ATV Florida Forum

General => Photo Gallery & Videos => Topic started by: Old_School on September 20, 2005, 09:57:29 PM

Title: Just another slow 2 stroke.......
Post by: Old_School on September 20, 2005, 09:57:29 PM
Kinda of extreme but it's still a 2 stroke.  :P  -Mark

Here little 4 stroke, I've got something for ya. 

Title: Re: Just another slow 2 stroke.......
Post by: Toomey on September 20, 2005, 10:01:35 PM
That's more power than alot of small coupes, and with 10% of the weight.

Title: Re: Just another slow 2 stroke.......
Post by: gearhead400 on September 20, 2005, 10:02:04 PM
damn quad has more horsepower than my truck!

Title: Re: Just another slow 2 stroke.......
Post by: Numkut on September 20, 2005, 10:08:56 PM
Now that would be pure adrenaline riding that beast!

Title: Re: Just another slow 2 stroke.......
Post by: cain73 on September 21, 2005, 09:34:06 AM
That's amazing. But lets see I think the Shee came out ni 86-87 that's 18-19 years to do all the R&D and make tons of aftermarket part, time for trial and error..... hmmmmm. The DS came out in 00, so they've only been working at it for 5 years.  And the DS numbers I posted didn't even have all the goodies that are available now, much less after 20 years of upgrades. Lets see where the DS is in a few years.

Title: Re: Just another slow 2 stroke.......
Post by: backinsaddle on September 21, 2005, 11:08:34 AM
Lets see where the DS is in a few years.

In a tar pit with the rest of the overweight dinosaurs?  (just kidding)

Title: Re: Just another slow 2 stroke.......
Post by: Old_School on September 21, 2005, 11:26:14 AM
Lets see where the DS is in a few years.

In a tar pit with the rest of the overweight dinosaurs?  (just kidding)

Damn Cain, you even have your fellow OHV guys talking smack about your ride.  ;)

But yes new motors don't have the R&D as the 2 stroke does. I'll give you that. But when was the first 4 stroke put in a quad? I believe it was late 80's as well.  Well see what the DS does in the next few years. That is if it's still in production.    -Mark

Title: Re: Just another slow 2 stroke.......
Post by: Quad32x on September 21, 2005, 01:41:49 PM
What  a  thug !! :o   

Title: Re: Just another slow 2 stroke.......
Post by: gearhead400 on September 21, 2005, 04:19:41 PM
big dinosaur or not nearly stock motor with over 100hp is damn impressive for only 5 years on the market. I'd love to buy one and fully soup it up especially with that turbo kit.

btw that banshee as i said already is NUTS!! i dont think i have the bawls to ride that thing........wait a second yes i do! lol

Title: Re: Just another slow 2 stroke.......
Post by: BIGWORM3699 ( ECP RACING) on September 22, 2005, 07:35:31 AM
That bike is sick