Title: Seeking Asphault/Dirt drag racers for sponsorship. Post by: sanddragon2004 on October 20, 2005, 04:53:48 PM We are currently looking for asphault drag racers to help us expand to the southeast, and midwest, and east coast. IF you are intersted in sponsorship opportunities please send emails to
sponsorship@sanddragonmotorsports.com we currently are looking for serious racers that plan to compete in all the different series for the 2006 season, Also looking for ICE racers as well. Please contact us with resumes, and photos of the bikes in question. Thanks in advance for your responses. Title: Re: Seeking Asphault/Dirt drag racers for sponsorship. Post by: cutngrs on October 20, 2005, 05:34:04 PM just asphault or dirt too
Title: Re: Seeking Asphault/Dirt drag racers for sponsorship. Post by: BANSHEE-BOY TONY FARROW on October 21, 2005, 10:37:45 PM Guys if your looking for parts sand dragon aka Andy Parkins is the man he will hook ya up. ANDY Im still interested in a arms and Iam still interested in sponsorship. PM me what you are talking about.Iwill be giving you a call on a axel.real soon. Tony farrow
Title: Re: Seeking Asphault/Dirt drag racers for sponsorship. Post by: YFZCutie113 on November 07, 2005, 07:09:43 PM Can you please give me more info on the ice racing please and thank you!! I am interested in doing ice racing!! Please give me your email address thanks very much!!