ATV Florida Forum

General => Open Discussion => Topic started by: TRX350_On_The_Rack on April 28, 2005, 06:50:59 PM

Title: What do you think of Goerge Bush?
Post by: TRX350_On_The_Rack on April 28, 2005, 06:50:59 PM
You can choose more than one.

Title: Re: What do you think of Goerge Bush?
Post by: stump66 on April 28, 2005, 08:27:45 PM

Title: Re: What do you think of Goerge Bush?
Post by: Old_School on April 29, 2005, 10:45:04 AM
I put my .02$ in. I'd put more in but due to rising gas prices and a social security becoming extinct .02$ is all I have.  ::)

Title: Re: What do you think of Goerge Bush?
Post by: YFZ450AndyH on April 29, 2005, 12:45:37 PM
I thought he looked real cute holding hands and looking at flowers with that Arab guy.  Thats what I like to see our president doing.  What a fool.  

Title: Re: What do you think of Goerge Bush?
Post by: Honda328i on April 29, 2005, 01:17:50 PM
I thought he looked real cute holding hands and looking at flowers with that Arab guy.  Thats what I like to see our president doing.  What a fool.  

Letterman had a good top 10 on that topic  :D the other night

Title: Re: What do you think of Goerge Bush?
Post by: Chuck_Norris on April 29, 2005, 01:49:34 PM
I put my .02$ in. I'd put more in but due to rising gas prices and a social security becoming extinct .02$ is all I have.  ::)


Title: Re: What do you think of Goerge Bush?
Post by: klutchbuster400 on April 29, 2005, 01:59:58 PM
wat i think about bush....... no comment

Title: Re: What do you think of Goerge Bush?
Post by: kawGIRL on April 29, 2005, 02:10:43 PM
I have a hard time looking at him....He looks like a monkey to me LOL  ;D

Title: Re: What do you think of Goerge Bush?
Post by: MadMudder on April 29, 2005, 02:26:31 PM
Yall know somethin, if kerry would have gotten into power, social security WOULD have been extinct, and there would be no place to ride. Bush is the reason that we have the land that we do have. The thing with the arab guy is probaly because the middle east is where i'd bet we import at least half of the oil. Plus he was just beein a good guy. I agree with chuck. It is people like kerry and those tree hugging b/s liberals is why we are in the situation were in. And if u dont like him then thats too bad because your stuck with him till 2008 and  there is enough sensible people in this country so u won't be able to impeech him. I can't belive a ton of people said bad crap about him and didn't back the stuiped things they voted for. I do hope that this thread keeps going. [smiley=angry2.gif]

Title: Re: What do you think of Goerge Bush?
Post by: budman on April 29, 2005, 02:53:24 PM


He has interests in big oil....ALL the major oil companies report RECORD profits this year....... (he made his money in oil, has many powertful Saudi friends like his daddy) Social security ...hmmm... isn't he the guy who wants to privatize it, so his enron and world com ilk can rip off the system? At least if I'm going to be ripped off, I would rather it be my government than some wall street not a very nice person.
Under Clinton, didn't we have a cash surplus? oh yeah, Bush gave that away too....I think it was chump change for the masses...
but I do agree with you on the pledge...

Title: Re: What do you think of Goerge Bush?
Post by: Old_School on April 29, 2005, 03:01:34 PM
Yall know somethin, if kerry would have gotten into power, social security WOULD have been extinct, and there would be no place to ride. Bush is the reason that we have the land that we do have. The thing with the arab guy is probaly because the middle east is where i'd bet we import at least half of the oil. Plus he was just beein a good guy. I agree with chuck. It is people like kerry and those tree hugging b/s liberals is why we are in the situation were in. And if u dont like him then thats too bad because your stuck with him till 2008 and  there is enough sensible people in this country so u won't be able to impeech him. I can't belive a ton of people said bad crap about him and didn't back the stuiped things they voted for. I do hope that this thread keeps going. [smiley=angry2.gif]

They showed a video clip of Kerry discussing about SSN to Congress and he had a great point. If the top 1% of the wealthy didn't have a tax break then ssn would be paid for the next 100 years. So how can you say he would of made SSN broke already?

Chuck- All I know is that the prior 8 years of George JR being in office the gas prices were realitively cheap. Economy was good, and I don't remember SS being a topic of extinction in the next 40 yrs. I'm sure that Bush family having ties with the Saudi's don't have any affect on gas prices?  ::)He's a bold face liar. WMD in Iraq? If you consider a 115lb kid throwing rocks a WMD then I guess it was vaild for the US to invade Iraq and dump millions into the war. And guess who is paying for this war?  What about the mysterious plane that took off in LA or KY (can't remember) after 9/11 that flew the relatives of Bin Lauden out of the US. The FAA made the announcement that ALL plains are grounded. Ya sure no ties at all. But regardless he is our president and we have to stand behind whether we like him or not. I'm just counting down the days left in his term.

Title: Re: What do you think of Goerge Bush?
Post by: o4250 on April 29, 2005, 03:02:25 PM
Unreal.... We had like 099043043 Threads about this in the Fall when the Elections where going on, And now we have to bring it back up?? Mods lock this thread before people start killing eachother!!

Title: Re: What do you think of Goerge Bush?
Post by: MadMudder on April 29, 2005, 03:05:46 PM

He has interests in big oil....ALL the major oil companies report RECORD profits this year....... (he made his money in oil, has many powertful Saudi friends like his daddy) Social security ...hmmm... isn't he the guy who wants to privatize it, so his enron and world com ilk can rip off the system? At least if I'm going to be ripped off, I would rather it be my government than some wall street not a very nice person.
Under Clinton, didn't we have a cash surplus? oh yeah, Bush gave that away too....I think it was chump change for the masses...
but I do agree with you on the pledge...

his dad isn't a saudi and what is wrong with having a business in oil? And that cash surplus he didn't give away. I don't know exactly what he did with it but im sure it went to something good. The reason social security is bad is because clinton made it that way. It's like teachin somebody that has never been to school arithmetic and advanced algebra. It takes time. More time then bush has. Clinton ruined social security and then when bush inherated the system everybody blamed him for it. By the way i don't think he can privitize it.

Title: Re: What do you think of Goerge Bush?
Post by: SoFlaEiger on April 29, 2005, 05:10:56 PM

They showed a video clip of Kerry discussing about SSN to Congress and he had a great point. If the top 1% of the wealthy didn't have a tax break then ssn would be paid for the next 100 years. So how can you say he would of made SSN broke already?

Chuck- All I know is that the prior 8 years of George JR being in office the gas prices were realitively cheap. Economy was good, and I don't remember SS being a topic of extinction in the next 40 yrs. I'm sure that Bush family having ties with the Saudi's don't have any affect on gas prices?  ::)He's a bold face liar. WMD in Iraq? If you consider a 115lb kid throwing rocks a WMD then I guess it was vaild for the US to invade Iraq and dump millions into the war. And guess who is paying for this war?  What about the mysterious plane that took off in LA or KY (can't remember) after 9/11 that flew the relatives of Bin Lauden out of the US. The FAA made the announcement that ALL plains are grounded. Ya sure no ties at all. But regardless he is our president and we have to stand behind whether we like him or not. I'm just counting down the days left in his term.

Are you talking out of your ass or are you that young and naive that you believe everything you hear some liberal panzy say just because hey, he said HAS to be true!!

For starters, Social Security was started by a LIBERAL.  And EVERY SINGLE PERSON HERE is criticizing Social Security but NO ONE has any ideas...Bush has ASKED the liberals "hey, what would ya'll do?"  and all they can do is tell him how poorly he's doing.

Pretty pathetic that theres only 3 people for every beneficiary of SS.  It's also pretty pathetic that illegal immigrants can obtain 7 years of SSI without putting a dime into it.  Why don't we look there and examine that situation.

Bush will go down as one of the greatest presidents in history.  The man is doing things in the middle east that NO ONE HAS EVER DONE.  Free elections in Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon, and a handful of other nations including Palestine.  He's convinced Syria to withdraw that puppet gov't they set up in Lebanon and soon enough, all military presence in lebanon will be gone as well.

Terrorists are shakin in their boots right now because we're finally conveying the message to these people that there is alternative methods and a hand to help them there.

As for gas prices, if we and other nations would cut off or limit the supplies we export to these OPEC nations, maybe they would get the hint.  They have no resources for timber, textiles, metals, medicines, food, spices.  They have NOTHING but oil.  So lets mine ANWAR and put some pressure on them.

Bush is great.  Thank GOD Kerry isn't in office.

Title: Re: What do you think of Goerge Bush?
Post by: stump66 on April 29, 2005, 05:50:40 PM
what he said  [smiley=ThumbsUp.gif]

Title: Re: What do you think of Goerge Bush?
Post by: cain73 on April 29, 2005, 07:51:34 PM
For all the dissenting liberals........

Recount this..... 4 more years !  ;D

Title: Re: What do you think of Goerge Bush?
Post by: mudnuri on April 29, 2005, 08:36:59 PM
It's hard to be a leader in anything. You can't please everyone so you are going to get bashed. It's real easy to bash and place blame. I love how when some new president is elected HE is responsible for former administration decisions and held to blame. Everyone forgets about the formers actions in office because they are now out of the media limelight.
You people that live and breath what is pumped through your TV and newspaper should try to remember things aren't always how they are presented.
As for gas prices, I think it is a shame. I think we are also to blame and are pigs. How many of you have gas guzzling vehichles? I know I have one. But this is the least of our worries. Something far worse looms ahead.
Illegal immigration.
Defenders of this are scum. Supporters of this are equally scum. i.e.- the hiring of illegals.
George Bushs' take on this baffles me. I would love to hear some reasonable feedback other than the crap fact that it would bring more tax money for the gov't. And I would prefer not to hear the other crap fact that they do the work we won't do. After all, how did we ever get along without them all these years?

Title: Re: What do you think of Goerge Bush?
Post by: SoFlaEiger on April 30, 2005, 12:10:40 AM
It's hard to be a leader in anything. You can't please everyone so you are going to get bashed. It's real easy to bash and place blame. I love how when some new president is elected HE is responsible for former administration decisions and held to blame. Everyone forgets about the formers actions in office because they are now out of the media limelight.
You people that live and breath what is pumped through your TV and newspaper should try to remember things aren't always how they are presented.
As for gas prices, I think it is a shame. I think we are also to blame and are pigs. How many of you have gas guzzling vehichles? I know I have one. But this is the least of our worries. Something far worse looms ahead.
Illegal immigration.
Defenders of this are scum. Supporters of this are equally scum. i.e.- the hiring of illegals.
George Bushs' take on this baffles me. I would love to hear some reasonable feedback other than the crap fact that it would bring more tax money for the gov't. And I would prefer not to hear the other crap fact that they do the work we won't do. After all, how did we ever get along without them all these years?

see this is where you and me differ i guess...i don't mind illegals that are doing the work you and i won't do, but what i do mind is the illegals that expect to come into our country, have us conform to their culture and ideals and then milk us for whatever we'll give them.  Don't get me wrong: I dont support illegal immigrants in anyway shape or form, but the ones that are working hard and cleanin up my sh*t are on the bottom of my list.  Its the "educated" ones who figure out loopholes and sh*t that erk me.

Title: Re: What do you think of Goerge Bush?
Post by: Chuck_Norris on April 30, 2005, 12:18:32 AM

Are you talking out of your ass or are you that young and naive that you believe everything you hear some liberal panzy say just because hey, he said HAS to be true!!

For starters, Social Security was started by a LIBERAL.  And EVERY SINGLE PERSON HERE is criticizing Social Security but NO ONE has any ideas...Bush has ASKED the liberals "hey, what would ya'll do?"  and all they can do is tell him how poorly he's doing.

Pretty pathetic that theres only 3 people for every beneficiary of SS.  It's also pretty pathetic that illegal immigrants can obtain 7 years of SSI without putting a dime into it.  Why don't we look there and examine that situation.

Bush will go down as one of the greatest presidents in history.  The man is doing things in the middle east that NO ONE HAS EVER DONE.  Free elections in Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon, and a handful of other nations including Palestine.  He's convinced Syria to withdraw that puppet gov't they set up in Lebanon and soon enough, all military presence in lebanon will be gone as well.

Terrorists are shakin in their boots right now because we're finally conveying the message to these people that there is alternative methods and a hand to help them there.

As for gas prices, if we and other nations would cut off or limit the supplies we export to these OPEC nations, maybe they would get the hint.  They have no resources for timber, textiles, metals, medicines, food, spices.  They have NOTHING but oil.  So lets mine ANWAR and put some pressure on them.

Bush is great.  Thank GOD Kerry isn't in office.

Man I am Glad someone else has a clear head and can see the realism through the liberal smoke and mirrors. allow me to suggest and encourage any and all to read a book call "One Nation Under God" By Dr. Gibbs of the Christian Law Association. It will give you a History Lesson about Why this country was Founded and how far from that Foundation we have drifted. This country was founded for Christ and Christian fundmentals,I can provide you with several examples through out history from Christopher Columbus to the current Events that can prove that.We  have anti Christian organisations that want to erase that from our history books. Calvary is the Foundational rock from which I stand, One Nation Under God. Lets Not forget the meaning of the word "is" when it comes to loyalty in America, Bill Clinton was a Moral embarrassment ,Monica Lewinski proved that.

Title: Re: What do you think of Goerge Bush?
Post by: mudnuri on April 30, 2005, 06:36:42 AM

see this is where you and me differ i guess...i don't mind illegals that are doing the work you and i won't do, but what i do mind is the illegals that expect to come into our country, have us conform to their culture and ideals and then milk us for whatever we'll give them.  Don't get me wrong: I dont support illegal immigrants in anyway shape or form, but the ones that are working hard and cleanin up my sh*t are on the bottom of my list.  Its the "educated" ones who figure out loopholes and sh*t that erk me.

There are many Americans willing to do the work you won't do. To compete against someone who isn't even allowed to have job here is not right. Scumbag employers who line their pockets by using these unskilled laborers only make the problem worse.
If you have children they have no entry level jobs anymore. The quality of work has gone down like our education level.
So it's fine that you set your standards higher than some, but to say it's okay for some illegal to take the job your fellow American is not right. After all if they are here illegally they are breaking the law. If they are working, some scumbag American is paying them. That is illegal, too. So I ask you, what laws can I break? Hmm?
Better wake up now and stand up for what is right.

Title: Re: What do you think of Goerge Bush?
Post by: yunt2ride on April 30, 2005, 06:48:10 AM
Lets get this straight. KERRY LOST THE ELECTION. Now he can say anything he wants because he is not the man in charge. If he was, then you would never hear some of the things he talks about because he would have other things on his mind. The president does not have an effect on every thing that happens in the USA. If consumers want or need something they buy it. Look how much is spent on stuff (our atvs also) that we do not need. Everyone stands back and complains but it they WANT (not need) something, they buy it. Look at how much people are spending on land, homes, autos (which is my business), fun and entertainment(water, land and sports), and ect. We are spending money like its nothing, then complaining about gas prices and our measily SSN check that we are gonna get if we live to be 65. As for the war, maybe we should just let terrorists run planes into buildings and not do a d@mn thing about it. As for WMD, it may not have been WMD but did we not find other wepons and planes that they were hiding and had buried for noone to find. What were they going to do with them that they would need to hide them and not let anyone know they had them. Looks like they had something planned, should have we just waited until they pulled them out and used the to bomb us again, plus the president acted on what his intellegence reported back to him. What if they were right and some were found, what would you say then. I am sick and tired of the USA being the most vulnerable nation there is. Remember Japan and pearl harbor, 911 attacks and others that if we stood up and defended ourselves would have never happened.

Title: Re: What do you think of Goerge Bush?
Post by: SoFlaEiger on April 30, 2005, 08:42:05 AM
thank God some of you spoke up...i was afraid this whole board had lost its mind and gone left!

Title: Re: What do you think of Goerge Bush?
Post by: Gamer on April 30, 2005, 08:54:35 AM
Before the election every Republican I knew said they didnt like Bush either but didnt want to vote for Kerry.  Now all of a sudden that he's elected there saying he's a great leader.  Come on now.  I agree with what Bush is doing in the Middle East.  Most of what he is doing in the middle east is because of 9/11 which any president would have done.  Bush had more cooperate sponsor money for his election campain then any other president in history and now its pay back time.  Bush can lower gas prices when ever he wants just like Clinton did.  Why anyone would defend him about that is beyond me.

Title: Re: What do you think of Goerge Bush?
Post by: SoFlaEiger on April 30, 2005, 10:50:55 AM
Before the election every Republican I knew said they didnt like Bush either but didnt want to vote for Kerry.  Now all of a sudden that he's elected there saying he's a great leader.  Come on now.  I agree with what Bush is doing in the Middle East.  Most of what he is doing in the middle east is because of 9/11 which any president would have done.  Bush had more cooperate sponsor money for his election campain then any other president in history and now its pay back time.  Bush can lower gas prices when ever he wants just like Clinton did.  Why anyone would defend him about that is beyond me.

Once again, another absurd comment.  Where do you get your facts from?  Lets examine this.  Bush and Kerry both received about $250 million in private contributions (businesses or personal).  Bush won the election and the majority vote.  Now, if Bush had SO much cooperate sponsorship, that would mean that the $250 million he received was less individual and more big business, which would mean that less people actually supported him, and therefore he would lose the election.  Is my theory correct?  I would have to lean on my theory until you show me facts that state he had more cooperate sponsorship than any other president (and lets factor inflation in because we all know $100 million in '80 is like $200 million in '00).

I just don't see it.

And Bush doesn't have as much influence in oil as everyone thinks.  Bush is doing what he can to bring oil prices down.

If Bush wanted to expand his influence and wealth in oil, he would privatize and colonize Iraq rather than liberate them.  He would probably be better off raging a puppet war against a country like Saudi Arabia.

A little food for thought for those of you who feel Bush just invaded Iraq for Oil:

Iraq isn't even a top 10 producer of oil!!

Clinton was never a wartime President.  He didn't have to deal with the stress of fighting a war and therefore was able to focus most of efforts elsewhere (especially on interns).  His only possible threat was the whole Bosnia situation  (and I might add, the whole Bosnia conflict MIRRORS Iraq in just about every way possible: a liberation effort to remove a tyranny and implicate a democracy, which was claimed to be successful but ultimately wasn't and simply divided the country into three ethnically diverse ministates) and his wag the dog manuevers during the lewinksy/jones trial.

After this war is over, which could be several years, there will be a revolutionized WORLD.  This administration has foresight that no one has or had.  They are now gaining the support of so many liberals, including Jon Stewart, one of the most out-spoken bush bashers there is.

Another great article for those of you who criticize Bush:,10987,1034732,00.html

Title: Re: What do you think of Goerge Bush?
Post by: o4250 on April 30, 2005, 11:40:06 AM

Title: Re: What do you think of Goerge Bush?
Post by: big-daddy on April 30, 2005, 05:09:32 PM
George Bush is the correct spelling

Title: Re: What do you think of Goerge Bush?
Post by: o4250 on April 30, 2005, 05:25:11 PM
Anyone else see this ad when viewing this topic ???

I can see who mr.bones voted for ;D :D

Title: Re: What do you think of Goerge Bush?
Post by: SoFlaEiger on April 30, 2005, 05:53:21 PM
the above statement "still not my president" makes me sick.  If whoever supports that statement can't accept him as the president, get the f**k out.  Even though i hated clinton, I still supported him as our president and knew we had to deal with him so i prayed that he would do the best he could.

Title: Re: What do you think of Goerge Bush?
Post by: cain73 on April 30, 2005, 06:12:03 PM
If Kerry were president the liberals would say the president has no control over oil prices, but since Bush is in office it's all his fault. Have any of you ever heard of OPEC? Oil Producing and Exporting Countries is comprised of the several countries (mainly middle east and south america) that possess almost all of the world's oil reserves. Real estate that isn't worth much except for the crude that can be tapped from its location. These countries have banded together and monopolized the oil of the entire world. they conspire and set the oil prices for the rest of us. How is it that liberals insist that Bush has the ability to instantly change the price of something that is controlled by a tight group of others? If Bush were to use Iraq's oil to lower our prices liberals would say (again) that we went into Iraq for oil and to annex the land. This would be good since they should pay our bill for the war since their independence was won, but Bush won't do it. He is more interested in fostering democracy and liberating the people there while eliminating the brutal dictator which aided terrorists and massacred his own people. it's a leberal spin on things, a catch 22 : Use Iraq's oil to ease our energy problems = we went in for oil and to imperialize or Don't use the oil and Bush is terrible and personally responsible for outrageous gas prices. Get your heads out of the sand and look at the facts reagardless of political affiliation. Bush has strenghtened our military, protected us from further attack, freed 2 countries from totalitarian dictatorship, inspired research for solving the energy crisis just to start. And he didn't even bang any interns, lie about it, cover it up, embezzle money, trash the white house, dodge the draft or anything else a president that the liberals love did. It goes to show the degredation of our society. An honest, upstanding, courageous, down to earth man with respectable family and religious values is constantly bashed while a the president before him which is the exact opposite is hailed as a fantastic example of leadership. Stop the world I want to get off !

Title: Re: What do you think of Goerge Bush?
Post by: stump66 on April 30, 2005, 07:21:46 PM
 [smiley=Clap.gif] [smiley=Clap.gif] [smiley=Clap.gif] [smiley=Clap.gif] [smiley=Clap.gif] [smiley=Clap.gif] [smiley=Clap.gif] [smiley=Clap.gif] [smiley=Clap.gif] [smiley=Clap.gif] [smiley=Clap.gif] [smiley=Clap.gif] [smiley=Clap.gif] [smiley=Clap.gif] [smiley=Clap.gif] [smiley=ThumbsUp.gif] [smiley=ThumbsUp.gif] [smiley=ThumbsUp.gif] [smiley=ThumbsUp.gif] [smiley=ThumbsUp.gif] [smiley=ThumbsUp.gif] [smiley=ThumbsUp.gif] [smiley=ThumbsUp.gif] [smiley=lecture.gif]

Title: Re: What do you think of Goerge Bush?
Post by: CABLEGUY1 on April 30, 2005, 08:07:40 PM
Did you notice when you come to the defense of our president with true facts you never get an educated response from the Bush bashers? I know I sleep better knowing our president is focused on protecting the USA regardless of the unwarranted criticism that gets hurled his way. This is a man with values and loyalty that does what needs to be done for the good of the country. Blame bush for gas prices? Thats the easy way out that in some dimented way makes the Kerry crybabies feel justified. Kerry contradicted himself over and over again and had no realistic plans for  current or future protection from terrorists. Bush did and is still doing what needs to be done to help secure the safety of the american people even when it's not the popular decision. Kerry would have buckled by now and gave in just to passify a select few and avoid making the difficult decisions that only Mr Bush has the balls to make. Be glad you have a president that does what is right and not what is popular. I hope this thread does not divide any of us in the ATV world. It is company policy at my place of employment not to disscuss polotics with customers and I relay that to all of my new hires before deploying them into the field for this exact reason. If we meet on a ride and we have different opinions on polotics I will surely change the subject in order to remain friendly. We dont have to agree on the president but yes he's OUR president like it or not. Oh yeah,you spelled his name wrong in the subject line. Kerry supporter or coincidence?

Title: Re: What do you think of Goerge Bush?
Post by: SoFlaEiger on April 30, 2005, 08:14:18 PM
couldn't have said it better myself boys...

where are all the libby's now?  its easy to bash but when the heats on, they don't have enough ed-jew-ma-kay-chun to keep up.

Title: Re: What do you think of Goerge Bush?
Post by: Gamer on April 30, 2005, 08:34:39 PM
Go on google and do a search for "terrorists have heard about me".  Pick the first site on the list and watch the video.  It's funny as hell.  Last time I tried to post the website it got deleted on here so maybe this will work instead.  This will state all the facts for ya.  Hehehe....  Its for adults only.

Title: Re: What do you think of Goerge Bush?
Post by: Gamer on April 30, 2005, 08:41:19 PM
couldn't have said it better myself boys...

where are all the libby's now?  its easy to bash but when the heats on, they don't have enough ed-jew-ma-kay-chun to keep up.

I consider myself a Democrat not a liberal.  Back in the day the Democratic party used to be real conservative.  I don't like all the liberal crap either.  The party is definitely going to have to change there ways again and get back towards the middle.  They still are the better party for the middle and lower class people as far as union workers go.  Its all in what your needs and votes go towards that will help you and your family the best.

Title: Re: What do you think of Goerge Bush?
Post by: stump66 on April 30, 2005, 09:15:11 PM
Go on google and do a search for "terrorists have heard about me".  Pick the first site on the list and watch the video.  It's funny as hell.  Last time I tried to post the website it got deleted on here so maybe this will work instead.  This will state all the facts for ya.  Hehehe....

Your original post was likely deleated because this is a family oriented site and the language in that little video is not appropriate. There are allot of young folk on here participating in our community. Remember that when you post.

Title: Re: What do you think of Goerge Bush?
Post by: Chuck_Norris on May 01, 2005, 07:21:28 AM
Anyone else see this ad when viewing this topic ???

I can see who mr.bones voted for ;D :D


Title: Re: What do you think of Goerge Bush?
Post by: Chuck_Norris on May 01, 2005, 08:35:54 AM
If Kerry were president the liberals would say the president has no control over oil prices, but since Bush is in office it's all his fault. Have any of you ever heard of OPEC? Oil Producing and Exporting Countries is comprised of the several countries (mainly middle east and south america) that possess almost all of the world's oil reserves. Real estate that isn't worth much except for the crude that can be tapped from its location. These countries have banded together and monopolized the oil of the entire world. they conspire and set the oil prices for the rest of us. How is it that liberals insist that Bush has the ability to instantly change the price of something that is controlled by a tight group of others? If Bush were to use Iraq's oil to lower our prices liberals would say (again) that we went into Iraq for oil and to annex the land. This would be good since they should pay our bill for the war since their independence was won, but Bush won't do it. He is more interested in fostering democracy and liberating the people there while eliminating the brutal dictator which aided terrorists and massacred his own people. it's a leberal spin on things, a catch 22 : Use Iraq's oil to ease our energy problems = we went in for oil and to imperialize or Don't use the oil and Bush is terrible and personally responsible for outrageous gas prices. Get your heads out of the sand and look at the facts reagardless of political affiliation. Bush has strenghtened our military, protected us from further attack, freed 2 countries from totalitarian dictatorship, inspired research for solving the energy crisis just to start. And he didn't even bang any interns, lie about it, cover it up, embezzle money, trash the white house, dodge the draft or anything else a president that the liberals love did. It goes to show the degredation of our society. An honest, upstanding, courageous, down to earth man with respectable family and religious values is constantly bashed while a the president before him which is the exact opposite is hailed as a fantastic example of leadership. Stop the world I want to get off !


Title: Re: What do you think of Goerge Bush?
Post by: qt314nfla on May 01, 2005, 10:20:32 AM


Simma down now!  I say simma down now!

Title: Re: What do you think of Goerge Bush?
Post by: GSPKurt on May 01, 2005, 10:57:28 AM

Are you talking out of your ass or are you that young and naive that you believe everything you hear some liberal panzy say just because hey, he said HAS to be true!!

For starters, Social Security was started by a LIBERAL.  And EVERY SINGLE PERSON HERE is criticizing Social Security but NO ONE has any ideas...Bush has ASKED the liberals "hey, what would ya'll do?"  and all they can do is tell him how poorly he's doing.

Pretty pathetic that theres only 3 people for every beneficiary of SS.  It's also pretty pathetic that illegal immigrants can obtain 7 years of SSI without putting a dime into it.  Why don't we look there and examine that situation.

Bush will go down as one of the greatest presidents in history.  The man is doing things in the middle east that NO ONE HAS EVER DONE.  Free elections in Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon, and a handful of other nations including Palestine.  He's convinced Syria to withdraw that puppet gov't they set up in Lebanon and soon enough, all military presence in lebanon will be gone as well.

Terrorists are shakin in their boots right now because we're finally conveying the message to these people that there is alternative methods and a hand to help them there.

As for gas prices, if we and other nations would cut off or limit the supplies we export to these OPEC nations, maybe they would get the hint.  They have no resources for timber, textiles, metals, medicines, food, spices.  They have NOTHING but oil.  So lets mine ANWAR and put some pressure on them.

Bush is great.  Thank GOD Kerry isn't in office.

You said it, bro!

To those who don't like him, all I can say is- we suffered through 8 years of that a**hole Clinton. Now it's our turn. If you didn't vote, don't complain. If you hate him that much, airplanes fly out of this country every few minutes!

Title: Re: What do you think of Goerge Bush?
Post by: SoFlaEiger on May 01, 2005, 11:28:41 AM
tsk tsk tsk...the democrats have been silenced.

Title: Re: What do you think of Goerge Bush?
Post by: Chuck_Norris on May 01, 2005, 11:58:11 AM

Simma down now!  I say simma down now!

sorry I dont take this sitting down, Bring facts not media bias
WHO's SIDE IS THE MEDIA ON ANYWAY. I can and will stand toe to toe with and liberal fascist who thinks that there is no place in America For GOD and a Moral America. You would have never heard of same sex Marriages if it weren't for the liberals.. I cant stand someone forcing me to accept immoarlity or forcing ther're agenda upon me.  

Title: Re: What do you think of Goerge Bush?
Post by: SoFlaEiger on May 01, 2005, 12:11:40 PM

sorry I dont take this sitting down, Bring facts not media bias
WHO's SIDE IS THE MEDIA ON ANYWAY. I can and will stand toe to toe with and liberal fascist who thinks that there is no place in America For GOD and a Moral America. You would have never heard of same sex Marriages if it weren't for the liberals.. I cant stand someone forcing me to accept immoarlity or forcing ther're agenda upon me.  

ROCK ON!!!!!!

Title: Re: What do you think of Goerge Bush?
Post by: Chuck_Norris on May 01, 2005, 03:53:23 PM
More Food For thought... Got any thoughts that this country is bound for Hell in a hand basket Read Psa 9:17 The wicked shall be turned into hell, [and] all the nations that forget God.
and all Nations that Forget God....Hello???? what is going on right now in America. still want to Deny him and the Prophecy set forth within the Bible?
B Basic
I Instructions
B Before
L Leaving
E Earth
Pick it up and read what letter God has written to you.

Title: Re: What do you think of Goerge Bush?
Post by: dynodon on May 01, 2005, 05:18:23 PM
Smoke and mirrors are correct,I am not going to get into a political debate. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, thats the freedom and democracy of our country, But on a different note: Bush stated in his first campaign- that he had brought the standars in Texas to one of the highest in the country.If any of you care to research this you will find that Texas has the lowest quality of water in the country due to the fact of industry poluting the water, and what about we will leave no child behind in education: Texas again was ranked third in the country , thats not too good to me. I am not BASHING Bush, I don`t care for him , But he is our pres. so I will stand behind him, but this is not all due to the DEMS. , or the LIBS. in our country the REPS. have just as much to do with how things are handled , or voted. Just remember the parties used to be the other way around at one time (anyone who is really into politics will understand).

My family has been in politics very actively for quit some time and there is plenty of dirt on our present president as well as past ones, so carefull to through stones especielly if you live in GLASS houses.   I hope our country can make it through all of this BS to make it another 100yrs  

Title: Re: What do you think of Goerge Bush?
Post by: mudnuri on May 01, 2005, 05:21:39 PM
Oh Jesus,  here we go.

Title: Re: What do you think of Goerge Bush?
Post by: Chuck_Norris on May 01, 2005, 06:09:03 PM
a couple of differrent thing I did like about your comments DynoDon is that yes Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, !st amendment reserves that
I never questioned that nor objected. You cant honestly tell me that Conservative folks allowed Christ to be removed from the school system. I stood proudly every morning reciting the Pledge with ONE NATION UNDER GOD being said without fear that little johnny or little suzy might be offened by it. why because we weren't. Liberals are hard at work trying to remove and rebruke what are forefathers fought so hard to obtain. Geroge Washington would whip any man with a cat of 9 tails if proven he used the Lords Name in vain. There was a time when the Nation stood behind common decency. when Clark Gable said"Frankly Madam I dont give a damn" the Nation went into a frenzy because he used profane language. well what was considered profane for that era. You could walk into our court system lay your hand on the Bible and question yourself whether or not you really wanted to give false testimony. People were actually GOD fearing.Now days descriptive parts of both the male and female bodys and or profanity are considered OK in a made for TV movie or sitcoms. somethings stayed in the closet then. Look where we were and where we are now. If we become entangled with the affairs of daily life, the things of God can be choked out  I gotta laugh about your Glass house comment also. I am certain you wont find immoral acts similar to that of Monica Lewinsky plauging President Bush. My house is built on a sound foundation a  Rock My friend I dont live in a glass house  

Title: Re: What do you think of Goerge Bush?
Post by: o4250 on May 01, 2005, 06:24:43 PM

Title: Re: What do you think of Goerge Bush?
Post by: SoFlaEiger on May 01, 2005, 06:37:58 PM
a couple of differrent thing I did like about your comments DynoDon is that yes Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, !st amendment reserves that
I never questioned that nor objected. You cant honestly tell me that Conservative folks allowed Christ to be removed from the school system. I stood proudly every morning reciting the Pledge with ONE NATION UNDER GOD being said without fear that little johnny or little suzy might be offened by it. why because we weren't. Liberals are hard at work trying to remove and rebruke what are forefathers fought so hard to obtain. Geroge Washington would whip any man with a cat of 9 tails if proven he used the Lords Name in vain. There was a time when the Nation stood behind common decency. when Clark Gable said"Frankly Madam I dont give a damn" the Nation went into a frenzy because he used profane language. well what was considered profane for that era. You could walk into our court system lay your hand on the Bible and question yourself whether or not you really wanted to give false testimony. People were actually GOD fearing.Now days descriptive parts of both the male and female bodys and or profanity are considered OK in a made for TV movie or sitcoms. somethings stayed in the closet then. Look where we were and where we are now. If we become entangled with the affairs of daily life, the things of God can be choked out  I gotta laugh about your Glass house comment also. I am certain you wont find immoral acts similar to that of Monica Lewinsky plauging President Bush. My house is built on a sound foundation a  Rock My friend I dont live in a glass house  


Title: Re: What do you think of Goerge Bush?
Post by: Gamer on May 01, 2005, 08:08:46 PM
More Food For thought... Got any thoughts that this country is bound for Hell in a hand basket Read Psa 9:17 The wicked shall be turned into hell, [and] all the nations that forget God.
and all Nations that Forget God....Hello???? what is going on right now in America. still want to Deny him and the Prophecy set forth within the Bible?
B Basic
I Instructions
B Before
L Leaving
E Earth
Pick it up and read what letter God has written to you.

O.K. Mr Religous right wing.  You know when you get to far to the right or to conservative its just as bad as being to far left.  You make it seem like Democrats are not very religous which is dead wrong.  There was only one person trying to get rid of "ONE NATION UNDER GOD" recently and it was a father in California who was an athiest.  It had nothing to do with the Democratic party. It's only been the last 3 decades that the republican party jumped on the religous band wagon just to get votes.  What have they really done for the religous community.  Is Abortion illegal?  Is Gay marriage illegal.  Bush and the republican party now have the power to to swing the vote on these issues but why have they not done it?  I'd put money down that Bush does nothing about those issues during his election and the next election there will be another republican preeching how he's against abortion and gay marriage too.  By the way I'm catholic and go to church every week but I can see the smoke the republicans are blowing by thinking there the more moral party.

Title: Re: What do you think of Goerge Bush?
Post by: Honda328i on May 01, 2005, 08:14:57 PM
a couple of differrent thing I did like about your comments DynoDon is that yes Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, !st amendment reserves that
I never questioned that nor objected. You cant honestly tell me that Conservative folks allowed Christ to be removed from the school system. I stood proudly every morning reciting the Pledge with ONE NATION UNDER GOD being said without fear that little johnny or little suzy might be offened by it. why because we weren't. Liberals are hard at work trying to remove and rebruke what are forefathers fought so hard to obtain. Geroge Washington would whip any man with a cat of 9 tails if proven he used the Lords Name in vain. There was a time when the Nation stood behind common decency. when Clark Gable said"Frankly Madam I dont give a damn" the Nation went into a frenzy because he used profane language. well what was considered profane for that era. You could walk into our court system lay your hand on the Bible and question yourself whether or not you really wanted to give false testimony. People were actually GOD fearing.Now days descriptive parts of both the male and female bodys and or profanity are considered OK in a made for TV movie or sitcoms. somethings stayed in the closet then. Look where we were and where we are now. If we become entangled with the affairs of daily life, the things of God can be choked out  I gotta laugh about your Glass house comment also. I am certain you wont find immoral acts similar to that of Monica Lewinsky plauging President Bush. My house is built on a sound foundation a  Rock My friend I dont live in a glass house  

[smiley=ThumbsUp.gif] Chuck

Title: Re: What do you think of Goerge Bush?
Post by: SoFlaEiger on May 01, 2005, 08:49:37 PM

O.K. Mr Religous right wing.  You know when you get to far to the right or to conservative its just as bad as being to far left.  You make it seem like Democrats are not very religous which is dead wrong.  There was only one person trying to get rid of "ONE NATION UNDER GOD" recently and it was a father in California who was an athiest.  It had nothing to do with the Democratic party. It's only been the last 3 decades that the republican party jumped on the religous band wagon just to get votes.  What have they really done for the religous community.  Is Abortion illegal?  Is Gay marriage illegal.  Bush and the republican party now have the power to to swing the vote on these issues but why have they not done it?  I'd put money down that Bush does nothing about those issues during his election and the next election there will be another republican preeching how he's against abortion and gay marriage too.  By the way I'm catholic and go to church every week but I can see the smoke the republicans are blowing by thinking there the more moral party.

Are you nuts??

Gay marriage is legal in like, what, ONE state (mass.)???

The only people who seem to want gay marriage are ultimately hte gays and they make up such a small percentage that they won't carry much weight unless they somehow find a [financial] way to appeal to a particular party (ahem...democrats...ahem) when it comes election time.

And an anti-abortion bill would bounce like a racquetball slammed against concrete only because it takes away a persons freedom...and all people can experience the benefits (or whatever some sick fucks will call it) of abortion.  We can argue the morality and legality of abortion all day long but it's pointless.  It comes down to a persons beliefs and their own decision in the circumstance.  

The republican party has always been a party of the wealthy, the educated, and the moral.  I'm not saying Democrats aren't religious, however, it is not typically one of their associated characteristics.  I mean, what kind of "religious" person would see nothing wrong with pornography, or killing an unborn fetus, or wedding two people of the same sex when it says right IN THE BIBLE that God created ADAM and EVE,,,not ADAM and STEVE???

Title: Re: What do you think of Goerge Bush?
Post by: Gamer on May 01, 2005, 09:13:34 PM

Gay marriage is legal in like, what, ONE state (mass.)???

The republican party has always been a party of the wealthy, the educated, and the moral.  

What I meant was the constitutional bill that Bush said he would create which he has not done that would apply to all States.  As of right now any state can change there status on the issue.  Your second statement hit the nail on the coffin except the moral issue.  Its hard to be moral when you cater to the rich and educated but don't help the poor or dumb people.

Title: Re: What do you think of Goerge Bush?
Post by: Chuck_Norris on May 02, 2005, 05:23:54 AM

O.K. Mr Religous right wing.  You know when you get to far to the right or to conservative its just as bad as being to far left.  You make it seem like Democrats are not very religous which is dead wrong.  There was only one person trying to get rid of "ONE NATION UNDER GOD" recently and it was a father in California who was an athiest.  It had nothing to do with the Democratic party. It's only been the last 3 decades that the republican party jumped on the religous band wagon just to get votes.  What have they really done for the religous community.  Is Abortion illegal?  Is Gay marriage illegal.  Bush and the republican party now have the power to to swing the vote on these issues but why have they not done it?  I'd put money down that Bush does nothing about those issues during his election and the next election there will be another republican preeching how he's against abortion and gay marriage too.  By the way I'm catholic and go to church every week but I can see the smoke the republicans are blowing by thinking there the more moral party.


Title: Re: What do you think of Goerge Bush?
Post by: TRX350_On_The_Rack on May 02, 2005, 09:18:49 AM
Well I know how to fire up a crowd :)

I wrote this post just to get a feel on what the average American (in this case mainly Florida) thinks of Dubya. Reading the replies I am more sure than ever that this country is split. This country has a lot of issues that need solutions that need to be handled with a lot of thought and caution so we don't end up paying for it. I see there are people who like Dubya's Gun-ho attitude towards problems, but like a contract you sign, the fine print must also be read. In other words if you like Bush or not is your prerogative, but don't be afraid to question decisions that your leader makes whether he's Republican, Democrat or Other, it's "US" who are responsible for keeping this great country great!

Title: Re: What do you think of Goerge Bush?
Post by: bumblemoose on May 02, 2005, 12:13:25 PM
Thank god I'm an Atheist.

Title: Re: What do you think of Goerge Bush?
Post by: Honda328i on May 02, 2005, 12:24:30 PM
Thank god I'm an Atheist.

You are either really funny ;D or what you said makes no sense at all. LOL

Title: Re: What do you think of Goerge Bush?
Post by: HondaBeaterSFL on May 02, 2005, 04:33:53 PM
Wow, I am NEVER gonna mention politics while out riding. I might get shot. You people sure can argue a point, and in all this I wish I would have heard someone mention the men and women that are dying to give us freedom. You know the right to argue this crap over the internet and sit in our houses without hearing a war zone outside. One of my good friends (uscbchuck) lost some of his unit in Iraq, some died & some lost limbs, all for our country. So I say what ever your beliefs, please remember our sons, daughters, friends and family members that are risking death every minute of every day, for us...
Freedom has a price, and it ain't nearly as cheap as gas is.

Title: Re: What do you think of Goerge Bush?
Post by: Chuck_Norris on May 02, 2005, 04:38:24 PM
One thing is obvious, that is the abilty for the American people  to choose. for me to be considered a right wing christian fanatic because I believe a certain way  and or stand up for a moral and decent America is as ok and  fair as me pointing out liberal faults.I am OK with that. that is why the rest of America is in the upheaval over the same topics. what do we achieve with post like this.
uncalled for animosity! so the next group ride I shake hands with someone, I want to say glad to have met you and not Oh your the guy who said this or believed that. There is nothing I can say that will change anyone political point of view. I can only hope that the self proclaimed atheist will come to know Jesus before it is to late. In closing I am removing myself from this post due to irreconsiable differences.   support the troops that gives us this freedom.

Title: Re: What do you think of Goerge Bush?
Post by: SoFlaEiger on May 02, 2005, 06:34:03 PM
amen to the two posts above me!

Much love and respect and prayer goes out to our boys who are fighting the good fight.

And I don't hold anyone's political views against them. Never will.

Title: Re: What do you think of Goerge Bush?
Post by: Gamer on May 03, 2005, 08:10:26 AM
I agree with the both of you.

The troops will always be in our prayers.

I hope one day we will see each other on the trails.  I'm sure we would have a good time together.

Title: Re: What do you think of Goerge Bush?
Post by: mudnuri on May 03, 2005, 09:13:20 AM
ahhh peace at last. now if everyone took up atving we could debate and discuss then, we put all that behind us and pursue the one thing we love to have fun at. and have fun doing it together.
i think we won't know if pres. Bush is a great leader or not until many years from now.
it does seem like a bunch of wierd things go on. heck, in every administration.

Title: Re: What do you think of Goerge Bush?
Post by: Seabee on May 03, 2005, 10:28:21 AM
President Bush is an outstanding president. When I joined the military, I took an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States, against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Kerry wanted to put the U.N. in charge of our military,( I DID NOT take an oath to support the U.N.) and he wanted to take away our 2nd amendment right (which in my eyes, makes him a domestic enemy). I thank God every day that the Clinton-puppet is not our president.

Title: Re: What do you think of Goerge Bush?
Post by: TRX350_On_The_Rack on May 03, 2005, 11:15:32 AM
President Bush is an outstanding president. When I joined the military, I took an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States, against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Kerry wanted to put the U.N. in charge of our military,( I DID NOT take an oath to support the U.N.) and he wanted to take away our 2nd amendment right (which in my eyes, makes him a domestic enemy). I thank God every day that the Clinton-puppet is not our president.

I'm Curious. What's makes GW Bush an outstanding President? Kerry aside.

If Kerry were President would you still have joined the military?

I seriously doubt anyone President would dare take away our guns. Political suicide.

Title: Re: What do you think of Goerge Bush?
Post by: SoFlaEiger on May 03, 2005, 12:01:15 PM

I'm Curious. What's makes GW Bush an outstanding President? Kerry aside.

If Kerry were President would you still have joined the military?

I seriously doubt anyone President would dare take away our guns. Political suicide.

I'll answer that.

George Bush has instilled a new found sense of patriotism in us.  He's thwarting off an enemy that none of us could have defended ourselves against before Bush.  He's doing so by bringing peace to the middle-east...something we, they, everyone has dreamed about for hundreds upon hundreds of years.  They've had free elections in Afghanistan, Iraq, semi-free elections in Palestine, Lebanon, and a few other countries.  The Syrian gov't set up in Lebanon has withdrawn with the pressures the US and UN have put on them, Iran is disbanding their nuclear research programs and things finally seem to be settling into place over there.  Of course we still have pockets of resistance, but we will probably always have them.  The terrorist groups are running to the hills, low on resources and new recruits because people are finally starting to see the benefits of a democratic nation and freedom.

Things are going to change greatly in this whole world over the next 5-10 years.  Like they've never changed before.

Bush is doing his best to extend Social Security as long as possible.  He's admitting he needs help (something I find very very respectable) and is asking BOTH parties to offer advice rather than criticizism.  Keep in mind the whole Social Security thing is the Democrats baby...FDR started it and everyone loved it but he had no foresight, or at least not enough to see this far into the future and unfortunately, too many other presidents failed to focus any successful efforts on Social Security so now its getting pinned on Bush.

So ya, Bush has his flaws, but all in all, I'm very proud he's my President and I think he's doing a great job for the US AND the world.

Title: Re: What do you think of Goerge Bush?
Post by: TRX350_On_The_Rack on May 03, 2005, 12:35:54 PM
Hey Brian, how much is Bush paying you? :)

I can accept your opinion on the Middle East thing even though I'm not for a President kissing and holding hands with the person/people of a country that led an attack on American soil. I will have to say that you are very mislead on Social Security issue my friend. Since he started his Social Security road tour, 12 percent of the public has soured in his plan with a full 64 percent of Americans now disapproving. The problem is our dollar is based on a promise, not gold or silver, we are constantly borrowing money from China and other countries. Now add a 2 trillion dollar program the existing debt............and I think you get the picture. SS needs very little work, an adjustment to correct for the Baby-Boomers retiring. I don't think putting my money in the stock market in private accounts like oil is the solution. It's a ploy for the pigs to get fatter to put it mildly. The Republicans have been trying to get rid of SS since it's conception. It's just another program that benefits the average Joe, not the rich.  Look I don't really care for any party I've seen so far. I've seen good and bad with them all. I questioned Reagan, Bush Sr., Clinton and I question Dubya. Politicians generally are motivated by one thing, Special Interest.

Title: Re: What do you think of Goerge Bush?
Post by: Seabee on May 03, 2005, 05:21:47 PM

I'm Curious. What's makes GW Bush an outstanding President? Kerry aside.

If Kerry were President would you still have joined the military?

I seriously doubt anyone President would dare take away our guns. Political suicide.

Well, I'll try to keep it short. First off, G.W. has cleaned up 8 years of S**T that was the Clinton administration. After all, if Clinton would have not been such a Pus, we would not have the terrorism problem we have today. This, I know to be true.

I have been in since '96, back then I had no interest in politics, because I didn't know any better. But, I will tell you, if Kerry would have been elected, I would have got out. I could not in good conscience serve under a man who lied as much as he did about his own service. He was not in the Navy I am in, we don't write our own awards, that is done by your superiors when they think you deserve it.

And you are right, Kerry by himself couldn't get rid of the Second, But Kerry and his circle of extremely liberal friends, i.e. Hillary Clinton, Ted Kennedy, and the like, could, and would do their very best to get rid of it.

Title: Re: What do you think of Goerge Bush?
Post by: MadMudder on May 03, 2005, 07:16:32 PM
65 posts and counting. This isn't a bush kerry thing but, the media for those of u that don't know it, is very liberal. If you turn on the news everyday you will hear "a car bomb went off in so and so killing 10 people." The liberals and anti-war pacifist do that to make you think that bush is dong a bad job with the war. The only fact about the war that your gonna get from the press  is the death toll. You won't here when u flip it to the news, "a new school was bulit today and the new hospital in bagdad was completed". NO ALL YOU WILL HEAR IS DEATH DEATH AND DEATH. They will say anything bad. I think yunt 2 ride has some kind of article about the good things about what is going on in iraq. They are using the media and TV to get to you because almost everybody has a tv. Bottom line is that, Bush is one of the best presidents we have ever had. Yes nobody is perfect and there will be a decision made by him that somebody doesn't like. Well, too bad if you don't like it. Your stuck with him till 2008 and if you can't take it untill then, you can pack your stuff and jump on the next plane out of the country and go live in a one room mud hut and have to worry about the town millitary knocking on your door and shooting your for no reason. Only get water on certian days and have to walk 2 miles to get it. I really don't know why this thread got started but i guess it shows everybodys oppion.

Title: Re: What do you think of Goerge Bush?
Post by: SoFlaEiger on May 03, 2005, 07:19:38 PM
Hey Brian, how much is Bush paying you? :)

I can accept your opinion on the Middle East thing even though I'm not for a President kissing and holding hands with the person/people of a country that led an attack on American soil. I will have to say that you are very mislead on Social Security issue my friend. Since he started his Social Security road tour, 12 percent of the public has soured in his plan with a full 64 percent of Americans now disapproving. The problem is our dollar is based on a promise, not gold or silver, we are constantly borrowing money from China and other countries. Now add a 2 trillion dollar program the existing debt............and I think you get the picture. SS needs very little work, an adjustment to correct for the Baby-Boomers retiring. I don't think putting my money in the stock market in private accounts like oil is the solution. It's a ploy for the pigs to get fatter to put it mildly. The Republicans have been trying to get rid of SS since it's conception. It's just another program that benefits the average Joe, not the rich.  Look I don't really care for any party I've seen so far. I've seen good and bad with them all. I questioned Reagan, Bush Sr., Clinton and I question Dubya. Politicians generally are motivated by one thing, Special Interest.

Which attack on american soil did Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan, or Lebanon lead?

Also, SS needs ALOT more than just a "tweaking".  When we started out with 16 taxpayers for every one retiree, and now we're down to 3 for every 1, there's a whole hell of a lot more than tweaking.  And like Bush says: if he raises taxes, people will pregnant dog, but if he doesn't do anything about SS, then people will pregnant dog.  I have heard TONS of people rip on his SS plan, but not ONE has offered a TRUE, CONCISE OUTLINED plan.  SHOW ME A PLAN.  He's said it.  SHOW ME A PLAN.  He's asked for it.  SHOW ME A PLAN.  Quit fuckin around and rippin on the man and SHOW ME A PLAN!!

I personally think private investment (OPTIONAL) is a GREAT idea!! And investing in US bonds rather than just the stock market is a great option for those who don't want higher risk investments.  At the same time, you fuel the economy.  How could it go wrong?!!?  

Title: Re: What do you think of Goerge Bush?
Post by: MadMudder on May 03, 2005, 07:22:10 PM
 [smiley=Approve.gif]I agree. Did anybody notice that george bush was spelled wrong in the main topic? He spelled it gorge bush. ;D

Title: Re: What do you think of Goerge Bush?
Post by: SoFlaEiger on May 03, 2005, 08:07:47 PM
[smiley=Approve.gif]I agree. Did anybody notice that george bush was spelled wrong in the main topic? He spelled it gorge bush. ;D

That I did not, however, I DID notice that FIVE out of 7 choices are totally negative towards Bush and only 2 are positive, one is a matter of opinion of the guys personality which doesn't have much to do with his leadership abilities.  All in all, the poll is biased just based on the choices alone.

Title: Re: What do you think of Goerge Bush?
Post by: YFZ450AndyH on May 03, 2005, 10:34:37 PM
I still feel that seeing him kiss and hold hands with another mad on TV was awful.  Id rather pay high gas prices than see that!

Title: Re: What do you think of Goerge Bush?
Post by: TRX350_On_The_Rack on May 04, 2005, 06:36:23 AM

That I did not, however, I DID notice that FIVE out of 7 choices are totally negative towards Bush and only 2 are positive, one is a matter of opinion of the guys personality which doesn't have much to do with his leadership abilities.  All in all, the poll is biased just based on the choices alone.

I forgot one choice: Golden Cow

Title: Re: What do you think of Goerge Bush?
Post by: SoFlaEiger on May 04, 2005, 06:48:04 AM

I forgot one choice: Golden Cow

How do you expect to get honest answers when your poll is more biased than a klan member picking teams at an interracial boy-scout football game???

Title: Re: What do you think of Goerge Bush?
Post by: TRX350_On_The_Rack on May 04, 2005, 06:56:04 AM
What suggestions do you have ???

Title: Re: What do you think of Goerge Bush?
Post by: yunt2ride on May 04, 2005, 08:23:10 AM
Here is the list.

Did you know  
This is verifiable on the Department of Defense Website  
47 countries have reestablished their embassies in Iraq  
3100 schools have been renovated, 364 schools are under rehabilitation, 263 schools are under construction 38 new schools have been built in Iraq  
Iraq's higher educational structure consists of 20 Universities, 46 Institutes or colleges and 4 research centers  
25 Iraq students departed for the United States in January 2004 for the re-established Fulbright program  
The Iraq Navy is operational, they have 5- 100 foot patrol craft, 34 smaller vessels and a navel infantry regiment.  
Iraqs Air Force consists of three operation squadrons, 9 reconnaissance and 3 US C-130 transport aircraft which operate day and night and will soon add UH-1 helicopters and 4 bell jet rangers  
Iraq has a counter-terrorist unit and a Commando Battalion  
The Iraq Police Service has over 55,000 fully trained and equipped police officers  
There are 5 Police Academies in Iraq that produce over 3500 new officers each 8 weeks  
There are more than 1100 building projects going on in Iraq. They include 364 schools, 67 public clinics, 15 hospitals, 83 railroad stations, 22 oil facilities, 93 water facilities and 69 electrical facilities  
96% of Iraqi children under the age of 5 have received the first 2 series of polio vaccinations  
4.3 million Iraqi children were enrolled in primary school by mid October  
There are 1,192,000 cell phone subscribers in Iraqand phone use has gone up 158%  
Iraq has an independent media that consists of 75 radio stations, 180 newspapers and 10 television stations  
The Baghdad Stock Exchange opened in June of 2004  
2 candidates in the Iraqi presidential election had a recent televised debate in their country recently  
Because a Bush- hating media and the Democratic Party would rather see the world blow up than lose their power. Instead of shouting these accomplishments from every rooftop, they would rather show photos of what a few perverted malcontent solders have done in prisons in many cases never disclosing the circumstances surrounding the events. Instead of showing our love for our country, we get photos of flag burning incidents at Abu Ghraib and people throwing snowballs at presidentail motorcades. The lack of accentuating the positive in Iraq serves only one purpose. It undermines the worlds perception of the United States and our soldiers. I am asshamed of my fellow AMERICANS who would rather see terrorism succeed than have a Republican President.  

Title: Re: What do you think of Goerge Bush?
Post by: TRX350_On_The_Rack on May 04, 2005, 11:45:37 AM
Here is the list.

Did you know  
This is verifiable on the Department of Defense Website  
47 countries have reestablished their embassies in Iraq  
3100 schools have been renovated, 364 schools are under rehabilitation, 263 schools are under construction 38 new schools have been built in Iraq  
Iraq's higher educational structure consists of 20 Universities, 46 Institutes or colleges and 4 research centers  
25 Iraq students departed for the United States in January 2004 for the re-established Fulbright program  
The Iraq Navy is operational, they have 5- 100 foot patrol craft, 34 smaller vessels and a navel infantry regiment.  
Iraqs Air Force consists of three operation squadrons, 9 reconnaissance and 3 US C-130 transport aircraft which operate day and night and will soon add UH-1 helicopters and 4 bell jet rangers  
Iraq has a counter-terrorist unit and a Commando Battalion  
The Iraq Police Service has over 55,000 fully trained and equipped police officers  
There are 5 Police Academies in Iraq that produce over 3500 new officers each 8 weeks  
There are more than 1100 building projects going on in Iraq. They include 364 schools, 67 public clinics, 15 hospitals, 83 railroad stations, 22 oil facilities, 93 water facilities and 69 electrical facilities  
96% of Iraqi children under the age of 5 have received the first 2 series of polio vaccinations  
4.3 million Iraqi children were enrolled in primary school by mid October  
There are 1,192,000 cell phone subscribers in Iraqand phone use has gone up 158%  
Iraq has an independent media that consists of 75 radio stations, 180 newspapers and 10 television stations  
The Baghdad Stock Exchange opened in June of 2004  
2 candidates in the Iraqi presidential election had a recent televised debate in their country recently  
Because a Bush- hating media and the Democratic Party would rather see the world blow up than lose their power. Instead of shouting these accomplishments from every rooftop, they would rather show photos of what a few perverted malcontent solders have done in prisons in many cases never disclosing the circumstances surrounding the events. Instead of showing our love for our country, we get photos of flag burning incidents at Abu Ghraib and people throwing snowballs at presidentail motorcades. The lack of accentuating the positive in Iraq serves only one purpose. It undermines the worlds perception of the United States and our soldiers. I am asshamed of my fellow AMERICANS who would rather see terrorism succeed than have a Republican President.  

First off bombs and perverts on TV get ratings. Has nothing to do with Left or Right Wing. If the news doesn't agree with what the President is saying than does that makes that person a liberal? We need the liberals like we need the conservatives. Believe or not the liberals have done some good including 40 hour weeks instead of 40+, benefits, health insurance, education improvements, etc. Yes they have done bad things also, but I'm sure you have that list more readily available than I.

Reagan learned that if you keep saying the same thing over and over eventually people will believe it to be true. The "Beating Drum" as they called it. "WMD's, WMD's, WMD's!" Appears Reagan was right.

You seem to show what the President has done for Iraq. Well that's great, so great that he does so much for Iraq. What about our troops over there getting sick off rotten Halliburton rations? What about the USA? No money for us because you blew it on the war? Thanks Bush! We are in enough debt as it is, stop spending money we don't have like on the over inflated defense budget which doesn't help our soldiers like they promised, but helps the companies connected to the Administration. I'm sorry, but I have friends in Iraq and it just p*sses me off when I here about sh*t like this. Sometimes from them.

Do you think that our Secret Service escorting out anyone they didn't like (e.g. having a Kerry Bumper sticker on their car or showing voters registration and it better be Republican) for Bush's public appearances is Democracy? If it is then Democracy that I know has changed. This Administration likes to keep us in fear by saying things like "Don't you dare question your leaders or the terrorist will win." or "You toe the line or we will hang you out to dry." and "Those Democrats or now called Liberals (because it has more of a negative effect) are ruining America!" What happened to Democracy? Have we become the little foot soldiers for this Administration?  What happened to questioning your leaders? We put these people in office to represent us, not be above the law.

For those who think this Administration is looking out for us, I say: Wake Up People! This is you and your families future. Support Bush all you want, please, but do not be afraid to question something you see as wrong. I'm sure for some of you this will go in one ear and out the other. Oh well, at least I'm getting more practice at typing :)

Title: Re: What do you think of Goerge Bush?
Post by: yunt2ride on May 04, 2005, 11:58:19 AM

First off bombs and perverts on TV get ratings. Has nothing to do with Left or Right Wing. If the news doesn't agree with what the President is saying than does that makes that person a liberal? We need the liberals like we need the conservatives. Believe or not the liberals have done some good including 40 hour weeks instead of 40+, benefits, health insurance, education improvements, etc. Yes they have done bad things also, but I'm sure you have that list more readily available than I.

Reagan learned that if you keep saying the same thing over and over eventually people will believe it to be true. The "Beating Drum" as they called it. "WMD's, WMD's, WMD's!" Appears Reagan was right.

You seem to show what the President has done for Iraq. Well that's great, so great that he does so much for Iraq. What about our troops over there getting sick off rotten Halliburton rations? What about the USA? No money for us because you blew it on the war? Thanks Bush! We are in enough debt as it is, stop spending money we don't have like on the over inflated defense budget which doesn't help our soldiers like they promised, but helps the companies connected to the Administration. I'm sorry, but I have friends in Iraq and it just p*sses me off when I here about sh*t like this. Sometimes from them.

Do you think that our Secret Service escorting out anyone they didn't like (e.g. having a Kerry Bumper sticker on their car or showing voters registration and it better be Republican) for Bush's public appearances is Democracy? If it is then Democracy that I know has changed. This Administration likes to keep us in fear by saying things like "Don't you dare question your leaders or the terrorist will win." or "You toe the line or we will hang you out to dry." and "Those Democrats or now called Liberals (because it has more of a negative effect) are ruining America!" What happened to Democracy? Have we become the little foot soldiers for this Administration?  What happened to questioning your leaders? We put these people in office to represent us, not be above the law.

For those who think this Administration is looking out for us, I say: Wake Up People! This is you and your families future. Support Bush all you want, please, but do not be afraid to question something you see as wrong. I'm sure for some of you this will go in one ear and out the other. Oh well, at least I'm getting more practice at typing :)

Your right, In one ear and out the other. Where are the facts.

Title: Re: What do you think of Goerge Bush?
Post by: SoFlaEiger on May 04, 2005, 03:54:31 PM

First off bombs and perverts on TV get ratings. Has nothing to do with Left or Right Wing. If the news doesn't agree with what the President is saying than does that makes that person a liberal? We need the liberals like we need the conservatives. Believe or not the liberals have done some good including 40 hour weeks instead of 40+, benefits, health insurance, education improvements, etc. Yes they have done bad things also, but I'm sure you have that list more readily available than I.

Reagan learned that if you keep saying the same thing over and over eventually people will believe it to be true. The "Beating Drum" as they called it. "WMD's, WMD's, WMD's!" Appears Reagan was right.

You seem to show what the President has done for Iraq. Well that's great, so great that he does so much for Iraq. What about our troops over there getting sick off rotten Halliburton rations? What about the USA? No money for us because you blew it on the war? Thanks Bush! We are in enough debt as it is, stop spending money we don't have like on the over inflated defense budget which doesn't help our soldiers like they promised, but helps the companies connected to the Administration. I'm sorry, but I have friends in Iraq and it just p*sses me off when I here about sh*t like this. Sometimes from them.

Do you think that our Secret Service escorting out anyone they didn't like (e.g. having a Kerry Bumper sticker on their car or showing voters registration and it better be Republican) for Bush's public appearances is Democracy? If it is then Democracy that I know has changed. This Administration likes to keep us in fear by saying things like "Don't you dare question your leaders or the terrorist will win." or "You toe the line or we will hang you out to dry." and "Those Democrats or now called Liberals (because it has more of a negative effect) are ruining America!" What happened to Democracy? Have we become the little foot soldiers for this Administration?  What happened to questioning your leaders? We put these people in office to represent us, not be above the law.

For those who think this Administration is looking out for us, I say: Wake Up People! This is you and your families future. Support Bush all you want, please, but do not be afraid to question something you see as wrong. I'm sure for some of you this will go in one ear and out the other. Oh well, at least I'm getting more practice at typing :)

So because Bush can't balance a budget in a wartime economy and Clinton could (primarily under Reagans plan set forth), that makes Bush a horrible president??  If someone told me "You could have peace on the middle east, or you could have a balanced budget" i'll take peace any day of the week.  If we could stop the fighting in the middle east, that is BILLIONS upon BILLIONS of dollars and resources that we could withdraw and halt sending over to the middle east to defend Israel and other allies over there.

And still, Bush has a good idea to help jumpstart our economy but the liberal sissies in congress won't hear it because it came from a conservative.  I mean, THINK ABOUT IT.  How BRILLIANT is it to offer, AS AN OPTION, the ability to INVEST your Social Security cut into EITHER a private stock, bond, OR U.S. Treasury Bonds (risk-free)???  I mean, you jumpstart the economy, you find a way to increase funding for SS and you extend our SS program much further than its anticipated right now.

I still haven't heard a better idea...

Title: Re: What do you think of Goerge Bush?
Post by: YamahaWarrior350 on May 04, 2005, 06:35:14 PM
Goerge Bush can go back to Texas and stop ripping us off when we fill up for gas.

Title: Re: What do you think of Goerge Bush?
Post by: SoFlaEiger on May 04, 2005, 06:37:57 PM
Goerge Bush can go back to Texas and stop ripping us off when we fill up for gas.

Yamahawarrior350 can stop being a dumbass and go back and read something instead of posting the bullshit off the wall bone-headed comment he just posted.


Sorry but there's only so many times I, we, can explain this before it gets redundant.

Title: Re: What do you think of Goerge Bush?
Post by: o4250 on May 04, 2005, 07:03:50 PM
I don't really want to get into this, But no matter what you prove, arguing on the internet will get you no where!!!

Title: Re: What do you think of Goerge Bush?
Post by: SoFlaEiger on May 04, 2005, 07:13:18 PM
I don't really want to get into this, But no matter what you prove, arguing on the internet will get you no where!!!

well its actually gotten to the point where we're not arguing but rather debating and talking and i don't mind, but when people come in here and make crass statements with no factual basis WHAT-SO-EVER, it just aggrevates me.

Title: Re: What do you think of Goerge Bush?
Post by: JeffP on May 04, 2005, 07:52:01 PM
Holly cow this thread is setting a record.

I love Bush for some of the things he's done and in the same stroke think he's a blooming idiot for other issues that have come about.

I worry his bullying metality isn't going to get us to much further.  We are facing war possiblities against China if Tiwian is invaded.  We face a real threat with North Korea and Iran with Nuculear weapons.  He's not a good negoiator and lets face it we don't have the troops to go into battle against them.  Where does that place our future?

I do like the fact he's addressed the terriorism threat but after 9/11 I'm not sure any other president wouldn't of done the same for our country.   I like the fact he says something to the nation and see's it through, he is a standup guy in that respect.

His ability to help our economy on the other hand sure hasn't been anything to write home about.  Record high deficites and more tax breaks for the wealthy.  Mentioned in USA Today just last week was if he would of withheld the tax breaks for the top 1% of the weathy it would of carried Social Security for at least another 10 years.  That sounds like a pretty easy short term fix to me.  Why give 10 billion in tax cuts when we are strugling with SS and deficits?  It just doesn't make scense.

While on this subject where's a president that can restore morals and values to this country?  What happened to good old family values and common courtesy?  It seems american's have become so consummed with money and greed that everything else has fallen to the side.  

People seem to hate one another instead of help one another.  It seems as though the population at large is just not as friendly or helpful as they were 20-30 years ago.  Even in my neighborhood people are to 'good' to waive as a polite jesture and certainly to busy to help a neighbor out just because.  To busy waxing the new BMW they just purchased.

Speding time with the family and the kids because you enjoy it seems to be a rare quality to find today.  Again our society is to busy making the big buck to think about that.  The only time this country is united is for short periods of time after a crisis.  After that it's back to the norm.

I've certainly noticed the difference from the country life where I'm moving and where I live now in the suburbs.  The people out there are much more friendly, willing to help out at the drop of the hat, you don't have to ask for help with something they just come over and help.  If you need something and they have it they offer it up to help make things easier.  This use to be common almost everywhere but is obviously a lost trade among society.

Sorry for the rambling it's just observations I have noticed lately and really been a sore spot with me.  I think it's something most everyone can relate with.  It would be nice to have a president in the future that could bring some of those qualities back out in Americans.

I've certainly run across some people on here that fit the "old school" way of thinking and still have values that made this country so great.  It's to bad there's just not more of you out there.


Title: Re: What do you think of Goerge Bush?
Post by: timdog on May 05, 2005, 04:12:00 AM

Under Clinton, didn't we have a cash surplus? oh yeah, Bush gave that away too....I think it was chump change for the masses...

Where'd Clinton get it from...back then the House and Senate were Republican heavy adn they carried on what Bush 1 started (which yielded more $)  I will give ya this...Clinton did save money when the he managed to shut the govt down for 2 weeks.

Title: Re: What do you think of Goerge Bush?
Post by: mudnuri on May 05, 2005, 06:27:04 AM
Why is it that when someone does not agree with you, you resort to name calling? I suppose I am an assclown now, too.

Title: Re: What do you think of Goerge Bush?
Post by: TRX350_On_The_Rack on May 05, 2005, 06:35:53 AM
Holly cow this thread is setting a record.

I love Bush for some of the things he's done and in the same stroke think he's a blooming idiot for other issues that have come about.

I worry his bullying metality isn't going to get us to much further.  We are facing war possiblities against China if Tiwian is invaded.  We face a real threat with North Korea and Iran with Nuculear weapons.  He's not a good negoiator and lets face it we don't have the troops to go into battle against them.  Where does that place our future?

I do like the fact he's addressed the terriorism threat but after 9/11 I'm not sure any other president wouldn't of done the same for our country.   I like the fact he says something to the nation and see's it through, he is a standup guy in that respect.

His ability to help our economy on the other hand sure hasn't been anything to write home about.  Record high deficites and more tax breaks for the wealthy.  Mentioned in USA Today just last week was if he would of withheld the tax breaks for the top 1% of the weathy it would of carried Social Security for at least another 10 years.  That sounds like a pretty easy short term fix to me.  Why give 10 billion in tax cuts when we are strugling with SS and deficits?  It just doesn't make scense.

While on this subject where's a president that can restore morals and values to this country?  What happened to good old family values and common courtesy?  It seems american's have become so consummed with money and greed that everything else has fallen to the side.  

People seem to hate one another instead of help one another.  It seems as though the population at large is just not as friendly or helpful as they were 20-30 years ago.  Even in my neighborhood people are to 'good' to waive as a polite jesture and certainly to busy to help a neighbor out just because.  To busy waxing the new BMW they just purchased.

Speding time with the family and the kids because you enjoy it seems to be a rare quality to find today.  Again our society is to busy making the big buck to think about that.  The only time this country is united is for short periods of time after a crisis.  After that it's back to the norm.

I've certainly noticed the difference from the country life where I'm moving and where I live now in the suburbs.  The people out there are much more friendly, willing to help out at the drop of the hat, you don't have to ask for help with something they just come over and help.  If you need something and they have it they offer it up to help make things easier.  This use to be common almost everywhere but is obviously a lost trade among society.

Sorry for the rambling it's just observations I have noticed lately and really been a sore spot with me.  I think it's something most everyone can relate with.  It would be nice to have a president in the future that could bring some of those qualities back out in Americans.

I've certainly run across some people on here that fit the "old school" way of thinking and still have values that made this country so great.  It's to bad there's just not more of you out there.


Excellent post. I believe it reflects what the average America is thinking and feeling.

If you run you'll have my vote. :)

Title: Re: What do you think of Goerge Bush?
Post by: YFZ450AndyH on May 05, 2005, 10:24:05 AM
With all this name calling, it should be interesting to see what the next group ride looks like.  

Title: Re: What do you think of Goerge Bush?
Post by: TRX350_On_The_Rack on May 05, 2005, 11:09:32 AM
Why is it that when someone does not agree with you, you resort to name calling? I suppose I am an assclown now, too.

Forgive him stolen. He's Republican ;D

You know I'm just messing with you Brian.
I think you have some valid points and I enjoy reading your post. You speak your mind and not copy and paste your points. Gotta respect that.

I can say Bush has done some good. He's doing a good job with terrorism. He's doing a good job claiming resources like oil from abroad and domestic. I try to stay open minded though I'm sure you know which way I lean on Dubya. I Love Bush, just not President Bush ;D
On the same token I see things that the Administration is doing which is wrong. C'mon you must be able to see that these guys are crooks! If we took that much money we would be executed, probably after being tortured. The no-bid contracts for Halliburton (Cheney may have sold his stock, but his family is heavily invested), closed door meetings on Enron, people resigning in masses or fired and then replacing them with their own people which means even if a Democrat or Other got in office they would have a hell of a time removing the replacement because they already have it setup with their network of colleagues to complain to the media and make the new President look bad. This is nothing new, just more finely tuned especially for Rumsfeld and Cheney's long history in the White House, almost 40 years now. The list goes on and on. The Republicans are smart and a tightlipped-camp party, I give them that, but like Clinton they should also be accountable for their actions. I say Praise them for their Accomplishments and make them Responsible for their Mistakes. Is that too much to ask? Is this Animal Farm all over again? I hate to see the "Boxer's" out there blindly and faithfully obeying their master only to be sent off to the slaughter house/ glue factory for all their hard work. They do say History repeats itself and it is. Look, I could go on for days with these issues and you would probably have a rebuttal that is as plausible as my original argument. Almost seems pointless to do this..........but then again it's Politics :)

On the SS thing: take a good look at the Pozen Plan "Progressive Indexing"  that Bush is proposing. Yes it will jumpstart the initial benefits. I won't argue that. The problem is that it depends partly on the Stock Market not taking a plunge or crashing, the enormous cost of this program and if we keep this plan than you and I, the "Average Joes" get benefit cuts between 6%-28% by the time we retire, not what I'm looking forward to. SS definitely needs help, but isn't there a less costly solution that will ensure our benefits will not drop? One thing is for sure and most Americans agree that SS is not in a major crisis right now. So I say let's take some time and exhaust all our options first!

In my opinion if this SS plan fails then that will be good. Why?, for may reasons, but mainly because this Administration has too much power and know that if they keep beating the drum like they always do, they can get anything they want. I don't think taking away the filibusters from the Democrats because they say no on Bills is reaching out to the party lines. If the American people just tell them "NO!" it gives us back some power, thier free ride is over and forces them to explain themselves more clearly on the issues and not just say because it's in our best interest. Throwing us a bone once in a while and diverting our attention whenever the people question them is not a Government of the people, by the people. They do work for us, don't they?

I'm AMERICAN, born FREE, live FREE and plan on keeping it that WAY!

Title: Re: What do you think of Goerge Bush?
Post by: SoFlaEiger on May 05, 2005, 01:09:59 PM
I worry his bullying metality isn't going to get us to much further.  We are facing war possiblities against China if Tiwian is invaded.  We face a real threat with North Korea and Iran with Nuculear weapons.  He's not a good negoiator and lets face it we don't have the troops to go into battle against them.  Where does that place our future?

mark my words: there will not be a war with China.  Far too big of a conflict and there would be SUBSTANTIAL global intervention before it was allowed.  But hey, we could always have bi-lateral talks between China, North Korea and the US while at the same time allowing China the freedom to deal with N. Korea on their own  ???  didn't make sense when Kerry said it either.


I do like the fact he's addressed the terriorism threat but after 9/11 I'm not sure any other president wouldn't of done the same for our country.   I like the fact he says something to the nation and see's it through, he is a standup guy in that respect.

Um...Bill Clinton, February 1993.  What did he do afterwards to thwart terrorism?  He arrested 6 people, wiped his hands, brushed his shoulder and went on patting himself on the back...and what did he do after the attack on the US embassy in 1998 (august i think)?  Bin Laden was held responsible but did we search and search?  Nope.  If we had, maybe 9/11 would be nothing more than a nightmare that we never had.  That right there is quite frankly the reason I am RELIEVED we have a republican president in this time of who knows hte importance of protection and one who has a patriotic flame that will never die.


His ability to help our economy on the other hand sure hasn't been anything to write home about.  Record high deficites and more tax breaks for the wealthy.  Mentioned in USA Today just last week was if he would of withheld the tax breaks for the top 1% of the weathy it would of carried Social Security for at least another 10 years.  That sounds like a pretty easy short term fix to me.  Why give 10 billion in tax cuts when we are strugling with SS and deficits?  It just doesn't make scense.

the tax cuts were an attempt to jumpstart the economy.  If you cut taxes for the wealthy (typically the business owners), that money gets recirculated down to the employee's, the company itself and advancements in the company.  If you impose more taxes on big business, then you end up with decreased wages and tighter spending.

10 years is jack sh*t with SS...sorry but its true.  We could have one huge orgy in the US and that 10 year surplus turns into a 2 year overdraft.  Bottom line is SS sucks and it should be privately invested if they want to.  The tax cut theory is irrelevant and would end up doing more harm than good.  The conservative may look out for big business, but who do you think watches out for the little guys (employees).


While on this subject where's a president that can restore morals and values to this country?  What happened to good old family values and common courtesy?  It seems american's have become so consummed with money and greed that everything else has fallen to the side.  

Bush doesn't restore morality and values??  Gimme some of the sh*t you're smoking!! ;D


People seem to hate one another instead of help one another.  It seems as though the population at large is just not as friendly or helpful as they were 20-30 years ago.  Even in my neighborhood people are to 'good' to waive as a polite jesture and certainly to busy to help a neighbor out just because.  To busy waxing the new BMW they just purchased.

i agree with you 100% here.  I love the southern lifestyle where everyone is friendly with everyone...and god do i miss it.  SW Ranches is the closest thing down here and even that is a distant second to a majorly populated 'southern' city.

Title: Re: What do you think of Goerge Bush?
Post by: SoFlaEiger on May 05, 2005, 01:17:33 PM
Why is it that when someone does not agree with you, you resort to name calling? I suppose I am an assclown now, too.

no, you're not.  but when people can't take the time to read and still resort to ignorant blabbering, then ya, they're stupid.  If he would take 5 minutes and read some of the links i've posted, Bush doesn't have as much control over oil as everyone thinks.  and oil is on its way down right now.  It finally fell below $50 a barrel i believe...

Title: Re: What do you think of Goerge Bush?
Post by: 450R_Matt on May 05, 2005, 01:40:28 PM
If people would take half the time they spent on this topic and wright a letter to your Governor and complain about what few riding areas we have. We might get some new riding area's. My .02

Title: Re: What do you think of Goerge Bush?
Post by: TRX350_On_The_Rack on May 05, 2005, 01:48:50 PM

no, you're not.  but when people can't take the time to read and still resort to ignorant blabbering, then ya, they're stupid.  If he would take 5 minutes and read some of the links i've posted, Bush doesn't have as much control over oil as everyone thinks.  and oil is on its way down right now.  It finally fell below $50 a barrel i believe...

I'll have to agree with SoFlaEiger on this. Bush isn't the only controlling factor. It's the Oil Companies and the inflated stock that mainly drive up prices from what I can tell, but who knows. The strange thing is when gas was at 50+ dollars a barrel OPEC was reporting that they were pumping at full capacity. Bush isn't the main reason even though most of America thinks he is so I understand your post Yamahawarrior350. Don't forget there are people with much more power and influence than Bush in this Country.

Title: Re: What do you think of Goerge Bush?
Post by: TRX350_On_The_Rack on May 05, 2005, 01:54:33 PM
If people would take half the time they spent on this topic and wright a letter to your Governor and complain about what few riding areas we have. We might get some new riding area's. My .02

The governor is not going to listen to us on this. We have to work up the ladder. Read my thread in the Open Discussion about ATV'n on TV on Florida. This may be our meal ticket :)

Title: Re: What do you think of Goerge Bush?
Post by: 450R_Matt on May 05, 2005, 02:21:32 PM

The governor is not going to listen to us on this. We have to work up the ladder. Read my thread in the Open Discussion about ATV'n on TV on Florida. This may be our meal ticket :)

93 Replies in 5 days? I bet if you say your not going to Vote him in next turm if something dosnt happen they will listen. 900 + views on this topic. People need to direct their words to where it counts.

Title: Re: What do you think of Goerge Bush?
Post by: Seabee on May 05, 2005, 03:53:54 PM
I'm surprised by the number of die-hard liberals that have posted, especially since we all ride. 95% or more of the liberals in office hate ATV's and anything to do with them.

Title: Re: What do you think of Goerge Bush?
Post by: JeffP on May 05, 2005, 04:31:31 PM

mark my words: there will not be a war with China.  Far too big of a conflict and there would be SUBSTANTIAL global intervention before it was allowed.  But hey, we could always have bi-lateral talks between China, North Korea and the US while at the same time allowing China the freedom to deal with N. Korea on their own  ???  didn't make sense when Kerry said it either.

What intervention, from whom?  It would be the only two major powers in the world at war with one another, noone would step in the middle of that.  North Korea's issues seem everything to do with us (demorocy) and nothing to do with China's communism rule.  I wouldn't hold out hoping they are going to come to our rescue.


Um...Bill Clinton, February 1993.  What did he do afterwards to thwart terrorism?  He arrested 6 people, wiped his hands, brushed his shoulder and went on patting himself on the back...and what did he do after the attack on the US embassy in 1998 (august i think)?  Bin Laden was held responsible but did we search and search?  Nope.  If we had, maybe 9/11 would be nothing more than a nightmare that we never had.  That right there is quite frankly the reason I am RELIEVED we have a republican president in this time of who knows hte importance of protection and one who has a patriotic flame that will never die.

What did Bush do to stop 9/11?  My point being it's easy to bash someone after the fact.  How many people will bash Bush if we get hit with another terroist attack after all the US lives have been lost?  After all 9/11 was 10 years in the making.


the tax cuts were an attempt to jumpstart the economy.  If you cut taxes for the wealthy (typically the business owners), that money gets recirculated down to the employee's, the company itself and advancements in the company.  If you impose more taxes on big business, then you end up with decreased wages and tighter spending.

I know exactly what the tax cuts were suppose to do.  The top 1% aren't buiness owners but rather CEO's of major corporations or the like.  The tax cuts they took on thier income would have very little if any play on the employment situation.  Now tax cuts for businesses I would agree with you on.


10 years is jack sh*t with SS...sorry but its true.  We could have one huge orgy in the US and that 10 year surplus turns into a 2 year overdraft.  Bottom line is SS sucks and it should be privately invested if they want to.  The tax cut theory is irrelevant and would end up doing more harm than good.  The conservative may look out for big business, but who do you think watches out for the little guys (employees).

I don't know who is watching out for us?  We are the first to get laid off, the least likely to have excess savings if we are let go, and see the least benifit from income tax cuts.  I've yet to see any president yet who has put any substantial money in my pocket.


Bush doesn't restore morality and values??  Gimme some of the sh*t you're smoking!! ;D

I sure don't see him spending time with his family or embarcing american's to put family first.  If family and moral values were high on his list you would see him talk more about it.  Not that Clinton was a good role model for american citizens.  He was real for the times but not a  example of what a family man should be.


i agree with you 100% here.  I love the southern lifestyle where everyone is friendly with everyone...and god do i miss it.  SW Ranches is the closest thing down here and even that is a distant second to a majorly populated 'southern' city.

LOL at least we agree 100% on some level.  It's alright though as americans we have the right to our opinion and not be critized for it.  I certainly respect your opinion and hope you do mine.


Title: Re: What do you think of Goerge Bush?
Post by: TRX350_On_The_Rack on May 05, 2005, 04:32:18 PM
I'm surprised by the number of die-hard liberals that have posted, especially since we all ride. 95% or more of the liberals in office hate ATV's and anything to do with them.

I would agree Liberals, Treehuggers, Rainbow People, PETA, etc. are not generally going to be ATV riders, but I don't necessarily believe that disagreeing with our President makes them liberal from what I've I read in this post. Questioning a person that is in charge of our life and freedom is just being human. Realistically Liberals are in the same boat as Right Wing Conservatives (Chickenhawks) in my book, but everyone is entitled to their views in this country even if they seem crazy [smiley=Confused.gif]

Title: Re: What do you think of Goerge Bush?
Post by: SoFlaEiger on May 05, 2005, 05:51:47 PM


What intervention, from whom?  It would be the only two major powers in the world at war with one another, noone would step in the middle of that.  North Korea's issues seem everything to do with us (demorocy) and nothing to do with China's communism rule.  I wouldn't hold out hoping they are going to come to our rescue.

The UN for one would do everything in their power to settle differences diplomatically.  And with all the weight we're gaining in the middle east, war would be stupid.  Like I said, I highly doubt we'll goto war with China.  I think both leaders would do everything they could to avoid could easily lead to the end of the world !!!


What did Bush do to stop 9/11?  My point being it's easy to bash someone after the fact.  How many people will bash Bush if we get hit with another terroist attack after all the US lives have been lost?  After all 9/11 was 10 years in the making.

Well, you kinda contradicted yourself here.  If 9/11 was 10 years in the making (which its been proven it was) how was Bush supposed to prevent it and why didn't prevention begin with Clinton?  And I wasn't referring to the inability to PREVENT it but rather the lack of effort spent on trying to bring those responsible to justice.  Clinton did very little and left those who were responsible at large and gave them the ability to plan another attack against us.


I sure don't see him spending time with his family or embarcing american's to put family first.  If family and moral values were high on his list you would see him talk more about it.  Not that Clinton was a good role model for american citizens.  He was real for the times but not a  example of what a family man should be.

Wow I can't believe you say that...His relationship with Mrs. Bush is amazing.  It's one that most americans should mirror as best they could.  His love for his daughters has been made apparent many times.  He has stood through them through the "stupid" things that all teenage and 20-somethin year old girls go through.  He's a very moral man, a man of God in my opinion and I think he sets a great example as to what a family man should be.

LOL at least we agree 100% on some level.  It's alright though as americans we have the right to our opinion and not be critized for it.  I certainly respect your opinion and hope you do mine.


Title: Re: What do you think of Goerge Bush?
Post by: JeffP on May 05, 2005, 06:05:22 PM
Wow talk about impeckable timing.  So much for the republican's keeping riding land for OHV'rs.  Some how the recreational use woln't be what we see from this.

Title: Re: What do you think of Goerge Bush?
Post by: TRX350_On_The_Rack on May 05, 2005, 07:36:41 PM
Wow talk about impeckable timing.  So much for the republican's keeping riding land for OHV'rs.  Some how the recreational use woln't be what we see from this.

Yeah, gotta love Bush's  "leave no tree behind" plan. Those d*mn good for nothing trees. What have they ever done for us? Can you tell I'm being sarcastic :)

On a serious note being to Oregon I was so mad to see all the logging. It's such a shame when people see the dollar over nature.