ATV Florida Forum

General => Open Discussion => Topic started by: stump66 on September 27, 2005, 10:47:19 AM

Title: FEMA (Mike Brown) Gets grilled on Katrina
Post by: stump66 on September 27, 2005, 10:47:19 AM
Mike Brown, the guy that has taken the brunt of the finger pointing for ALL the STATE AND LOCAL governments just said on national TV Tha his BIGGEST mistake was prior to Saturday 48 hrs before the storm made landfall was for NOT TELLING EVEYONE THAT THE STATE OF LOISIANNA IS DISFUNCTIONAL. GOO FOR YOU MIKE BROWN~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 :cursing.gif :cursing.gif :cursing.gif :cursing.gif :cursing.gif :cursing.gif

Title: Re: FEMA (Mike Brown) Gets grilled on Katrina
Post by: SkyHighT100 on September 27, 2005, 11:01:01 AM
Lol, dont get your panties all in a bunch. I hate to break it to you, but its A LOT of peoples fault for what happend. I agree that Brown shouldnt be the only one to get grilled, but he is just as responsible as everyone else (if not more due to his prior position). There should be A LOT more people getting grilled for what did and didnt happen. Practically everyone involved did/didnt do something to contribute to the problem. Leaders didnt call for assistance, Leaders should have been prepared long ago, assistance wasnt organized, total lack of communication, citizens didnt leave when they had MORE then enough warning, people moved there in the first place knowing the risks, the list can go on forever.

Title: Re: FEMA (Mike Brown) Gets grilled on Katrina
Post by: stump66 on September 27, 2005, 11:11:06 AM
Iagree that he,the president the congress,senate or anyone else is to blame but I want to hear from Nagin's or Blanco's lips that they are also bearers of blame.She is most to blame for not allowing Bush to step in until 24hrs prior to land fall. She should have taken the help and EXPERIENCE of the federal gov' with open arms. I can't stand the biatch or her boy in N/O. How many busses did nagiin not move or use and let get flooded, nagin refused a train offered by Amtrac to help evac his city. But like you said "many are to blame" but only some owned up to it.

Title: Re: FEMA (Mike Brown) Gets grilled on Katrina
Post by: Chuck_Norris on September 27, 2005, 02:17:40 PM
COMPLACENTCY is on the fault of the local government.

Title: Re: FEMA (Mike Brown) Gets grilled on Katrina
Post by: ronny86250r on September 27, 2005, 03:37:12 PM
i think it is big daddys :D fault he should have told those people that it was time to go

Title: Re: FEMA (Mike Brown) Gets grilled on Katrina
Post by: apkkfx400 on September 27, 2005, 03:51:23 PM
I don't care who's taking the brunt of finger pointing, wah wah-
Brown didn't deserve to be appointed this position to begin with-Paulison, I believe, will do a much better job.

Before joining FEMA, his (Brown) only previous stint in emergency management, according to his bio posted on FEMA's website, was "serving as an assistant city manager with emergency services oversight."

Title: Re: FEMA (Mike Brown) Gets grilled on Katrina
Post by: stump66 on September 27, 2005, 03:58:38 PM
Big Brother told local and state on saturday to get there crap in gear and they did nothing until less then 24hrs before landfall. The feds met on thursday about the situation.The Feds must have state approval before they can come in and take control of the situation.
LOOK, I am not saying FEMA is inocent in all this I just want to the Blanco instead of doing photo OPPS and walking around like she is a hero admit both her and her local people are PARTLY to blame. All they keep doing is pointing at big bro and I think thats wrong. And that useless sob Nagin should do the same.

Title: Re: FEMA (Mike Brown) Gets grilled on Katrina
Post by: Eruption on September 27, 2005, 04:16:21 PM
I don't care who's taking the brunt of finger pointing, wah wah-
Brown didn't deserve to be appointed this position to begin with-Paulison, I believe, will do a much better job.

Before joining FEMA, his (Brown) only previous stint in emergency management, according to his bio posted on FEMA's website, was "serving as an assistant city manager with emergency services oversight."

Weather or not he deserved the position is irrelevant.  His pereformance on the other hand is and when the federal government has to be called into action by the local government; which it wasn't; it is hard to prove your worthy of the position. 

Example:  If your house catches on fire do you A:Call the fire department as soon as you see the flame or B: do you wait untill the house is totally engulfed in flames and then call them????  THEN you have the nerve to complain because the fire department didn't do their job!!!!!!

Title: Re: FEMA (Mike Brown) Gets grilled on Katrina
Post by: apkkfx400 on September 27, 2005, 04:20:41 PM
I agree that Nagin should apologize for the way this situation was handled-But the apologies at this point are pretty much worthless.  There is a lot to be learned from the mistakes-up and down the ladder-it sucks that people had to suffer/die-but that's what makes it tragic.  On the up side of things-hopefully we learn and devise a better strategy.  Even in the short time after Katrina-I believe the evacuation efforts and warnings were being taken a little more serious-the evacuation process still sucked in Texas to the point people were running out of gas on the hwy's.  Jeb Bush today said they are officially looking at a good way to help evacuate the state of Florida if we are ever faced with something like the last two-Rita,Katrina.

Title: Re: FEMA (Mike Brown) Gets grilled on Katrina
Post by: stump66 on September 27, 2005, 08:35:51 PM
Very good timeline bro.