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1  General / Open Discussion / Re: Electric ATV on: September 18, 2009, 10:13:59 PM
Currently using Sealed Lead Acid.  Full power straight away 8-10 miles, stop and go utility use 12-15.  Customers have reported more. Why do we use Sealed lead Acid, Price.  We can offer Nickel Metal Hydride (used in Prius) as an option, approximately 65% greater range, 4X battery life, can handle faster charge if you have the power to supply a larger charger.  Lithium will be next. 
2  General / Open Discussion / Re: Electric ATV on: September 18, 2009, 03:29:57 PM
Cool! Simply being quiet and not giving off exhaust is key in sneaking up on game and not disturbing your neighbors.  Granted their are limitations compared to a gas powered machine, but then again, gas powered machines have higher maintenance cost, emit fumes, make alot of noise, and don't have a 10% tax write off.

Thanks for your input!
3  General / Open Discussion / Re: Electric ATV on: September 04, 2009, 01:17:30 PM
Thank you for the suggestion, there will be more videos and photos of the E-Force in use published soon.  Good idea with the decibel reading comparison!
4  General / Open Discussion / Re: Electric ATV on: September 03, 2009, 03:10:19 PM
$7,195 is the price.  There are definitely situations when you want 4 WD, but I will say I have had it in some rugged conditions and not gotten stuck.  With aggressive tires, understanding of your terrain, and vehicle capabilities, you should not get stuck, but it does happen. 

As far as power goes the E-Force can handle pulling a brush mower and a disc for food plots.  Its really a utility vehicle.  It can go 35MPH and is fun to tear around, but really ideal for working around a piece of property.  I use it when I go bow hunting.  I trailer my E-Force to the property I hunt, then ride 3 miles in to my tree stand going up a ridge that is about 40 degree incline, then I ride it out 3 miles. I spent to much money on scent lock clothing to ride a gas ATV into the woods.

There is a utility rack you can get as an option that holds a small generator.  I use it for longer trips or overnights.  It acts as hybrid and offers the security of not getting stranded without power. 

5  General / Open Discussion / Re: Electric ATV on: September 03, 2009, 02:09:41 PM
Probably a good idea. Even though everything is sealed and you can go through water it is not recommended to submerge the motor.

Enjoy the mud bogging!
6  General / Open Discussion / Re: Electric ATV on: September 03, 2009, 01:45:05 PM
That is a great question, most commonly asked, except no one has asked about it shooting its load.  It is not a powersport vehicle, although you would enjoy its power for about an hour of full power riding.  It is a blast to go hammer around through the woods and rugged terrain, but it is ideal for farmers, property owners, hunters, and for patrols by park rangers, police, or other utility needs.  It has the power when needed, but it does reduce battery life if you are full throttle all the time.  I am 200lbs and personally get about 8-9 miles bombing through the woods.  I have gotten 16-20 miles range using over the course of a couple days hauling fire wood around my property, fixing fence posts, grading the driveway, intermittent use at low speeds. Also Eco Tours because it is quiet and no exhaust fumes, folks enjoy being able to hold a conversation side by side without the noise of an engine. 

What kind of riding do you do?
7  General / Open Discussion / Re: Electric ATV on: September 03, 2009, 12:59:00 PM
which is?
8  General / Open Discussion / Electric ATV on: September 03, 2009, 11:14:51 AM
Electric ATV's can offer a quiet, exhaust free ride.  Yes, it is not a power sport vehicle, but for Eco Tours, property owners,  its perfect?  If you are curious check out www.evtworld.com
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