Title: ATV TELEVISION Post by: Magnum330 on September 11, 2005, 01:12:06 AM I was wondering if anyone watches this show it comes on the out door channel on Wed nights @ 9:30? If so what do you think about it.
This week he started a new series call the best of 2005. I see Polaris in a lot of the pic but he hardley ever says any thing about them. Mostly Honda and a couple others. I like the show but I hate it when they show all the trails in other states that people ride on and I wish it was an hour long in stead of half an hour long. Title: Re: ATV TELEVISION Post by: Numkut on September 11, 2005, 11:40:56 AM I usually watch it, just not on wens. usually reruns. That dune YFZ450 was bad. Did you see the one on the ONF? I thought it was pretty funny. They said that we had a large whoop "section".
Title: Re: ATV TELEVISION Post by: Southern4x4 on September 11, 2005, 11:42:46 AM i dont got that channle but i wish i did
Title: Re: ATV TELEVISION Post by: Chuck_Norris on September 11, 2005, 02:29:36 PM haven't seen it yet. I tried to stay awake long enough to watch 2wheel tuesdays. but trying to get up a 4:30 is tough after that.
Title: Re: ATV TELEVISION Post by: 53yfz450 on September 11, 2005, 02:53:28 PM I usually watch it, just not on wens. usually reruns. That dune YFZ450 was bad. Did you see the one on the ONF? I thought it was pretty funny. They said that we had a large whoop "section". hes talking about atv television not atv sport. atv sport tv comes on tuesdays at 5:00. Title: Re: ATV TELEVISION Post by: stump66 on September 11, 2005, 09:18:57 PM It replays on weekends I saw it saturday afternoon, forget the time
though. Good show, |