Title: Irresponcible parenting PISSES ME OFF!! Post by: stump66 on March 24, 2005, 12:30:58 PM As y'all know I speak my mind.
Today while at the store with the kids and wife as we were getting out of the car this DHL driver pulls up jumps out and she runs into a store to make a delivery. Well I just happened to notice a very young girl around Jessica's age maybe 8 or 9 bouncing around the front seat of her delivery van. Now on a normal day I would just jump in her s#!+ just for having a child unrestrained in a vehicle but for her to go off into a store and leave her sitting there whith the windows wide open was over the top >:( OMG I was boiling mad!!! My wife took the kids and made a b-line for publix cause she gets embarrassed when I go off, as I waited for her close to her truck. She was in there for a good 5 minutes and out of site of her child. WHAT ARE THESE PEOPLE THINKING!?!?!? My hands started to tremble and I know thats when I need to walk away so I got far enough just to make sure her daughter was safe till she got her @$$ back in the truck and believe it or not I didn't acost her. But I did get her tag number and made a very stern phone call to DHL. I really hope she doesn't get fired but is a days work worth losing your kid!? I mean am I wrong for sticking my nose in where it doesn't belong or should more people be sticking there noses in and maybe less INNOCENT KIDS will be lost to the evil scum in ous world. Title: Re: Irresponcible parenting PISSES ME OFF!! Post by: kawGIRL on March 24, 2005, 01:42:26 PM Why was her kid with her? I don't think the DHL or there insurance company would like that >:(
Title: Re: Irresponcible parenting PISSES ME OFF!! Post by: LostCause on March 24, 2005, 01:50:16 PM Well- I got another one for you.
The other night my wife and I went to Lowes. When we came out ther was a young boy in the truck parked 2 spaces from our truck. He could have only been 5 or 6 years old. The kid was crying his eyes out and no mom or dad anywhere around. I got the Tag number and discription of the truck and went inside to report it. Lowes told me that they couldn't do anything about it because it was not in the "store" but I could call the police department. So I did. When I got back to my truck the boy was still in the truck and no adult still. (A good 15 min.) I was very upset. The sherrif and police department both responded about the same time the dad came outside. But I did learn that that is a very big ticket and fine. Title: Re: Irresponcible parenting PISSES ME OFF!! Post by: Honda328i on March 24, 2005, 03:07:29 PM A person would think that with all the kids abducted these days that parents would be more responsible. [smiley=abduct2.gif]
Title: Re: Irresponcible parenting PISSES ME OFF!! Post by: PaulyV500 on March 24, 2005, 03:40:07 PM I can not even imagine leaving one of my boys in the car or unattended too while I was in the store. That's just asking for trouble.
Title: Re: Irresponcible parenting PISSES ME OFF!! Post by: CAOSPOP on March 24, 2005, 11:08:36 PM :'(IM sure DHL would not condonwe that !!! That really PISSES me off. Ive seen kids that cant even stand for them selves in the front seat of cars. About the DHL lady at least she wont have to lose her kid and pay for the funeral of her little kid. And the person she runs into wont have to live with that for the rest of there life. As for the guy in the truck I would have put the SH&T head in jail. Sorry for the kid but he needed to go to jail. When I go to home depot my kid gets off the car. The other day I went to the gas station to Buy a bottle of water. My little girl got out of the car and followed me. That extra minute can save you a lifetime of pain :'( :'(
Title: Re: Irresponcible parenting PISSES ME OFF!! Post by: dreth on March 25, 2005, 04:10:15 AM the best thing to do is call the cops and when they get there go get the child out of the car and put him or her in the cop car so when the parent comes out they think their child has been taken ! let them sweat it for a while ! then give them a ticket and they will think twice next time :o
Title: Re: Irresponcible parenting PISSES ME OFF!! Post by: Chuck_Norris on March 25, 2005, 04:19:40 AM Quote the best thing to do is call the cops and when they get there go get the child out of the car and put him or her in the cop car so when the parent comes out they think their child has been taken ! let them sweat it for a while ! then give them a ticket and they will think twice next time :o EXACTLY, Title: Re: Irresponcible parenting PISSES ME OFF!! Post by: stump66 on March 25, 2005, 05:05:16 AM Quote the best thing to do is call the cops and when they get there go get the child out of the car and put him or her in the cop car so when the parent comes out they think their child has been taken ! let them sweat it for a while ! then give them a ticket and they will think twice next time :o You and Chuck are probly right. I should have called 911. Maybe one of our Law enforcment members can tell me what the statue says about leaving a child in a car like that. As I stood there I saw several ladies walking in the store shaking there heads in disbelief. Anyone could have taken this girl anfd been 3 miles into orange groves before she came out. Our kids are a gift. Everydday they are here we should be thanking God for them and protecting them, some folks just don't use the common sense he gave them. Title: Re: Irresponcible parenting PISSES ME OFF!! Post by: love_to_roost on March 25, 2005, 10:31:02 AM I have a better one than that.About a month ago a woman
goes into a nightclub in Panama City about 11:00 p.m.And is in the bar getting drunk for about 3-4 hrs.One of the guys doing security eventualy notices a child in car asleep at 4 in the morning before the bar is closing.Come to find out mother is inside 3sheets drunk.To make matters worse they had about 5 or 6 fight in the parking lot of the club that night.The police were promptly called and the woman was arrested for child endangerment.Like the sign says"Stupid people shouldnt breed" Title: Re: Irresponcible parenting PISSES ME OFF!! Post by: CAOSPOP on March 25, 2005, 10:39:29 AM In the state of Florida my friend is called Child niglect. Very Arrestable.
Title: Re: Irresponcible parenting PISSES ME OFF!! Post by: SkyHighT100 on March 25, 2005, 10:47:58 AM I fully agree with the stupid people shouldnt breed thing. Also, if you have a child/children and you cant handle that type of responsibility properly, STOP being selfish and give that child up for adoption or sign over parental rights to a responsible family member until you get your own life together. There are thousands of responsible people out there who desperately want kids of all ages. It's better for everyone that way. Then good parents can be just that, bad parents can go back to living thier life without responsibilies, and children can grow to the most of thier potentional.
Title: Re: Irresponcible parenting PISSES ME OFF!! Post by: stump66 on March 25, 2005, 11:08:33 AM I have often thought that if you need a license to put a hook on a line and fish, get married, and even drive a vehicle that there should be some qualifications that you need to meet to be a parent before you are barefoot and pregnant. I am not pro-big brother getting anymore involved then he already is but when I stand in the checkout and listen to these woman bragging to each other about how much money they get the more they have it makes ya sick. They should be neutered if they cannot support them without gov assist.
Title: Re: Irresponcible parenting PISSES ME OFF!! Post by: Moose on March 25, 2005, 12:17:44 PM A few years back, a buddy of mine and I were at a club near Deland on ladies night trying to meet a new friend and dance and all. We saw two gals together and went over to talk. As we got to know each other a little, one of them said she just got her child support check and had got some powder, you know what type. Well she asked us if we wanted to join them, when I heard her say that I told her where to go and what to do, and that I hoped her kids got the clothes and new shoes they were supposed to get. She saw me tell my buddy and a few others what just went down, you know, I never saw her there again.
Title: Re: Irresponcible parenting PISSES ME OFF!! Post by: surfnskate98 on March 25, 2005, 04:54:45 PM i have one for yall. i was in the mall in a store. and thier was this mom that sayed to her duaghter do you want some gum and the little girl sayed fuuk Off bltch. i couldnet belive it
Title: Re: Irresponcible parenting PISSES ME OFF!! Post by: CAOSPOP on March 26, 2005, 06:56:02 AM Can you say recontructive surgery !!!
Title: Re: Irresponcible parenting PISSES ME OFF!! Post by: Moose on March 26, 2005, 08:36:17 AM My mom used to wash my mouth out with soap and a cloth to get it all around. I finally got tired of the taste of soap and the whole ordeal. Worked for me, I knew what was comming if I slipped.
Title: Re: Irresponcible parenting PISSES ME OFF!! Post by: CAOSPOP on March 26, 2005, 08:44:00 AM My only problem is that parents allways say I JUST CANT CONTROL THEM that is such bullsh%t. If you cant control them get something that can like a bat or a swicth from a tree.
That is why im not some druggie or gangbanger today. God forbid if i dint answer my dad Sir or mom Maam. The slap across the mouth was comming. Im not saying that works for all kids but some lil sh*ts need to be shown who the head of the house is. And if they dont like it they can leave but leave all your clothes at the door cuz its mine and you aint walking away with my stuff. Just my .02cents Title: Re: Irresponcible parenting PISSES ME OFF!! Post by: DittoBabyGirl on March 26, 2005, 09:37:20 AM I agree with CAOSPOP....a switch kick in the ass when needed is just what these kids need today
I would have NEVER thought to disrespect my parents the way kids today do.....or act like out of control brats in public I grew up in a time where moms used wooden spoons to keep their kids in line.....and just look at the difference No...I don't believe in child abuse, but I do think kids need something to fear...a penalty of sorts to keep their lil butts in line People always tell me how well behaved my kids are.....from the time they were little. They're now 15 and 10 and I haven't had to spank em in years. They're good, respectful kids and know the difference between right and wrong I'm very proud of them ;D Title: Re: Irresponcible parenting PISSES ME OFF!! Post by: FORDFANZ on March 26, 2005, 03:01:16 PM Quote EXACTLY, Aticket ?????They should be arrested !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Title: Re: Irresponcible parenting PISSES ME OFF!! Post by: DittoBabyGirl on March 27, 2005, 07:39:47 AM Ummmm....that was supposed to be wooden SPOONS....I don't know how it came out like that
LOL Title: Re: Irresponcible parenting PISSES ME OFF!! Post by: Ms.Mud on March 27, 2005, 08:16:22 AM We were visiting family in new york a week or so ago and we stayed with family (ofcourse).Well my aunt and uncle have a girl about my age (11) and a boy about 14. Well when ever they don't get things they're way they call their mom or dad a faggut or tell them to **** off! it was horrible, if I ever talked to my mom or dad or anyone for that fact like that i would be beaten, grounded, and wouldn't see the light of except for to go to school! THATS the way things should be!!!! KIds will be kids people should understand thta, but for goodness sake people control your kids! like caospop saidif youcan't contol themget something that will!
Title: Re: Irresponcible parenting PISSES ME OFF!! Post by: Moose on March 27, 2005, 10:17:38 AM Every spanking I got as a child I had comming.
When younger, I had to go out and cut my own switch from a bush, if it was too small, had to go get a larger one. Hated that. When I got older, I got spanked with my own belt, didn't take me long to figure out what to do and what not to do. I'm no where near perfect, but I have a clean record, same job for almost 32 years, and have some good kids. Haven't spanked my youngest, son, 13, in a long time because he knows I will if he needs it. Title: Re: Irresponcible parenting PISSES ME OFF!! Post by: DittoBabyGirl on March 27, 2005, 10:33:01 AM Ok...I KNOW how to spell the word s-p-o-o-n
:o Must be sumpthin wrong with my keyboard Title: Re: Irresponcible parenting PISSES ME OFF!! Post by: Moose on March 27, 2005, 10:48:04 AM Oh yea, I forgot the wooden s-p-o-o-n, I got to know it also. ;D
Title: Re: Irresponcible parenting PISSES ME OFF!! Post by: stretchy on March 30, 2005, 06:28:16 PM Parents are too busy trying to be their kids best friend. They need an authority figure not a buddy.
Every spanking I got I had coming to me. Some days we were just asking for it. |