ATV Florida Forum

General => Where to Ride? => Topic started by: Crashking on September 26, 2005, 01:43:14 PM

Title: Warning to all the fun loving atv riders
Post by: Crashking on September 26, 2005, 01:43:14 PM
be cautious of who you pull up to while out on the trails... or just out riding around.... you never know what may happen...

On Saturday September 24th around 4~5 pm me and my friend were out in the titusville area(near the warbird musem i believe(i know it was near a airport)) and we were headed to spot he knew of that was nice pit.... well we get there and see it's filled with water.... we ride around there a bit and find a couple of trucks and about 6-7 people there enjoying themselves(drinkin some beer)... we pull up... turn our atv's off... take our helmets off... and just start talkin while me and my friend are sittin on our atvs... seein what's goin on... see if they were swimmin in the water.... just bein friendly..... they asked about our 4-wheelers and stuff.... etc.... then the next thing i know i'm on the ground, on my back, the world has turned yellow... i'm tryin to figure out what happened... (i've never been punched before and i'm 18 now)... i finally come to the conclusion that i got punched right below my left eye and on my right cheek.... my friend got puched in the nose(which bleed)... were both stunned.... trying to figure out what's going on....

they said that we were talking crap to them at a shooting range around that area.... we let them know that we've never been to a shooting range and we live in orlando.... they kinda doubt us... but back off cause we have our helmets in our hand... finally they come to the conclusion that we aren't who they think we were... offer us a beer for the confusion(we declined)... one guy still wanted to fight... but his friends wouldnt let him.... and it turns out that in the middle of all this they ripped the gold necklace that my buddy had off his neck (had it since he was 4... now also 18) so we ask for it back... they say that they don't have it... it got thrown into the bushes... ect.... then they get the vin off his bike... ask for mine... idk where it was... they didn't get it... ask for our names(they got fakes).... they got the vins for just in case we called the cops... and they finally got far enough away from the atv's that we hopped on and took off.... we rode out till we got to a road.... went down the road till we got a to a house and a lady was outside... called the police... etc... gave statement....(after they went looking for them) and it turns out... someone else that knew one of the guys in the group... walked up to this group of guys... and he got the sh*t beat out of him........

soo... when they get caught....(hopefully by the police) they will be charged with quite a few things ;) including the necklaces they stole...... if not.... well lets hope that a few people i know doesnt get a hold of them... we didn't do anything at the time... cause it was 6-7 to 2 and i had a small knife.... and we didn't know if they might of had a gun... so we didn't fight back...

just be careful.... don't ride up to people that are drinking and outnumber you..... just wave and go on by

Title: Re: Warning to all the fun loving atv riders
Post by: TRX350_On_The_Rack on September 26, 2005, 01:48:58 PM
That's why I carry protection.

Title: Re: Warning to all the fun loving atv riders
Post by: Da_Mtg_Man on September 26, 2005, 02:06:28 PM
That's why I carry protection.

What does what you carry in your wallet have to do with this?  ;D

Title: Re: Warning to all the fun loving atv riders
Post by: shadow on September 26, 2005, 02:37:39 PM

Next time take your helmet to the biggest one then challenge anyone else. Not to mention the sand you were laying in...throw it into the eyes and you got plenty of time to decide which eye you want to dot!! Or DONT MESS WITH REDNECKS, your one bike cost more than all there trucks together. Their jealous. especially this one.( I got friends in Tits ville ) THEY DONT LIKE PEOPLE FROM O-TOWN!!!!! Glad ur ok.


Title: Re: Warning to all the fun loving atv riders
Post by: Crashking on September 26, 2005, 02:46:10 PM
yeah i'd carry a gun... but i'm only 18... so is my other friend..... so were stuck with either a bow and arrow (lmao) or a knife....

they were all pretty skinny guys.... me and my buddy were just in a case of WTF?

if somethin were to happen like this again... were definitly not backin down like we did

i'm pretty close to bein a redneck... cept i got all my teeth :) lol... so much for havin a somethin like a brotherhood for rednecks...

i only paid $550 for the bike i got now... so it'd be about a even trade... lol

they didn't know we were from o-town till after they hit us... they said they had a lot of crap goin on with towns and sh*t around them (they named a few... o-town wasn't one)

it's just odd... cause if we talked crap to them before... why would we ride up to them and act like friends? that's the part i don't understand... which they don't understand... obviously..

hell... cops asked if we got any good licks on em.... one even said we should carry somethin next time..... ain't got no problem with that now

Title: Re: Warning to all the fun loving atv riders
Post by: big-daddy on September 26, 2005, 02:48:00 PM
Watch out for guys with camera bags.. .  ;)  right Mike!

Title: Re: Warning to all the fun loving atv riders
Post by: Da_Mtg_Man on September 26, 2005, 03:35:17 PM
Watch out for guys with camera bags.. .  ;)  right Mike!

lol... You never know what else might be in that camera bag.  ;)

Title: Re: Warning to all the fun loving atv riders
Post by: Bigscrb15 on September 26, 2005, 03:45:03 PM
I heard some of those cameras can hurt!

Title: Re: Warning to all the fun loving atv riders
Post by: big-daddy on September 26, 2005, 04:10:12 PM
the ones that say Colt ;)

Title: Re: Warning to all the fun loving atv riders
Post by: rubicon500kid on September 26, 2005, 04:29:30 PM
dang that sux

Title: Re: Warning to all the fun loving atv riders
Post by: BIGWORM3699 ( ECP RACING) on September 26, 2005, 04:48:03 PM
Sorry to hear that happened, hope all turns out.

Title: Re: Warning to all the fun loving atv riders
Post by: RL400 on September 26, 2005, 04:55:41 PM
dang that sux
thats too bad, thats whats bad about riding i, because people that get drunk and throw their trash places and just cause havoc.


Title: Re: Warning to all the fun loving atv riders
Post by: MuddyGurl101 on September 26, 2005, 04:56:23 PM
That's why I carry protection.

What does what you carry in your wallet have to do with this?  ;D

HAHAHA!  :-X Keeping my mouth shut on that one!

Title: Re: Warning to all the fun loving atv riders
Post by: ~Demon_Boy~ on September 26, 2005, 05:06:35 PM
that sucks for you guys, hope those drunk rednecks got caught

Title: Re: Warning to all the fun loving atv riders
Post by: ronny86250r on September 26, 2005, 09:36:53 PM
i have always been worried about that situation, my son and i were riding in maryland deep in the woods rode up on a bunch of boys riding i was a little worried there was 8 of them and i only had 6 bullets but they never followed us just next time dont stop just keep on riding this world is not as frendly as it use to be

Title: Re: Warning to all the fun loving atv riders
Post by: qt314nfla on September 26, 2005, 09:42:49 PM
WOW! Just wow!  I would have never thought.  Thanks for posting your story.  Sorry you guys got hurt.  I hope those idiots get busted!

Title: Re: Warning to all the fun loving atv riders
Post by: Dr.Dirt on September 27, 2005, 12:01:48 AM
Dang man. I was already scared the first time I went out riding now I am even more scared. I'm not going to stop to talk to anyone that I don’t know. I'm sorry that this happened to you, but we can all learn from your experience.

Title: Re: Warning to all the fun loving atv riders
Post by: wilburz on September 27, 2005, 08:18:08 AM
that sucks dude. I would expecially tell women or girls that are riding to watch out who you stop and associate with. Watch out for a guy on a green ozark. He is totally nuckin futs!

Title: Re: Warning to all the fun loving atv riders
Post by: Bigscrb15 on September 27, 2005, 09:18:14 AM
that sucks dude. I would expecially tell women or girls that are riding to watch out who you stop and associate with. Watch out for a guy on a green ozark. He is totally nuckin futs!

And if you ever see a guy with a green ozark in a ford f150, call the cops!!!!

Title: Re: Warning to all the fun loving atv riders
Post by: Grizzlygirl on September 27, 2005, 09:20:34 AM
 The other day my daughter asked if she could go alone with her atv and some friends to Holey Land. I said no because of gaters now its definately no. Thanks for the info
   Mama Grizz

Title: Re: Warning to all the fun loving atv riders
Post by: jwscroll on September 27, 2005, 10:17:15 AM
Unfortunately there are punks that run in packs like that in Brevard. I have seen it too many times too not be prepared for it. Be aware of your surroundings at all times especially during hunting season. Someone else's drinking party could just be a fight waiting to happen and my suggestion would be to leave the area as soon as you feel threatened, these boys out here carry guns alot. There was a shooting in Canaveral groves not long ago that began as an argument, best bet is to back off and leave , let cooler heads prevail.

Title: Re: Warning to all the fun loving atv riders
Post by: Eworm on September 27, 2005, 10:32:48 AM
Damn kid, that sucks. Gotta be looking out at all times bro. Once you get suckered once it rarely happens again cause next time you are expecting the unexpected. So you will learn from this, trust me, I did!! But anyways, I ride with my wife and little girl sometimes but  always carry my 38 with extra rounds.

Title: Re: Warning to all the fun loving atv riders
Post by: Crashking on September 27, 2005, 02:25:17 PM
yeah it definitly sucked that it happened.... totally unexpected.... cause there was no argument or anything... just sittin there talkin about whatever

we'll both definitly have a knife on us when we go riding from now on... hopefully we can get more people to go with us

we talked to the cop... and 19 is the age of when you can be gifted a hand gun and ammunition.... soooo... got a year left and then we don't have to be so close to the attackers to stop them...

ride in big groups when you can help it... that helps to prevent stuff like this... i'm sure if there was 4 of us.... this might not of happened... or if it did... well they'd be a little ruffed up before the cops got there

luckily my buddy didn't bring his gf... she was going to... but somethin came up and she couldnt... worse things could of happened....

i'm happy that i'm alive... and for the most part... in good health... definitly could be a different story right now.... and i got my atv still... life is good :)

Title: Re: Warning to all the fun loving atv riders
Post by: Old_School on September 27, 2005, 04:43:51 PM
I used to ride with 1 partner but about 2 years ago I started to ride in bigger packs. Strength in numbers.  Sorry about your luck.  There's always gotta be dumbasses out when people are trying to just have fun. -Mark

Title: Re: Warning to all the fun loving atv riders
Post by: Nocturnal on September 28, 2005, 06:33:42 AM
That's why I carry protection.

what he said ;)

Title: Re: Warning to all the fun loving atv riders
Post by: banone on September 28, 2005, 10:17:59 AM
There is always bigger badder people that run to idiots like that.
They will get the same treatment, it always happens, what goes around comes around.

Title: Re: Warning to all the fun loving atv riders
Post by: Joedirt on September 28, 2005, 12:23:01 PM
Luckily we ride in a pretty big group, but that random kind of thing makes me sick , gotta stay on your toes all the time,  Sorry about yout luck  people can be such A-holes.....

Title: Re: Warning to all the fun loving atv riders
Post by: shortcut on September 28, 2005, 01:32:53 PM
Yeah,between my .45 and Kawgirls .22mag the gang usually leaves when we pull up  :o, and of course it dosen't hurt I'm a bit on the scary side  >:D

Title: Re: Warning to all the fun loving atv riders
Post by: enniehall on September 28, 2005, 01:48:05 PM
Wow that totally freaks me out, I'm always the person riding up to people i don't know camps i don't know turn off the bike and start to talk to everyone around.  I guess I'm lucky they've all been decent enough people to not try to pull any crap like that.  I've always been scared that someone would F with my bike never really worried about myself (little woman syndrome always think i can handle my own) but i'll keep your story in mind the next time i want to met the people over yonder.  At least things weren't so bad least you guys didn't get stabbed. 

Title: Re: Warning to all the fun loving atv riders
Post by: Crashking on September 29, 2005, 08:35:14 PM
Wow that totally freaks me out, I'm always the person riding up to people i don't know camps i don't know turn off the bike and start to talk to everyone around.  I guess I'm lucky they've all been decent enough people to not try to pull any crap like that.  I've always been scared that someone would F with my bike never really worried about myself (little woman syndrome always think i can handle my own) but i'll keep your story in mind the next time i want to met the people over yonder.  At least things weren't so bad least you guys didn't get stabbed. 

yeah that's the way my buddy has always been.... stops... chats with people... then takes off ridin again... nice thing to do... short little break... get to know people....

i'm definitly not complaining to much about what happened..could of been worse.. i'm still alive... no broken bones... no cuts... still have my 4-wheeler.... got away without much damage

Title: Re: Warning to all the fun loving atv riders
Post by: Magnum330 on September 30, 2005, 12:03:35 AM
Sorry to hear that. You never know what to do till your in that kinda of situation.

Title: Re: Warning to all the fun loving atv riders
Post by: 4fittyr on September 30, 2005, 01:03:17 AM
sorryabout that dude find the necklace robber and cap him in the a$$ with a 9mm hollow point i"ll let u borrow mine

Title: Re: Warning to all the fun loving atv riders
Post by: LTR450 994 on September 30, 2005, 09:49:28 AM
this is the very reason why Florida will have that new gun law where you can shoot the dumb f**k if you feel your life is in danger, effective 10/01/2005

Title: Re: Warning to all the fun loving atv riders
Post by: Moose on September 30, 2005, 10:02:50 AM
Yea man, Oct 1st is here tomorrow. Maybe the crimes will start to slow down. I know if I'm a victim of anything like that, it will NEVER happen again with the same thugs, they won't be bothering anyone ever again.

Title: Re: Warning to all the fun loving atv riders
Post by: sk8r_dude on September 30, 2005, 02:40:25 PM
Sorry to hear what happened and glad your both OK. It is a reminder to all of us that the areas we ride in are very out of the way and will also attract bad people who may be hiding from the authorites or simply looking for trouble.

On another note, shooting or killing someone (justified or not) will bring more legal troubles than anyone would ever want to deal with. I own a gun and carry a concealed weapons permit. It may sound wimpy, but I carry pepper spray on me when I am going into questionable areas. Non lethal protection that will floor most people. A officer friend I used to ride with suggested this over a gun and I have done it ever since.

Title: Re: Warning to all the fun loving atv riders
Post by: 350rappy on October 02, 2005, 02:52:04 PM
peperspray and or ride with an ex navy seal

Title: Re: Warning to all the fun loving atv riders
Post by: gearhead400 on October 03, 2005, 01:56:57 AM
pepperspray is a good idea, riding with a gun is a horrible idea though. I Normally have a 4" buck knife on me, not only for protection but they come in handy a lot. I normally dont ride with just 1 other person so i can avoid this kind of situation. My guard is always up when i meet someone new, no matter who it be. I dont stop to talk to anyone unless its in a busy area. I stay away from rednecks that drink in the woods because they like to start fight. Basically i dont stop or let down my guard until im sure if they were to try something i would be able to get away without harm. Sucks what happened to you but its a good thing you got away. And im not saying you did anything wrong but im sure it taught you a lesson about who to stop and talk to.