ATV Florida Forum

General => Open Discussion => Topic started by: 05greengriz on April 22, 2005, 07:26:35 AM

Title: Can you beleive this!!!!.
Post by: 05greengriz on April 22, 2005, 07:26:35 AM
Governor “too busy” to receive Jessica Lunsford petition

Jessica Lunsford

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By:Kathryn Bursch

Citrus County, Florida - Once filled with petitions the showcases in Joe Dawson’s business once again hold glitter and glitz, but this Homosassa jeweler is still more concerned with plain ol’ pen and paper. He has 127-thousand signatures to deliver.

"Five in the morning…ten at night…twelve at night…it doesn’t matter to me."

Dawson started the petition drive shortly after Jessica Lunsford’s murder and a steady stream of people signed, eager to see tougher laws for sex offenders. And from the beginning, Dawson told signers he would hand over the petition to Governor Bush.

But now there appears to be a petition problem. For over two weeks, Dawson says he’s been trying to get a brief meeting with the Governor…just 5 minutes.

"They say he’s too busy, too busy to take your petition. Point blank they’re telling me he’s just too busy."

A spokesperson for the Governor told 10 News, Bush is too busy to receive all the many petitions that people start. And they say they’ve offered to let Dawson meet with high-level staff members, but he’s declined.

A longtime Republican, Dawson even displays a photo of President Bush in his shop. But now he feels like Jeb Bush is snubbing all the people who signed the petition and in a way Jessica herself.

"I don’t buy that anybody in the world is too busy to give five minutes to 127-thousand people…it makes me disappointed and angry."

Title: Re: Can you beleive this!!!!.
Post by: TRX350_On_The_Rack on April 22, 2005, 08:10:57 AM
I can believe this. He is a Bush after all. >:(
If there is no profit or vote then it doesn't matter to them.

Title: Re: Can you beleive this!!!!.
Post by: SkyHighT100 on April 22, 2005, 08:27:35 AM
Bush or no Bush... nothing suprises me anymore when it comes to anything involving a politician. They're all liars who's number one concern is money.

Title: Re: Can you beleive this!!!!.
Post by: NPRVinson on April 22, 2005, 08:45:41 AM
If it was election time he would be there in a heart beat with the media surrounding them.

Title: Re: Can you beleive this!!!!.
Post by: TRX350_On_The_Rack on April 22, 2005, 08:51:17 AM
I would like to say that all politicians are scum, but that would be a cop-out. There are some good politicians out there, just not many.

Title: Re: Can you beleive this!!!!.
Post by: 05greengriz on April 22, 2005, 09:04:46 AM
I guess we would never have a chance of any kind of atv riding area petition looked at. I mean the poor girl was only murdered. I just can't believe the mentality of that SON OF A BITC_ [smiley=Angry.gif] I can't believe his sorry AZZ couldn't constitute 5 minutes of his time in a matter as this. I don't mean to offend anybody, but this is just plain unacceptable and wrong.

Title: Re: Can you beleive this!!!!.
Post by: 05greengriz on April 22, 2005, 09:11:39 AM
And another thing, to be an elected official, he works for us, we don't work for him. He is a public servant, although he may not think he is. I better stop before I get banned from this great website. Again I apologize, but I am absolutely livid!

Title: Re: Can you beleive this!!!!.
Post by: SkyHighT100 on April 22, 2005, 09:29:46 AM
And another thing, to be an elected official, he works for us, we don't work for him. He is a public servant, although he may not think he is. I better stop before I get banned from this great website. Again I apologize, but I am absolutely livid!

I love the way you put that!! I thought all politicians were supposed to be servents of the people/the peoples voice.. Man, I wonder how many hundreds of years ago they decided to change that... too bad they forgot to let us vote on it first, lol.

Title: Re: Can you beleive this!!!!.
Post by: TRX350_On_The_Rack on April 22, 2005, 09:49:06 AM
And another thing, to be an elected official, he works for us, we don't work for him. He is a public servant, although he may not think he is. I better stop before I get banned from this great website. Again I apologize, but I am absolutely livid!

You have every right to be. We elect these officials, but they don't work for us. That is the reality. Politicians learned a long time ago if they give us something to divert our attention, TV being the worst of them, they could write laws to protect themselves from us. The only power we have over them is voting, which can be fixed if the leaders see fit. The younger generation has become conditioned to accept whatever they are told. Free thinking society will not be tolerated is the Mantra that continues to grow. I hope this will change. I want to see Democracy back in our hands.

Title: Re: Can you beleive this!!!!.
Post by: da_mtgs_boss on April 22, 2005, 09:53:53 AM
I saw this on the news last night. Regarding the whole issue if the govt does not do something soon to get these freaks off the street the families of the victim is going to do there on style of justice [smiley=box.gif] [smiley=box.gif] [smiley=box.gif] and there is not a jury in this country that would blame them. Especially Jessica's father after hearing what this man did.

Title: Re: Can you beleive this!!!!.
Post by: 05greengriz on April 22, 2005, 10:35:45 AM
I sure would like like to take a tour where these freaks are being held, because there'd be a 6'1 255lb 29 yr. old puttin it on there azz [smiley=box.gif] [smiley=box.gif] [smiley=box.gif] [smiley=box.gif] [smiley=box.gif] [smiley=box.gif] [smiley=box.gif]

Title: Re: Can you beleive this!!!!.
Post by: stump66 on April 22, 2005, 11:15:02 AM
Governor “too busy” to receive Jessica Lunsford petition

Jessica Lunsford

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By:Kathryn Bursch

Citrus County, Florida - Once filled with petitions the showcases in Joe Dawson’s business once again hold glitter and glitz, but this Homosassa jeweler is still more concerned with plain ol’ pen and paper. He has 127-thousand signatures to deliver.

"Five in the morning…ten at night…twelve at night…it doesn’t matter to me."

Dawson started the petition drive shortly after Jessica Lunsford’s murder and a steady stream of people signed, eager to see tougher laws for sex offenders. And from the beginning, Dawson told signers he would hand over the petition to Governor Bush.

But now there appears to be a petition problem. For over two weeks, Dawson says he’s been trying to get a brief meeting with the Governor…just 5 minutes.

"They say he’s too busy, too busy to take your petition. Point blank they’re telling me he’s just too busy."

A spokesperson for the Governor told 10 News, Bush is too busy to receive all the many petitions that people start. And they say they’ve offered to let Dawson meet with high-level staff members, but he’s declined.

A longtime Republican, Dawson even displays a photo of President Bush in his shop. But now he feels like Jeb Bush is snubbing all the people who signed the petition and in a way Jessica herself.

"I don’t buy that anybody in the world is too busy to give five minutes to 127-thousand people…it makes me disappointed and angry."

Title: Re: Can you beleive this!!!!.
Post by: stump66 on April 22, 2005, 11:15:28 AM
Governor “too busy” to receive Jessica Lunsford petition

Jessica Lunsford

Video Story

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By:Kathryn Bursch

Citrus County, Florida - Once filled with petitions the showcases in Joe Dawson’s business once again hold glitter and glitz, but this Homosassa jeweler is still more concerned with plain ol’ pen and paper. He has 127-thousand signatures to deliver.

"Five in the morning…ten at night…twelve at night…it doesn’t matter to me."

Dawson started the petition drive shortly after Jessica Lunsford’s murder and a steady stream of people signed, eager to see tougher laws for sex offenders. And from the beginning, Dawson told signers he would hand over the petition to Governor Bush.

But now there appears to be a petition problem. For over two weeks, Dawson says he’s been trying to get a brief meeting with the Governor…just 5 minutes.

"They say he’s too busy, too busy to take your petition. Point blank they’re telling me he’s just too busy."

A spokesperson for the Governor told 10 News, Bush is too busy to receive all the many petitions that people start. And they say they’ve offered to let Dawson meet with high-level staff members, but he’s declined.

A longtime Republican, Dawson even displays a photo of President Bush in his shop. But now he feels like Jeb Bush is snubbing all the people who signed the petition and in a way Jessica herself.

"I don’t buy that anybody in the world is too busy to give five minutes to 127-thousand people…it makes me disappointed and angry."


Title: Re: Can you beleive this!!!!.
Post by: Chuck_Norris on April 22, 2005, 11:22:33 AM
I can believe this. He is a Bush after all. >:(
If there is no profit or vote then it doesn't matter to them.


Title: Re: Can you beleive this!!!!.
Post by: 05greengriz on April 22, 2005, 11:25:54 AM


I found it this morning on

Title: Re: Can you beleive this!!!!.
Post by: J.D. on April 22, 2005, 11:33:38 AM
We have the 2nd protect from government tyranny and freaks like molesters . While we can use it to effectively stop criminals, I dont think our forefathers envisioned Tanks , Tear gas , Comanchees , Hummers with Ma Dueces ect .....Tyranny shall prevail through legislation and the national guardsmen will protect the politicians if you dont believe  me , let a demonstration in tallahassee get out of hand and see who comes in . BROTHERS helping BROTHERS thats what it is all about .

Title: Re: Can you beleive this!!!!.
Post by: YFZ450AndyH on April 22, 2005, 11:43:50 AM
I find it ironic that Bush found all that time to deal with Terri Schiavo's case, but cant find 5 minutes to look at this issue?  Remember how Jesse Jackson just "popped in" to Bushy's place and was able to speak with him about Schiavo?  I bet a dollar that if I popped in I wouldnt get that privilige (if you would call it a privilige) Unbelievable.

Title: Re: Can you beleive this!!!!.
Post by: TRX350_On_The_Rack on April 22, 2005, 12:02:49 PM
Christian Right is what happened. They have a lot of influence and power. Bush thought helping Terri Schiavo would help his stance with the Christian Right, but backfired and now Tom DeLay is feeling the heat. These Bozos in the White House really know how to shift attention away from themselves.

Also Jesse Jackson still has a lot of backing even though the Republicans have tried so hard to ruin him. What happened is  Jackson tells the media he is showing up to show he cares about Schiavo and the 5 minutes was nothing more than Bush shaking his hand for the photographers. Politics as Usual >:(

Title: Re: Can you beleive this!!!!.
Post by: stump66 on April 22, 2005, 01:25:05 PM
I want to respond to this. I am not a bush fan or fan of any politician. I am a father of two and have been called anal about how close I keep my kids and knowing where, when who what why about every second of there day. Its a parents job to get them to adulthood.. I cannot see bush himself being a father saying that he does not have time to even look at this particular petition, especially with the amount of national and local publicity this story created. This couye guy should have been drag through the streets hung,drawn and quartered and I would volunteer to do it. That said bush is also a father. Unless he actually said this on tape to see I don't believe that he would do such a thing. The bigger possibilty would likely be one of his spokespersons running interfierence and thinkiing that they are doing the right thing by keeping it away from him or maybe after he was innondated S<? with all the Shivo stuff he may have had a blanket order to keep petitions from getting to him. Please don't misconstrue this as a defence of Bush, I just can't see another father if he has any of the type of feelings twords kids and values kids as much as the rest of us. And if he did say it on tape then he was stupid and its career suicide and will be all over the news. I looked on wtsp and I can't find the original article. If someone could please send me a link to it. I'll be the first to help get it to more media about a stupid statement made by someone in the position of power such as him.
LORD please help protect our children!

Title: Re: Can you beleive this!!!!.
Post by: yunt2ride on April 22, 2005, 01:44:32 PM
It PI$$ES me off that this John Couey guy confessed and lead the authorities to the body and now he pleads not guilty. I say let him go free so his father can get to him and make him swallow a jar of battery acid. That way the acid can eat him from the inside out while her father watches him die.

Title: Re: Can you beleive this!!!!.
Post by: TRX350_On_The_Rack on April 22, 2005, 01:44:59 PM
Jeb is a great example of a Family Values kind of dad. Hmmm isn't his kid a crack addict???

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And that's not a stab at sport66 :)