Title: Wheel Spacers? Post by: Axo on March 25, 2005, 03:53:02 AM Which do you guys recommend? I was leaning toward the Dura Blue Graph-Lit EZ Fit, Just so I dont have to wrestle out the stock studs. Is 1.5 in the front and 2.5 in the back normal? Will this help stable the bike at higher speeds? They have them for 84.99 a pair at Rocky Mountain ATV MC.
Title: Re: Wheel Spacers? Post by: Chuck_Norris on March 25, 2005, 04:20:48 AM I am using the DURA-BLUE. quite pleased,
Title: Re: Wheel Spacers? Post by: lawn_man mx on March 25, 2005, 11:41:23 AM i got the durablue on my z400 for the front its alot more stable than stock their 1.50 inch wide per side its very easy to install you have to remove your studs and replace with longer ones . they are good.