ATV Florida Forum

General => Tech Corner => Topic started by: backinsaddle on September 21, 2005, 11:16:59 AM

Title: Anybody use Fasst Flexx bars?
Post by: backinsaddle on September 21, 2005, 11:16:59 AM
Just wondering if anyone uses these, and if they're worth the money

Title: Re: Anybody use Fasst Flexx bars?
Post by: TRX450R_Racer on September 21, 2005, 12:18:28 PM
I have never used them, but I have heard nothing but good reviews about them.

Title: Re: Anybody use Fasst Flexx bars?
Post by: dreth on September 21, 2005, 10:16:04 PM
i think an anti vibe stem and a steering stablizer are just as good and thats alot of money for some bars :o