ATV Florida Forum

General => Open Discussion => Topic started by: stump66 on September 14, 2005, 08:51:54 AM

Title: Your fault President Bush???
Post by: stump66 on September 14, 2005, 08:51:54 AM
Yesterday our countries leader finally did what he should have done. He took full responsibility for any governing body weather in his direct control or not SCREW UPS. i.e. Gov. Blanco & loud mouth Nagin. Who is now crying for Federal financial assistance. These two IDIOTS should have not danced around the mulberry tree letting their EGO'S get in the way of the safety and well being of thousands. President Bush just showed his character by saying ok then blame me. I am the man in charge. Any of you that have worked for large conglomerates know that it doesn't matter who down the line in "protocol" is to blame the BOSS is the one to take responsibility.

Title: Re: Your fault President Bush???
Post by: cain73 on September 14, 2005, 09:24:59 AM
I totally agree Sport. It takes a real man to accept responsibility, espectially for  something that isn't his fault and when it's something he tried to prevent in the first place. But he wants to get passed the blame game and get on with helping the people devastated by this storm. This is how a real leader acts.

Title: Re: Your fault President Bush???
Post by: yunt2ride on September 14, 2005, 09:25:30 AM
Totally agree. Everyone knows who dropped the ball on this now that research is done. People of New Orleans needs to ask for Blanco and Nagins resignation.

Title: Re: Your fault President Bush???
Post by: Pat on September 14, 2005, 10:05:57 AM
It wouldn't surprise me if Bush's critics (left wing) uses his acceptance of guilt to call for his resignation. Instead of commending him for his actions, I'm sure it will once again become a political bargaining chip for the likes of Hillary Clinton, for example, to use it for their own political gain.

Title: Re: Your fault President Bush???
Post by: Chuck_Norris on September 14, 2005, 03:07:42 PM
Yesterday our countries leader finally did what he should have done. He took full responsibility for any governing body weather in his direct control or not SCREW UPS. i.e. Gov. Blanco & loud mouth Nagin. Who is now crying for Federal financial assistance. These two IDIOTS should have not danced around the mulberry tree letting their EGO'S get in the way of the safety and well being of thousands. President Bush just showed his character by saying ok then blame me. I am the man in charge. Any of you that have worked for large conglomerates know that it doesn't matter who down the line in "protocol" is to blame the BOSS is the one to take responsibility.

well said
unfortunatley the top man always takes the blame. It was a positive example of a true leader to accept responibilty regardless of fault. Even if he is not the reason behind the fault.

Title: Re: Your fault President Bush???
Post by: TRX350_On_The_Rack on September 14, 2005, 04:07:01 PM


well said
unfortunatley the top man always takes the blame. It was a positive example of a true leader to accept responibilty regardless of fault. Even if he is not the reason behind the fault.

I think you forgot about the management on top and worker on bottom outhouse pic  ;D

Title: Re: Your fault President Bush???
Post by: stump66 on September 14, 2005, 06:34:49 PM
That out house pic was posted in reference to what the oil compnaies are doing to the consumer. Forget what it says on the doors thats not how it was posted/

Title: Re: Your fault President Bush???
Post by: Gamer on September 14, 2005, 10:08:38 PM
The reason Bush was partly to blame is because he appointed an unqualified FEMA director.  It took the FEMA director 5 hours after the storm hit before he made the first phone call to get things going.  Today the 911 commission blasted the Bush Administration for not following there recommendations which could have saved lives during the Katrina disaster.  They said they saw the same mistakes taking place during this event as did on 911.  That's why he took responsibility and I like many Americans wish he would have taken the same responsibility when WMD's were not found in Iraq which was the basis for War.  Him taking responsibility like that did make me think better of him and for that I commend him.

Title: Re: Your fault President Bush???
Post by: stump66 on September 14, 2005, 10:34:55 PM
The reason Bush was partly to blame is because he appointed an unqualified FEMA director.  It took the FEMA director 5 hours after the storm hit before he made the first phone call to get things going.  Today the 911 commission blasted the Bush Administration for not following there recommendations which could have saved lives during the Katrina disaster.  They said they saw the same mistakes taking place during this event as did on 911.  That's why he took responsibility and I like many Americans wish he would have taken the same responsibility when WMD's were not found in Iraq which was the basis for War.  Him taking responsibility like that did make me think better of him and for that I commend him.

The only thing I disagree with is that it started below fema at ground level. They would'a and could'a been much more involve if not for the mayor/gov and EGO'S.. But Like you said he is to be commended for bucking up and saying ok blame me. NOW let heal and rebuild.  :ThumbsUp.gif

Title: Re: Your fault President Bush???
Post by: Gamer on September 14, 2005, 10:42:14 PM
The reason Bush was partly to blame is because he appointed an unqualified FEMA director.  It took the FEMA director 5 hours after the storm hit before he made the first phone call to get things going.  Today the 911 commission blasted the Bush Administration for not following there recommendations which could have saved lives during the Katrina disaster.  They said they saw the same mistakes taking place during this event as did on 911.  That's why he took responsibility and I like many Americans wish he would have taken the same responsibility when WMD's were not found in Iraq which was the basis for War.  Him taking responsibility like that did make me think better of him and for that I commend him.

The only thing I disagree with is that it started below fema at ground level. They would'a and could'a been much more involve if not for the mayor/gov and EGO'S.. But Like you said he is to be commended for bucking up and saying ok blame me. NOW let heal and rebuild.  :ThumbsUp.gif

You are correct.  You can tell the people that run that State don't know what the hell they are doing.  My mom used to live there and thank God just one year ago moved back down here.  She told me that the government was very corrupt and it was common knowledge on the streets about it.

Title: Re: Your fault President Bush???
Post by: jbbj220 on September 15, 2005, 06:35:15 AM
Yesterday our countries leader finally did what he should have done. He took full responsibility for any governing body weather in his direct control or not SCREW UPS. i.e. Gov. Blanco & loud mouth Nagin. Who is now crying for Federal financial assistance. These two IDIOTS should have not danced around the mulberry tree letting their EGO'S get in the way of the safety and well being of thousands. President Bush just showed his character by saying ok then blame me. I am the man in charge. Any of you that have worked for large conglomerates know that it doesn't matter who down the line in "protocol" is to blame the BOSS is the one to take responsibility.

Well said!!! He is the man!!

How about if the city of N.O. is going to charge the owners of the old folks home with neglagent homacide then the federal gov. should charge the mayor of N.O. and the gov. of LA with the same. There does not seem to be a big diff. between what the people that own the home and what the mayor and gov. did.

Title: Re: Your fault President Bush???
Post by: TRX350_On_The_Rack on September 15, 2005, 09:36:02 AM
That out house pic was posted in reference to what the oil compnaies are doing to the consumer. Forget what it says on the doors thats not how it was posted/

Refering to the original pic it was taken from. Gee wiz I tell ya'  ;D

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