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1  General / ATV Activist / Re: Anyone reading about the Everglades Headwater Proposal? on: February 12, 2011, 07:41:02 AM
Once the Federal Government has control over the land, all bets are off & promises mean nothing. We own property at the Kissimmee Prairie (Viking) and do not want to see this any where around OUR property. Has anyone riden at Kroom? It's the only state park that allows 4 wheelers. It's also a waste land. We ride our 4 wheeler & Gator at the prairie with our Great Dane (who absolutely LIVES for the weekend-like us) and, for the most part, the other riders are pretty respectful of the land. Of course there will always be the jerks who do donuts in the drainage ditches & roads & leave their trash around. Angry . We attended the meeting in Okeechobee, which was VERY well attended, mostly by people who feel the same way we do: hunters, airboaters, off-road riders, half-tracker clubs, etc. If this happens in our neck of the woods, it will have to be a sneak attack - which I wouldn't put past the feds at all. There is plenty of wildlife still around & we are surrounded by a state park & ranches. If they have extra money in the coffers - try spending it to reduce some of our CURRENT deficit!

Funny how this proposal comes at a time when they can legally "steal" the land, as the "appraised fair market value" of property is at an all-time low. We have made many, expensive impovements to our property - fence, well, outhouse, cabin, etc. How much would they pay for those - there isn't enough money to pay what value WE place upon it!
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