ATV Florida Forum

General => Open Discussion => Topic started by: LakeMaryKid on March 30, 2005, 12:42:07 PM

Title: Terry Shiavo
Post by: LakeMaryKid on March 30, 2005, 12:42:07 PM
Ok, we were talking about her in one of my classes today. I would like to know what yalls opinion is on her "case".

Here is mine:
    I think that it is getting a lil out of hand. The husband is wedded to here and i therefore think he should get to decide wether she should pass-on or stay in a vegitative state. Him saying that she never wanted to be kept alive by a machine and be left in that condition should be honored. Of course Terry Shiavo's parents say that she is saying things and giving hand motions and all that, but what parent would say "pull the plug and let the child i made and brought into this world die." No parent in their right mind would say that because they love there child/children and wouldn't intentionally want to let them "pass-on".
      Now taking it to the courts and then to the state level and now/was being at the national level i think is somewhat uncalled for persay. I have a student in my class who grand father had a stroke over springbreak and only 5% of his brain was left working and he was on a life support machine also and there was some controversy between the family and what not and they worked it out and let him "pass-on". Now why this one lady gets this much attention i do not know why. Everday people die and there a bunch of people out there right now who are on life support and are living off a feeding tube, but you dont see President Bush or their Governor getting involved in their situation do you? I personally think President Bush has more things to worry about than just one lady who was on life support for 15 years and the husband finally is saying "pull the plug". Instead he should be worry about where and how Sex Offenders are allowed to live and where they are allowed to live; Or say social secuirty problems or gas prices, we could go on and on with this. And don't you find it odd HOW FAST they pass a "Terry Shiavo Bill" yet it takes forever for these sex offenders and all these other things to get bills passed? I mean there have been so many more children abducted and sexually offended or molested and then later on kill that he should be worrying about that instead of one lady who's husband has the right to say whether or not to pull the plug.

Now i am going to go ahead and post this and add more after a few thoughts come in. But please I'd like to know yalls opinions on this subject.

LakeMaryKid aka Curtis

Title: Re: Terry Shiavo
Post by: VelociRaptor350 on March 30, 2005, 12:50:50 PM
Well said.

Title: Re: Terry Shiavo
Post by: TRX350_On_The_Rack on March 30, 2005, 01:01:39 PM
Most Americans agree that the courts should stay out of it. 15 years and no improvement, don't think she will recover mentally. The lesson here is if you haven't made a living will and are concerned about your care in an incapacitated state, then get one. You can get them free from any hospital. Just make copies to give to the people who will be taking care of you and also get it Notarized.

Talking from personal experiences with this I say let her go.

Also Bush is just trying to keep the conservative vote.

Title: Re: Terry Shiavo
Post by: gery350 on March 30, 2005, 01:08:52 PM
i think paul and young ron addressed it appropriately on big105.9 this morning with their tribute.

Title: Re: Terry Shiavo
Post by: Seabee on March 30, 2005, 01:09:13 PM
Let her die in peace. Laying in a bed for 15 years with a tube stuck in the side of your neck is not my definition of living. If something like that happened to me, I would want to die. As a matter of fact, I have it in my Will that way. Also, I'm completely disgusted with the whole situation because of the amount of tax dollars going into it. If the media had never stuck their noses in it, it would have never gone to the level it has. I'm on the husband's side, the parents are F.O.S.
This is my opinion, if you don't like it, too bad, suck it up.

Title: Re: Terry Shiavo
Post by: apkkfx400 on March 30, 2005, 01:28:04 PM
next chapter: the inhumanity and cruelty of the husband
having an autopsy performed in order to clear his name.
this is long from over in making headlines and then we will
have to skip all the made for tv movies about it.  It's been
used politically and the news always has a story to fill a hole-
it's time to let the whole thing go!!

Title: Re: Terry Shiavo
Post by: CABLEGUY1 on March 30, 2005, 02:08:24 PM
Thats okay. Jessie Jackson will make everything allright. If not you can allways count on the good ole reverend Al Sharpton.

Title: Re: Terry Shiavo
Post by: big-daddy on March 30, 2005, 02:25:09 PM
Thats okay. Jessie Jackson will make everything allright. If not you can allways count on the good ole reverend Al Sharpton.

they both dont know who there fathers are. :-/

Title: Re: Terry Shiavo
Post by: Smoknbanshee on March 30, 2005, 02:36:30 PM
This is the reason there is a thing called living will....

Title: Re: Terry Shiavo
Post by: dreth on March 30, 2005, 03:00:08 PM
put me on a quad and sling shot me over the grand canyon ;)

Title: Re: Terry Shiavo
Post by: Chuck_Norris on March 30, 2005, 03:07:07 PM
The Lord Giveth and the Lord Taketh away. This is a challenging thought process  and this is why
A) some say that it is not our choice to decide who lives and or who dies but that same crowd believes in the Death penalty.
B) married until death do us part was part of my vows and so was for better or worse.
The concern is that we have taken GODS' word  and used it to best suit our need and not do HIS will.

Title: Re: Terry Shiavo
Post by: 2Raptors on March 30, 2005, 03:21:29 PM
Oh man, this is on the news constantly, on the radio all day, and everyone is talking about it.  I come here for some (in)sanity and now it comes up here too :o :o.  j/k
Let the poor woman die in peace.  Nobody would want to be kept alive for 14 years if they were in her condition, but they want to make her stay alive at all costs ???.

Title: Re: Terry Shiavo
Post by: blupits04 on March 30, 2005, 03:40:25 PM
OK maybe I don't fully agree on everything getting said b/c I've heard some kinda disturbing news about the husband. From what I've heard he's the reason that she's like she is. He beat her so bad and was starving her to death that's how the whole thing came about that she went to the hospital. Then he went to court and sued the hospital and Dr's b/c they didn't find out that it was a chemical in her brain that got screwed up and won a million dollar law suit that is in HER name only. Her Parents have put everything they own on the line for their daughter and I wouldn't doubt alot of other people would do the same for their children. But here is why I don't agree on why he should get say so on it. He has been seeing another woman for like 13 yrs or so and has kids with her, now how can anyone believe that he actually loves her and has her best interests at heart when he's been messing around on her since or maybe even before all this happened. I think honestly in my opinion he just wants the money that he is entitled to when she dies. And I also think that if she is responsive and alert then maybe someone should try and ask HER what she wants and not take her Adulterave husbands word for it. I know I have never said anything to my husband about what he should do if something like that would happen to me...(how many of you have???) It's not an everyday thing that people talk about. And I don't understand why they won't let anyone try to feed her without the tube. They will not give her food or water b/c they say she can't eat or drink without do they know what she is capab;e of until they try. I think personally they should have someone out side of the family go in and try to communicate with her and see what happens. As for the husband I think that he's afraid that if she lives and actually improves that she will be able to say how she really got to that state of being. But if it's her time I think that they should let it happen. Maybe GOD has things going like this to wake everyone up and see what can happen. Maybe this is GODS plan who know's but HIM!

Title: Re: Terry Shiavo
Post by: LakeMaryKid on March 30, 2005, 05:35:50 PM
now i do not know what the truth is about how she got in the vegitative state she is in right now. I have heard so many things i do not know. I do not believe the beating thing, or else he would be in jail. I have heard she was in a car crash, but that was a few years back. I have heard she had a chemical inbalance in her brain and then i have also heard she was balemic. So i do not know what to believe. But i do not blame him for going and finding another lady after some years of her like that with no improvement. But some people will say that is "unloyal" to your vows. But i do not know

Title: Re: Terry Shiavo
Post by: LIV2RIDE on March 30, 2005, 06:06:13 PM
I have heard she had a chemical inbalance in her brain and then i have also heard she was balemic.  

That would be the correct answer.   she had an eating disorder that led to a chemical imbalance in the brain.

Title: Re: Terry Shiavo
Post by: YFZ450AndyH on March 30, 2005, 06:32:49 PM
There doesnt seem to be anywhere we can go to escape this......

Title: Re: Terry Shiavo
Post by: Gamer on March 30, 2005, 07:00:43 PM
Then he went to court and sued the hospital and Dr's b/c they didn't find out that it was a chemical in her brain that got screwed up and won a million dollar law suit that is in HER name only.

All of the money from the lawsuit has been spent on Terry.  There is no money left.  Taxpayers are now supporting Terry in the amount of $80,000 a month.

Her Parents have put everything they own on the line for their daughter and I wouldn't doubt alot of other people would do the same for their children.

It has been documented by Hospice that the parents and brother did not visit Terry for 5 years stright after this all happend.  The husband visited her frequently.

And I don't understand why they won't let anyone try to feed her without the tube. They will not give her food or water b/c they say she can't eat or drink without do they know what she is capab;e of until they try.

Terry would choke on the food and water if given orally and die.  She is not in a conscious like you or I.  The only part of her brain that works is the part the runs her Autonomic functions such as breathing and reflexes.

As for the husband I think that he's afraid that if she lives and actually improves that she will be able to say how she really got to that state of being.

The husband really has no motive for letting Terry die other than if she actually told him she does not want to live like that.  The husband is not going to gain anything out of this other than continue his life with his current family.  I don't believe the parents.  I think they are pushing other agenda's here and that's the reason they have an Anti-Abortion activist as there spoke person.  I'm on the husbands side.  By the way this information was on one of the news channels that talked about both sides for 2 hours.  The parents wanted nothing to do with her for years and now all of a sudden want her to live.  Does not make sence.

Title: Re: Terry Shiavo
Post by: Gamer on March 30, 2005, 07:03:22 PM
Wow did I screw that up.  I tried to quote what blupits04 said.  Anyways hope you all can understand it. Hehe

Title: Re: Terry Shiavo
Post by: blupits04 on March 30, 2005, 10:08:22 PM
well all I can say to that is to each his own. I understand what you meant by that Gamer and I'm lik LMK I don't know what to believe now b/c there are soo many things that we get told by the media. Who really knows the truth, what happened or what Terri would really want except for her and GOD, As for her husband I think he should re read his vows and understand what it means when it's said "For better or WORSE....Till DEATH do us part" He's had his fiance for how many years now?? I don't care what the situation is if you love someone you will stick by them no matter what and it shouldn't matter what the conditions are. I think he's wanting out and wants to marry this other woman and this is his way to do it. She's been this way for 15yrs and he's only gave up on her from what we know of for the past 5 yrs. My opinion is he's wanted a way out of feeling guilty.

Title: Re: Terry Shiavo
Post by: Hollywood on March 30, 2005, 10:20:26 PM
Let her die in peace. Laying in a bed for 15 years with a tube stuck in the side of your neck is not my definition of living. If something like that happened to me, I would want to die. As a matter of fact, I have it in my Will that way. Also, I'm completely disgusted with the whole situation because of the amount of tax dollars going into it. If the media had never stuck their noses in it, it would have never gone to the level it has. I'm on the husband's side, the parents are F.O.S.
This is my opinion, if you don't like it, too bad, suck it up.

Same here. I have made it well known to my family that God forbid something like this should happen to me don't allow me to suffer. If I can't live my life here to the fullest I would just assume pass on to the next!

Title: Re: Terry Shiavo
Post by: Thrasher on March 31, 2005, 04:34:29 AM
why don't these right to life people rally at hospitals and hospices all over the country while they are at it...

....hundreds of people are disconnected from life support/feeding tubes every day.

let Terri go...who would want to be kept in a state like that?
I know i sure wouldn't...i'd rather be dead than laid up in a bed someplace not knowng the differene between the houseplant next to me ...or me..

If i were to be kept alive, I'll make it a point to haunt each and everyone who did so once I did die.. ;)

it's time to move on....and let her go...these last minute appeals and such are ridiculous.. and are nothing more than acts of desparation (out of love understandably..but still)

Title: Re: Terry Shiavo
Post by: SkyHighT100 on March 31, 2005, 05:02:13 AM
"When you love something so much... sometimes you just have to let it go. If it comes back to you, then you know it is meant to be"

My opinion is that for one, the courts should have never gotten involved and it should have been dealt with within the family. I know both sides of the family feel strongly, so it would have been dificult either way. I can understand that Mr. Shaivo feels strongly that Terry wouldnt have wanted to live this way, but considering he now has his own family, he should have given custody back to Terry's mother and father.

It's been 15 years and doctors are still saying there's no chance of any recovery, so I fully agree with them letting Terry die. But I do not agree with the way they are letting her die. It is too bad that assisted suicide isn't legal in this state, because putting her "to sleep" would have been the best option, it's quick and painless. I dont know about you guys, but I would not want to spend 2-3 weeks starving to death, I dont care what state of life I am in. Give me a uthinization shot, and let it be done with.

Title: Re: Terry Shiavo
Post by: TRX350_On_The_Rack on March 31, 2005, 05:06:41 AM
South Park hit the nail on the head with this issue in last nights episode.

Title: Re: Terry Shiavo
Post by: SkyHighT100 on March 31, 2005, 05:06:58 AM
put me on a quad and sling shot me over the grand canyon ;)

Now that's what I'm talking about!!! Duct tape me on the dang thing for all I care, lol.

Title: Re: Terry Shiavo
Post by: SkyHighT100 on March 31, 2005, 05:12:34 AM
I do not believe the beating thing, or else he would be in jail.

Unfortunately, this isnt always true Curtis. I won't even get started on what I had to deal with for 10+ years of my life... with the person who did it still walking around like nothing ever happend. NO trial, NO jail, NO name on a registration list... NOTHING!  

Title: Re: Terry Shiavo
Post by: lil_Mrs._Honda1 on March 31, 2005, 07:02:56 AM
Thankfully for her the suffering is now over, and she can rest in peace and go on ti a better place!
Her family is in our hearts and prayers.

Title: Re: Terry Shiavo
Post by: DRWalum on March 31, 2005, 07:04:34 AM
She just passed away. Let her rest in peace. She can now be with God & all the Angels & we can stop the bickering.

Title: Re: Terry Shiavo
Post by: big-daddy on March 31, 2005, 07:06:03 AM
god bless her, rest in peace

Title: Re: Terry Shiavo
Post by: Harley_Honey on March 31, 2005, 07:23:23 AM
Rest in Peace.  God Bless.

Title: Re: Terry Shiavo
Post by: Thrasher on March 31, 2005, 07:46:52 AM
Rest in peace, Terri.

the hard part is now over..

now i'm bracing myself for the book, the made for tv movie, the mini-series and then the movie...and the political fallout that is gonna happen because of this whole thing..

Title: Re: Terry Shiavo
Post by: gery350 on March 31, 2005, 08:43:41 AM
thank god its over. now i can focus on the michael jackson case! just kidding.

Title: Re: Terry Shiavo
Post by: KFXhead on March 31, 2005, 09:01:20 AM
My take on this is simple, Mr Schiavo says his wife's wishes were to die & not be kept alive, right? Well then why in the hell did he let her ever leave that hospital to go to a hospice???? If he was a real man of conviction, he would have pulled the plug on her when she could not breathe on her own! Now after ,very little if any rehab, several years later he finally decides to pull the AIR tube to let her die & low & behold she starts breathing on her own. What this isnt supposed to happen, she should have died, now he has to pull the food tube to cause her to starve to death!!!!I truly beleive with aggressive rehabilitation she could make advancements. I feel she is very disabled, not a vegetable. It is awful funny that a vegetable lasted 14days with no nutrients at all, when she was predicted to last 6 days at first. Funny thing is she died 1 day after ALL of the possible legal appeals were exhausted. She tried to stay alive until all hope was gone then stopped fighting. Michael Schiavo will meet his maker one day & I pity his soul!(actually I dont) I still cant fathom that this has taken place in our world today. God bless her & her family. I cant imagine watching somebody purposely starve my daughter to death. Mr Schiavo wanted her dead for only reasons he knows & he never intended for her to ever be able to talk or communicate again obviousley. Now lets see how long it takes for him to sign a book or movie deal. He & his girlfriend can now marry & give a name to his bassturd children & live happily ever after with no fear of Terry talking about the abuse she suffered from him. I saw a DR.  report  this morning showing prof she had 7 fractured bones from the time they married until the time she supposedly "collapsed"! Her med records from childhood until she moved out of her home never showed a broken bone. Sounds like a classic case of domestic violence covered up by a battered wife. Good luck in hell Michael!!!

Title: Re: Terry Shiavo
Post by: VelociRaptor350 on March 31, 2005, 09:07:45 AM
I persoannly think the goverment should have stayed out of it, there was NO need for a emergeny congressonal meeting, the president, jess jackson, etc to get involved. THERES A WAR STILL GOING ON, we have bigger issues to deal with then 1 women in florida, our boys are still dying overseas. Granted, the issue with Terry was messed up, but that is a family issue and i honestly wish that the goverment would act so quicly when addressing issues that affect all of us, even LAZY bush came off on his vacation to sign the bill.

Title: Re: Terry Shiavo
Post by: blupits04 on March 31, 2005, 09:10:05 AM
Amen on that one..Rest in peace Terri. And from the looks of it I don't think She'll be seing her husband again! He's an A$$hole that doesn't deserve to live and instead he took her life to make his own better. But like Curtis said it takes years for these pervs to get arrested and something to happen to them but Bush wanted to sign a bill right then for terri what about Jessica? what about the millions of other kids that are going thru that today. If anyone touches my kids they better pray that the cops find them before I do b/c I'm going to make them BEG for their lives and just out of spite they might now be heard! It's BS what it takes to be heard in this country. >:(

Title: Re: Terry Shiavo
Post by: Gamer on April 01, 2005, 03:06:40 PM
There is a simple question to ask here.  Would you want to live like that?  I have not met anyone that would say yes.