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General / Where to Ride? / Re: Trails in or around Brandon??
on: June 21, 2011, 03:18:48 PM
I know this is an old topic but I live in the tampa area and am new to the forum. I have a trx 450r and i ride out in Brandon on the regular. I am a little weary now to disclose the location because i'm not sure if it is legal to ride out there but me and my buddies do all the time. It is a safe spot and trails are carved all throughout like people have been riding there for years. Does anyone else on here know where i am referring to and if it is legal to ride out there? the only clue I will give is its about its location is "v*lllrrric* b*wwllll" If you ride this area hit me up, no idiots or dumb@**'s, just lookin for some people to go out and ride with to hit the trails and have a good time.
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