ATV Florida Forum

General => Open Discussion => Topic started by: Robert4570 on March 27, 2005, 03:51:30 PM

Title: Please oppose ATV Bill SB 2370
Post by: Robert4570 on March 27, 2005, 03:51:30 PM
Please oppose ATV Bill SB 2370

Hello all ,
Just a heads up on this bill , havent seen any posts about it in this site .

Here's a link for all the details-

-Florida Senate - 2005 SB 2370 By Senator Smith 14-1490-05  - ... Senate - 2005 SB 2370. By Senator Smith. 14-1490-05. 1 A bill to be entitled ... Florida Senate - 2005 SB 2370. 14-1490-05. 1 2. An ATV that is operated ...

Robert >:(

Title: Re: Please oppose ATV Bill SB 2370
Post by: FORDFANZ on March 27, 2005, 05:42:50 PM
Well  who  do  we  contact  ??????any  Ideas  

Title: Re: Please oppose ATV Bill SB 2370
Post by: Robert4570 on March 27, 2005, 06:28:52 PM
Lookin' into it , will be posting contacts as soon as i get them .


Title: Re: Please oppose ATV Bill SB 2370
Post by: YFZ450AndyH on March 28, 2005, 10:24:45 AM
In the meantime, "Senator Smith" should learn how to spell, or at least use spell check.  Did anyone else notice that "operation" is spelled incorrectly in the first part of the paper?  Leave it to our lawmakers...

Title: Re: Please oppose ATV Bill SB 2370
Post by: gery350 on March 28, 2005, 10:53:55 AM
 i can deal with taking a safety course if its gonna get us more public use and maybe sway private land owners. but i cant agree with the age limit for cc. my son's 14 and drives  his warrior d**n good and responsilbly. how do i tell him "ya gotta trade it in for an 80cc.-yea right. the trick to this bill is on line 20(sect.5-e) try defining CARELESS AND WRECKLESS. and also where is the additional money from the fines gonna go. maybe to give the senator a little raise.  i tell you what, my son will always ride his warrior. i'll get him a fake I.D.(just kidding.)

Title: Re: Please oppose ATV Bill SB 2370
Post by: gery350 on March 28, 2005, 10:59:57 AM
one more thing. i didnt realize atvs had spark arrestors. anyone know where its generally located. just wanna comply ;D

Title: Re: Please oppose ATV Bill SB 2370
Post by: TRX350_On_The_Rack on March 28, 2005, 11:08:18 AM
Spark Arrestor is in the Muffler.

This Bill is going to happen. I just don't see the general public not letting this pass especially with the negative press ATV's have been given.

Title: Re: Please oppose ATV Bill SB 2370
Post by: TRX350_On_The_Rack on March 28, 2005, 02:02:50 PM
The only Senator from Florida named Smith is Rod Smith. A Democrat who fishes and hunts. Doesn't really seem like the kind of person who would put in a Bill like this. Here's his page

Title: Re: Please oppose ATV Bill SB 2370
Post by: Robert4570 on March 29, 2005, 05:48:02 AM
Update on the ATV Bill SB 2370,
It has not been scheduled for any hearing in the Senate and there is no House companion bill at this time .
This does not mean its dead , keep an eye on because it will be coming up .


Title: Re: Please oppose ATV Bill SB 2370
Post by: J.D. on March 29, 2005, 06:48:44 AM
My son is 14 , He is 6 foot 1  and 165 lbs . If someone knows of a 90 that will fit him please let me know ! Right now he rides a Predator 500 , and he rides it very well . If they want certified instructors , you should be able to take tests to be cleared for larger displacement quads . There is no way I am putting him on a 90 .

Title: Re: Please oppose ATV Bill SB 2370
Post by: Gamer on March 29, 2005, 06:45:47 PM
I know how everyone feels about helmets on here but to make it law for an adult on an ATV is ridiculous.  Its pretty much like Brian McMahon said on, it seems kind of ridiculous that you can ride a motorcycle at 70 mph on the interstate, but must wear a helmet doing 10mph on a trail.

Title: Re: Please oppose ATV Bill SB 2370
Post by: 2Raptors on March 29, 2005, 07:24:07 PM
I'm not a big fan of helmet laws or even seatbelt laws (personal responsibility) but the difference with the motorcycle law is that you are required to carry health insurance to ride without a helmet.  With a quad any idiot can ride without one and we all pay his medical costs when he kisses a tree at 60mph.  I agree that the proposed age limits don't seem realistic, but some age restrictions would make sense.  Personally, I'd rather see an IQ test before you can ride because the dumbest 2% make the rest of us look bad.

Title: Re: Please oppose ATV Bill SB 2370
Post by: Robert4570 on March 29, 2005, 08:18:23 PM
There are too many laws as it is.
This bill is not going to make anybody's life any better . Before you know it we will need a legal counsel to ride with us in case we violate one law  or another. Its bad enough that we had to title our bikes and  give the state an almost $60 donation with nothing in return.

What next , a bill requiring all who operate Off-highway vehicles to carry mandatory liability insurance? Not far off ?

It seems like what ever type outdoor recreation one enjoys there is always some one or some group trying their best to take it away .
Look at what's happened in the  Big Cypress with  all the restrictions on offroad vehicles. Airboats are under attack as well in Florida  with the whole noise ordinance  issue .

I say we ban Golf Courses due their non-environmentaly friendly  maintenance and severe impact on our natural resources . Lets see how many people we piss off  across our great state when they can't enjoy their favorite form of recreation.

Enough already. >:(

Title: Re: Please oppose ATV Bill SB 2370
Post by: innocent_bystander on March 29, 2005, 08:37:38 PM
At 16 I was 5'10" 210-220 pounds. I dont think a 90cc would do anything for me.  [smiley=laugh.gif] These lawmakers have no idea what they are talking about.  [smiley=stooges.gif] I think they should be required to go on a ride with people from this site before any bill would be considered.

Title: Re: Please oppose ATV Bill SB 2370
Post by: TRX350_On_The_Rack on March 30, 2005, 06:37:29 AM
There really are some nutty, sue happy people out there. The strong support the weak, the responsible pay for the actions of the irresponsible.

I agree we do need some regulations on ATV'n as a whole, but less restrictive and more defined than this Bill offers. Being a supporter of wearing helmets, even I don't see the need to wear a helmet in areas were the top speed is 10mph in mud. Next we'll be wearing helmets to swim. People that prove they are better at driving and riding should have more privilages, a license that gives us more rights! The football star who produces points gets paid more than the one who doesn't so why can't it be the same for other things as well?

Title: Re: Please oppose ATV Bill SB 2370
Post by: TRX350_On_The_Rack on March 30, 2005, 12:42:44 PM
I would be fine with insurance as long as it wasn't too expensive and only if that meant they would leave us the f*ck alone. Let our safety be our responsibility.

Title: Re: Please oppose ATV Bill SB 2370
Post by: Gamer on March 30, 2005, 07:13:28 PM
I'm not sure how the laws work with medical insurance but I'm pretty sure you would be covered if you wrecked on your ATV.
Hopefully you all have it.

Title: Re: Please oppose ATV Bill SB 2370
Post by: Robert4570 on March 30, 2005, 07:23:42 PM
I'm not sure how the laws work with medical insurance but I'm pretty sure you would be covered if you wrecked on your ATV.
Hopefully you all have it.

Yep , most health insurance providers cover most mishaps .
Liability insurance would be a big expense for most, sort of  like the state required minimum for highway vehicles.
This is just hypothetical , but nothing would surprise me anymore.