Title: Say goodbye to another riding area Post by: Dr.Dirt on December 20, 2005, 03:46:54 PM Well, once again a few bad people ruin it for the rest of us. I bought my Blaster to ride it out in the Yucapan (The forest in Cape Coral) and I have only been out there once and now it looks as if that was my one and only time. This was posted in the Where to Ride section but I thought it would bring more attention here. Here's the article:
http://www.news-press.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20051219/NEWS01/512190363/1075 Title: Re: Say goodbye to another riding area Post by: Yamaha72 on December 20, 2005, 05:52:13 PM All those dumb people that ride to close to peoples properties, that is what is causing all the problems!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. I would be mad to if they ran into my garage door or my kitchen window.
Title: Re: Say goodbye to another riding area Post by: Pastense on December 21, 2005, 05:10:24 PM What I do find truly irritating about human nature is the needless want and desire for people to exagerate a given situation. I mean to simply state that the niose is a nusiance is understandable. (Heck, I switched back to my stock pipe because of how loud the aftermarket pipe was)
However, to state that people where being shot at..........that is when a good sport gets a bad reputation. Honestly, as anyone here ever actually shot at anyone while riding or becuase of riding? The hyperbole that you hear from some people, expecially to the media is sickening. What is more aggrivating is that half the time the media simply reports what they hear as fact on the front page, then when proved wrong after the fact, they'll capitulate in some by line on the 20th page. Thats annoying. Title: Re: Say goodbye to another riding area Post by: Mars on December 21, 2005, 10:57:21 PM What I do find truly irritating about human nature is the needless want and desire for people to exagerate a given situation. I mean to simply state that the niose is a nusiance is understandable. (Heck, I switched back to my stock pipe because of how loud the aftermarket pipe was) However, to state that people where being shot at..........that is when a good sport gets a bad reputation. Honestly, as anyone here ever actually shot at anyone while riding or becuase of riding? The hyperbole that you hear from some people, expecially to the media is sickening. What is more aggrivating is that half the time the media simply reports what they hear as fact on the front page, then when proved wrong after the fact, they'll capitulate in some by line on the 20th page. Thats annoying. That would be the home owners near the pen shoting and pulling guns on rider. I know this first hand. Oh, by the way did you know the mayor of CC was showing some baseball folks around at some possible spring traing areas? Strange, that show of law enforcement last week. Title: Re: Say goodbye to another riding area Post by: mrbones on December 21, 2005, 11:06:57 PM The anti-atv spin on this article is rediculous.
"Wild hogs and and other animals call it home." "were tormented by ATV riders" "she would rather not be awakened two hours before her alarm clocks shakes her out of bed at 5 o'clock in the morning." "ATV riders have allegedly fired weapons at homes and verbally abused some residents" According to that article, us ATV riders are worse than Hell's Angels! Gimme a break!!! ::) ::) ::) ::) Title: Re: Say goodbye to another riding area Post by: Bigscrb15 on December 21, 2005, 11:42:29 PM The anti-atv spin on this article is rediculous. "Wild hogs and and other animals call it home." "were tormented by ATV riders" "she would rather not be awakened two hours before her alarm clocks shakes her out of bed at 5 o'clock in the morning." "ATV riders have allegedly fired weapons at homes and verbally abused some residents" According to that article, us ATV riders are worse than Hell's Angels! Gimme a break!!! ::) ::) ::) ::) we are worse, we donate to families in need. we help out our friends and fellow riders. we save peoples lives when they are just laying on the ground bleeding. we clean up the forest and other areas. we promote safety. why would they want to report about all that though? the media makes me soo mad. Title: Re: Say goodbye to another riding area Post by: dhutt on December 22, 2005, 08:02:56 PM "were tormented by ATV riders"
We are tormented by all these damned yankees (no offense to all the northern atvers) moving down here and changing the areas that we call home. Before you know it,we are going to have to go out of state to ride. If you don't like the things that go on out in the sticks (country) stay the he** up north. "ATV riders have allegedly fired weapons at homes and verbally abused some residents" An let me guess, they came out and asked them nicely to not get close to the homes too. I have lived here in florida my entire life, born and raised and it is getting out of hand. Title: Re: Say goodbye to another riding area Post by: Dr.Dirt on December 22, 2005, 09:31:18 PM "were tormented by ATV riders" Well said dhutt and welcome to the site. Yeah, it is getting out of hand. There is no way that you could move into the Yucapan without knowing that people ride ATV's and dirtbikes, so I think its their own fault for moving out there in the first place.We are tormented by all these d**ned yankees (no offense to all the northern atvers) moving down here and changing the areas that we call home. Before you know it,we are going to have to go out of state to ride. If you don't like the things that go on out in the sticks (country) stay the he** up north. "ATV riders have allegedly fired weapons at homes and verbally abused some residents" An let me guess, they came out and asked them nicely to not get close to the homes too. I have lived here in florida my entire life, born and raised and it is getting out of hand. Title: Re: Say goodbye to another riding area Post by: MarkM on December 26, 2005, 03:24:08 PM The root of the complaints are from noise and crazy driving near the road and home owners property. If people would not use the loud ear popping after market exhaust, just ride deeper into the woods out of ear shot and eyesight from the home owners, not drive fast right up next to a home- owners house, the complaints would not come in the first place. There are even complaints of riders using a homeowners driveway swale as a ramp for jumping. The tracks prove he is not lying about this. Anyone who has been there understands this.~~ But yet people do "ride like there is no tomorrow" and in this case it might be true.
:'( How do you think a person would feel after just signing a $300,000+ note for a home and having a scene from mad-max every sunday in his back yard. I am not placing blame on any one type, but as a collective we need to think what we are dong when we are doing it. I am not starting a flame war --I just know some of the deputies from Charlotte and Lee County S.O. that were assigned to address the complaints and thought this info should be shared. I also heard the Sheriff's Depts will keep up the enforcment for a while now. :'( As far as what Bones and Pastense said...they cant be more correct on how the media portrayed it. Plus they interviewed omeof the home owners personally just to cater to the attention they wanted. Keep in mind it might have been law enforcement that invited the media just to get the work out. Title: Re: Say goodbye to another riding area Post by: Scramdaddy on December 27, 2005, 06:27:59 PM Yea, Mad Max was hip, but every weekend? ???
Title: Re: Say goodbye to another riding area Post by: Scramdaddy on December 27, 2005, 06:31:07 PM Those race pipes can get loud. No way to sneak around with that, I can hear my son's buddy from a mile away.