I am running a petition to re-open the Holey lands / Rotenberger property to all 4x4 atv riders... the state had it shut down 3.5 years ago, but told no one about the meeting for voting, so no one showed up to voice..... after two years it was supposed to be brought up in front of the board again for open discussion, again unanounced... so again the state won & kept it closed.
so I need absolutely everyone to put out the word, about this petition.
Holey lands are a part of the everglades off of highway 27 around the palm beach border... please even if you are to never ride this area, this is a stand up for our rights to use the properties we pay taxes to use publicly. send your e-mail address to mine, and i will send you the petition, this will have to be signed, with you name, city & state you reside, & sent to the attached links to our Florida senator, Governer, congressman, the Florida wildlife commision, and Florida fish & game, it is to be cc back to me. aspecialties1@aol.com.
Again, e-mail everyone, tell everyone, get my e-mail address out there...