How did you
manage to do that?" "Well, I used a similar approach. I said,
'This small circle is your not a very nice person before prison....'"
11  General / Open Discussion / Re: FUNNY JOKES !!!! on: June 12, 2004, 09:24:25 PM
Four men got together to play golf one sunny morning. As they
were heading out to the course, one of them was detained by a
phone call.

The other three were discussing their children while walking to
the first tee.

"My son," said one proudly, "has made quite a name for himself
in the home building industry. He began as a carpenter, but now
owns his own design and construction firm. He's so successful,
in fact in the last year he was able to give a good friend a
brand new home as a gift."

The second man, not to be outdone, boasts how his son began his
career as a car salesman, but now owns a multi-line dealership.
"He's so successful, in fact, in the last six months he gave a
friend two brand new cars as a gift."

The third man brags that his son has worked his way up through a
stock brokerage firm, and has become so successful that in the
last few weeks has given a good friend a large stock portfolio
as a gift.

As the fourth man arrives at the tee box, the three smugly tell
him that they have been discussing how successful their progeny
are, and ask what line of work his son is in.

"To tell the truth, I'm not very pleased how my son has turned
out," he replies. "For fifteen years, he's been a hairdresser,
and I've just recently discovered he's gay."

As the other three recoil in horror, he continues, "but on the
bright side, he must be good at what he does, because his last
three boyfriends have given him a brand new house, two new cars,
and a big stock portfolio."
12  General / Open Discussion / Re: FUNNY JOKES !!!! on: June 12, 2004, 09:16:02 PM
Got this from a movie: A guy walks into a bar. Goes to the barteder and orders a drink. After, he goes to 5 men in the back corner of the bar shooting pool. Talks with them for 5 minutes and walks back to the bartender with his empty glass. He sets it on a table 15 feet away and tells the bartender" I bet ya $50 bucks i could piss in the cup from here and not miss at all, not a drop. Bartnder accepts the bet. Guy gets ready, start pissin all over the place, on the bar, on the phone and all over the bartender. Bartneder smiles and laughs a bit.  Guy says, lemme get the $$$. Goes over to the 5 guys comes back pays the man $50 and starts laughin his ass off. Bartender says, what the hell you so happy about? you just lost $50. Guy says, i just bet those 5 guys $100 a piece that a could piss all over your bar, all over your phone, all over you, and you wouldnt do anything, but infact, youd be happy.
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